Further Oral Activity – TV3

What is it?

You need to create an oral activity, in a group of at least three students. There is no maximum, but you need to ensure that the work is evenly distributed and that each person has the same amount to say.

The oral activity you choose to do needs to be one which reflects a good understanding of Private Peaceful, both in terms of content of the story, and of the context in which the book was written/set.

Following the completion of the activity students are required to complete a reflective statement on the oral, commenting on their performance and the progress they made in achieving the aims they had set themselves.

Examples of further oral activities

Structured group discussion

• Discussion arising from materials prepared by a small group of students, for example, identifying thesocial, cultural and economic position taken by a particular text

• Class discussion where two or three students have been given special responsibilities (advancepreparation, particular topics, a short report, a provocative position)—the whole class may participate,but only those two or three students should be assessed independently

• The presentation of material lending itself to discussion within the class, for example, the offering oftwo opposing readings of a text

• Formal debate

Role play

• A dialogue between two public figures with a follow-up discussion highlighting the way meaning isconstructed

• A public figure interviewed by the student as him/herself, or in another role (for example, a fellowpolitician)

Dramatic presentation

• Writing and performing a scene concerning an issue encountered in the study of the


• Re-enacting a particular cultural or historical moment with a different focus or interpretation in mind

Oral presentation

• An introduction to a particular topic, for example, the social and cultural contexts of a text

• A commentary on the use of a particular image, idea or symbol in the book

• An account of a student’s developing response to a text

How is it assessed?

It must be your own work and it may not be written out in full and read.

Each student in the group will receive an individual mark for the further oral activity. In other words, a group mark will not be given.

Criterion A: Knowledge and understanding of the text(s) and subject matter or extract

• To what extent does the activity show knowledge and understanding of the book and subject chosenfor the oral activity?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1–2 The activity shows limited knowledge and little or no understanding of the book and thesubject chosen.

3–4 The activity shows some knowledge and understanding of the book and someawareness of the significance of the book in relation to the subject chosen.

5–6 The activity shows adequate knowledge and understanding of the book and awareness of the significance of the book in relation to the subject chosen.

7–8 The activity shows good knowledge and understanding of the book and good

awareness of the significance of the book in relation to the subject chosen.

9–10 The activity shows excellent knowledge and understanding of the book and excellentawareness of the significance of the book in relation to the subject chosen.

Criterion B: Organization

• How well organized is the oral activity?

• How coherent is the structure?

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1 Little organization is apparent; the oral activity has little structure.

2 Some organization is apparent; the oral activity has some structure.

3 The oral activity is organized; the structure is generally coherent.

4 The oral activity is well organized; the structure is mostly coherent.

5 The oral activity is effectively organized; the structure is coherent and effective.

Criterion C: Language

• How clear, varied and accurate is the language?

• How appropriate is the choice of register and style? (“Register” refers, in this context, to the student’suse of elements such as vocabulary, tone, sentence structure and idiom appropriate to the further oralactivity.)

Marks Level descriptor

0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.

1 The language is rarely clear and appropriate, with many errors in grammar and sentenceconstruction and little sense of register and style.

2 The language is sometimes clear and appropriate; grammar and sentence construction are generally accurate, although errors and inconsistencies are apparent; register and style are to some extent appropriate to the oral activity.

3 The language is mostly clear and appropriate, with an adequate degree of accuracy in grammar and sentence construction; the register and style are mostly appropriate to the oral activity.

4 The language is clear and appropriate, with a good degree of accuracy in grammar and sentence construction; register and style are effective and appropriate to the oral activity.

5 The language is very clear and entirely appropriate, with a high degree of accuracy in grammar and sentence construction; the register and style are consistently effective and appropriate to the oral activity.