Ceremonial -TributeSpeech Assignment Sheet

Course: Communications 108 – Public Speaking

Instructor: Linda Quinones-Vaughan

Sessions:MWF and TTR Classes


This assignment requires you to center your speech on a person, group, object or event. It recognizes and celebrates accomplishments. These accomplishments often represent a symbol. The person, group, object or event must be significant and you must relate it to the audience. Speeches of tribute and inspiration work well together. While giving tribute, you will often time find yourself inspiring someone to act. Your topic should be something you want to celebrate. Attention is to be given to the use of language. Language should be expressive, colorful, elegant and clear. The speech is to be 3 to 5 minutes in length, exceeding the time limit will result in a reduction of your composition score by one full grade.


  1. You are required to do research on this project. Onepublished scholarly, credible sources must be quoted in your speech and cited in your formal outline. You are encouraged to consult more than two.
  1. Outlines are due two class dates before your assigned speech date. A formal outline will be the only outline accepted for this review. Typed outlines are required.Note: Outlines submitted after the due date will receive a full-grade reduction. The outline must include a thesis, preview, introduction, main points, summary/conclusion and transitional statements. You will be scored on internal summaries. A final formal outline, with a work cited page, is due on the day of your speech. It must be typed in 12-point size. The work cited references must be in MLA style. It is your responsibility to provide the instructor with your outline prior to giving your speech.
  1. Assigned speech dates are noted on the class syllabus. Special Note: The number you randomly drew on the first day of class corresponds with your assigned speech date. Your speech is due on the date noted on the syllabus.
  1. One creative-thoughtful, well organized and well developed visual aid is required. Note: It must be large enough for the audience to see. No chalkboard aids will be used. No 81/2 by 11, or smaller, pictures are acceptable, unless mounted on poster board. BE CREATIVE!
  1. Type of Delivery – Extemporaneous -- Do not read your speech. A podium will not be used.

Examples of the Assignment:

Examples: A speech of tribute – the celebration of the man Martin Luther King. Tribute speeches include eulogies. A speech of inspiration – it can be political, religious, commercial or social. A speech of acceptance which shows gratitude for the recognition is also acceptable.

Objectives of the Assignment:

To effectively communicate researched material that supports the celebration of an accomplishment.

To keep your audience engaged and hold their interest. Use eye contact with your audience.

To effectively use language – clarity, accuracy and effectiveness.

To apply breathing and visualization techniques to help control your public speaking apprehension.

To deliver the speech extemporaneously and with confidence.

Evaluation of Speech:

Following is a critique sheet, which will be used to help evaluate your speech. Note: Particular emphasizes will be placed on your overall presentation and delivery.

Critique Evaluation Form

Ceremonial-TributeSpeech – Fourth Assignment

Time: 3 to 5 minutes

Speaker Name & #______Student ID Number______

Date ______Topic______Time______

Points possible ____250______Points Received______Grade ______


Composition & Delivery of Introduction, Body and Conclusion45

_____ Was the specific purpose of the speech clear?

_____ Did the speaker grab the attention of the audience?

_____ Did the speech promote identification among topic, audience, and speaker?

_____ Did the introduction arouse interest?

_____ Did the introduction adequately preview the message?

_____ Could the main points of the speech be identified and comprehended?

_____ Were transitions and internal summaries used to tie the speech together effectively?

_____ Was the speech organization appropriate and used effectively?

_____ Did the conclusion help remember the speech?

Substance 25

_____ Was the topic worthwhile?

_____ Had the speaker done sufficient research?

_____ Were the main ideas supported with reliable information?

_____ Was testimony or facts used appropriately?

_____ Were examples and narratives used effectively?

Overall Presentation & Delivery120

_____ Was the language expressive, clearand direct, as well as, elegant or colorful?

_____ Was the speech presented extemporaneously?

_____ Were notes used unobtrusively?

_____ Did the speaker seem committed to the topic and present the topic enthusiastically?

_____ Did the speaker maintain good eye contact?

_____ Did gestures and body language complement ideas?

_____ Did the speaker use pauses appropriately?

_____ Were presentation aids skillfully integrated into the speech?

_____ Did the speech fulfill the specifics of assignment?

_____ Did the speech meet high ethical standards?

_____ Was the speaker’s rate and loudness appropriate to the material?

_____ Was the speaker’s presence and attire appropriate?

Formal Outline60

_____ Were grammar and pronunciations correct?

_____ Were the title, topic & specific purpose defined?

_____ Was the thesis statement clear and supported.

_____ Was the body well organized, main points easy to identify andthesis statement clear and

supported. (Include transitions and internal summaries.)

_____ Conclusion

Summary Statement – Clear and Concise/ Concluding Remarks - Memorable

_____ Works Cited – Correct MLA format
