Further Education Full Time
Full-Time Student (Under 18)
If you are under 18 years of age, you do not have to pay tuition or examination fees. You may also be entitled to a travel pass if you meet Education and Library Board criteria. You may be entitled to free school meals and other allowances, so it is important to contact your local Education and Library Board as soon as possible. (see Useful Contacts).
Full-time Student (Under 19 on 1 July prior to the start of your course in September)
If you are 18 years of age, but have not turned 19 on 1st July and are attending a full-time non-vocational course such as GCSE/ ‘A’ Level, you will have to pay examination fees. You may be entitled to a travel pass but you should check with your local Education and Library Board. (see Useful Contacts)
Further Education Awards (Full-time Students)
Closing date for applications is 1st September 2017 however eligible students who submit an application by 30th June 2017 will be guaranteed funding for the 2017/18 academic year. NOW CLOSED PLEASE SEE HARDSHIP FUND
Further Education Awards for those 19 years of age or over on 1st July prior to the start of your course in September are available for the academic year 2017/2018
Student Finance NI will pay the approved tuition fee charged by an institution outside Northern Ireland (i.e England, Scotland, Wales or Republic of Ireland) subject to the following maxima:
Further Education Award £930
Further Education Bursaries range in value from £2,092 down to £1402 depending on parental income. Consult with Student Finance NI regarding full criteria. For further information please contact the WELB FE Award section (see Useful Contacts)
Household Income / Amount of Grant if Living at parent’s home / Amount of Grant if living away from parent’s homeUp to £21,330 / £1,674 / £2092
£21,331 - £26,160 / £1,490 / £1,863
£26,161 - £31,580 / £1,306 / £1,633
£31,581 - £38,805 / £1,122 / £1,402
£38,806 and over / No Funding / No Funding
Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA)
The EMA scheme was introduced jointly in September 2004 to enable young people from lower income backgrounds to remain in post-compulsory education at school or college. The scheme is means tested and eligible students receive a weekly allowance of £30 per week paid fortnightly. You can qualify for EMA if:
· Your 16th, 17th, 18th or 19th birthday falls on or between 2nd July 2016 and 1st July 20117 and are continuing in full time further education from September 2017.
· Your household income is less than 20,500 or 22,500 for households with two or more students.
· You have not reached your full entitlement of EMA
Students are expected to attend regularly to trigger payments of EMA. There is also bonus of £200 available to students which will be made in two separate instalments over the academic year.
Other criteria may apply such as residency status etc. You will receive full criteria in your application pack. You will be able to obtain an application pack from your school or college once made available. You will also be able to download an application pack from www.nidirect.gov.uk
Students can only claim EMA if they are studying a Further Education Course and not a Higher Education Course.
N.B the information contained in this document is accurate as of 2nd June 2017 and could change. For the most up to date information please check with the Student Finance Office on 028 9026 5183.