Future Business Professionals Meeting Notes 11/06/2012


Breanna Baumann, Laura Mattson, Vicki Landers, Gena Putz, Susan Hart, Lynn Aalfs, Laura Neumann, Kristina Paehlke


·  Potluck went well, great attendance.

·  Lynn spoke to Bev B. at the Hope center in Hutchinson, we are able to begin the hat and mitten drive at any time. Phyllis brought in boxes to be decorated and set out around the college. Set up should start next week (11/06/2012).

• Vicki spoke to Ms. Struck and she will be coming to speak in November. An email has been sent out to Carol Whitman regarding use of the auditorium on November 28th for this event. Gena is taking care of putting together a shift sheet to hand out ribbons that morning before the speaker. If you are able to help, please do. It was decided that instead of a potluck for this event, we will be serving healthy snacks and water.

• Kris and Sue still have not heard back from Lisa Wagner regarding a small seminar for December. This date is tentatively set for December 12th. Also that day we will be handing out our final Secret Santa presents, and having x-mas treats that day as well.


·  Vicki will email Ms. Struck about speaking November 28th.

·  Laura Mattson and Lynn created the decorations on the boxes for the Hope Center. Posters will be around campus. The posters and boxes will be put out today November 6, 2012.

·  Lynn will ask Amy to send a mass email about the hat and mitten drive.

·  We need a volunteer to type something for the gold ribbon children cancer. Vicki Landers has the card stock paper and the ribbons.

·  We need a volunteer to let Amy know about the posters for the ribbons. We would like smaller posters and also a poster in the commons on an easel. Amy will be able to contact the media students.

·  We have Lynn, Kris, and Sue to hand out the ribbons.

·  There has been no response from Lisa Wagner; Sue will email her for follow up.

·  Amy will be sending out an email for Secret Santa. She will be putting sheets in student’s mail boxes. The sheet will have an option of yes or no if a person wants to do secret Santa. This will need to be returned to Amy’s mailbox by November 15th.