Fundamentals of Soccer

Fundamentals of Soccer

Course Syllabus

Fundamentals of Soccer


Course Title: Introduction to Soccer

Instructor: Sakis Brown

Email Address:

Prerequisite: Desire for the game of soccer

Materials Needed: Plain solid-grey shirt; solid black shorts; solid black or white socks; shin guards (recommended); composite hard-cover notebook.

Class Credit: .50

Lessons/Class Info: Online - Hub

Class Overview:

To provide participants with fundamental levels of physical conditioning: core-strength; basic soccer skills; technical and tactical knowledge and ability. To learn the rules and regulations of the game. Participants will challenge themselves to improve their cardiovascular endurance, core muscle strength, fundamental soccer skills and overall game knowledge and ability through the class curriculum and activities. Participants will also learn about healthy nutrition, how to calculate and evaluate their body mass index as well as how to integrate maximum heart rate/target heart rate into their exercise routine.


To develop and enhance the skills and physical ability necessary to enjoy the benefits of soccer as a lifelong physical activity. Playing soccer is a great way to get a complete body workout. The game requires the use of all core body muscles. In addition, soccer is a great cardiovascular exercise. Healthy body=healthy mind.

Grading Scale/Class System:

The percentage for each grading category is listed below.

A / 90-100
B / 80-90
C / 70-79
D / 70-74
F / below 69

Evaluations/Class Projects (20%):

Evaluations include written tests and physical/skills tests.

Participation (70%):

All participants will receive a weekly participation grade based on their class physical performance and participation. More specifically, each participant will start each week of every grade cycle with a 100 as their weekly participation grade. It is strictly up to each student to maintain the given weekly participation grade of 100 by meeting the expectations and standards of the class on a daily basis. Students can lose points from their weekly 100 participation points by:

 Not dressing out: -15 points. (-30 points on physical conditioning days, or skill evaluation days). Only doctor notes can excuse a student from not dressing out without any prior communication with the class instructor. Students/parents are encouraged to communicate with the class instructor via email in advance (before 8:00 am the day of) if there is an issue that would prevent the student from dressing out and/or participate in class activities. Unexcused non-dressers will walk around the track during class. Sitting allowed.

Being absent from class/ISS/Suspension: -10 points after the 1st class absence per six-week cycle; -15 points after the 2nd class absence per six-week cycle.

Not wearing the proper class uniform: -5 points; -10 points after the 2nd time per six-week cycle. In this case, participants will run 2 laps prior to joining the daily class activity; 4 laps after the 2nd time per six-week cycle.

Cursing; not following game rules/teacher’s instructions; lack of effort during class activity/tardy for attendance:-15 points. In this case, participants will be dismissed from the daily class activity – will walk around the track.

Homework/Quizzes (10%):

The maximum earned grade for any late homework assignment is 50. Students have 48 hours upon their return from an absence to make up homework/quizzes.

Classroom Rules:

Respect for others and play fair at all times. / Keep cell phones turned off and out of sight during instructional time at all times. / Excused passes will not be given by the coach. You will have seven (7) minutes to change back into your school clothes and be out of the locker room before the bell rings for the next class.
Always follow directions and listen to the coach. / No cursing or bullying others. Be respectful to all at all times. / Be a good teammate. Carry a positive attitude and body language at all times.
Be seated in your attendance spot within five (5) minutes after the tardy bell rings. Timer will start immediately after tardy bell rings. / Be supportive when practicing/playing in groups / Do not bring large amounts of cash or expensive jewelry to class.
Be prepared and motivated to learn and get better in every aspect of the game.
/ Keep your hands to yourself. / Keep our areas/locker room clean. Respect your school property.
No dirty play is allowed- ever. / Shin guards are strongly recommended. / Neither the class instructor or school is responsible for any stolen, damaged or missing student belongings at any time for any reason.

Student Name: ______Student Signature of acknowledgement: ______

Student Cell number: ______Student email address: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______Parent/Guardian Signature of acknowledgement:______

Parent/Guardian Cell number: ______Parent/Guardian email address: ______