Name: / 506.05 Fundraising Policies and Procedures
Effective: / 07/23/08
Supersedes: / 12/11/03


Fundraising at JeffersonDavisCommunity College is considered to be any organized activity or instance of soliciting donations, whether they are in the form of equipment, materials, supplies, services, in-kind contributions, cash, or pledges. Fundraising is necessary for support for current projects/activities, to meet unexpected needs, and to help sustain future growth and long-term projects/activities. When approving fundraising activities, consideration will be given to supporting projects that are consistent with the mission of the College and limiting the potential diversion of funds to projects. All fundraising activities must enhance the image and visibility of the College. When a group fundraises under the College umbrella, an individual receiving the solicitation from that group does not differentiate between that request and other JDCC solicitations. We must be concerned with the content, appearance, timeliness, and accuracy of information given to our donors. Therefore, all correspondence, posters, signage, etc. must be approved prior to the activity or event.

In compliance with Alabama State Board of Education Policy 315.02, any solicitation by a college employee of a gift or contribution from an institutional vendor to the institution is prohibited. No vendor shall be chosen based on a state or implied contribution to the institution, or to any other institution of the Alabama Community College System.

  1. All fundraising activities must have the prior approval of the President or designee.
  2. The JDCC Foundation, which operates as a separate entity from the College, will continue to raise funds to support the College.
  3. The Dean of Student Affairs of the College is directly responsible for fundraising for the athletic program.
  4. Student organizations must have the prior approval of the Dean of Student Affairs for fundraising events.
  5. The President has the discretion to seek funds through other sources.
  6. Coordination of all aspects of fundraising activities is accomplished through appropriate individuals in the planning process. Fundraising activities must conform to the institution’s goals and objectives.


  1. The JDCC College Foundation annually reviews its success with regard to fundraising and appropriation of funds.
  2. The Executive Council members annually review fundraising activities to insure that these activities relate to the College mission.
  3. The Dean of Student Affairs evaluates the success of fundraising activities for athletics and student organizations annually.