Furness Primary School –PE and Sport Premium 2017-18
Funding - £9,500
Key Priority: PE –To increase opportunities for participation, for extra-curricular activities and competitive opportunitiesActions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Resources/
Cost / By who / By when / Progress / Evidence
- To increase the number of after school sport clubs offered to students.
- Increase the number of participation in clubs and competitions.
- To increase the quality of the experience offered to students in sport clubs
- To create new links with local community sports clubs.
- Improving the quality of extra-curricular sessions delivered to students will better equip our children to achieve.
- Improved physical literacy will transfer to better results in the classroom.
- Increasing links between schools and local professional clubs will guarantee a sustained development of the student and generate more good habits for life.
- Increase opportunities for competitive sport in school will improve results in outside the school competitions
- More sports equipment for break, lunch and after school clubs
- New clubs added for KS1 students
- Level 1 Tournaments
- Level 2 Tournaments
- Achievements outside school
- Initiatives – Cycling, Korfball, Chanhe4Life,
- Registers
- Data from after school clubs
- Fixtures/events
Key priority: To improve the quality of the delivery of extra-curricular clubs and curricular lesson
Actions and strategies / Impact and sustainable outcomes / Resources/
Cost / By who / By when / Progress / Evidence
- Training opportunities for staff involved in delivering sport clubs and PE lessons
- Training opportunities for classroom teachers and teaching assistants
- A high quality physical education and school sport experience will have a positive impact on young people’s physical, social and cognitive development, their well-being and level of achievement.
- New member of staff with a sports background has been employed to run clubs
- Employment - £6000
PE Portfolio and record of staff attending courses /
- Observations
- Participation rates
- Pupil discussion
- Parental survey
- Fixtures/events
Key priority: To further enrich the curriculum by making PE more accessible to everyone. To inspire children to engage in healthier lifestyles
- PE Equipment
- Teachers resource packs to help with assessment in PE
- Guest speakers
- Leadership programmes
- Children learn through using different equipment which will translate in increase their skills in different areas of development.
- By making assessment more accurate, children’s children can be offered more support on the areas they need to develop.
- To continue to inspire children by listening to the success stories of those who made it to the top of their sport.
- Indoor structural equipment
- Indoor line marking
- Guest speakers
- Leadership programmes
- Large equipment repairs
- Planning in accordance with the needs of the each class
- Sow in place
- Pupil and parents survey
- Participation rates
- Pupil discussion
- Parental survey
- Swimming data
Total £9,500