8 Gascoigne Road Kowloon
Tel:(852) 2332 5523 Direct Line:(852) 2359 6850 Fax:(852) 2771 1103
Web Site:
Leung Sing Tak Sea Activity Training Centre Booking FormPlease specify ’ as appropriate□Member, Uniformed Groups□Schools, NGOs(attach section 88 of Inland Revenue Ordinance), NSA, Government Depts. □Non-Member
Applicant’s Name / Name of Organization / Unit No. (School Name)
Contact Tel No / Mobile No / Fax No / E-mail
Name of the Event / Purpose of Booking
□Group Training □Fun Day □Gathering
□Others, pleasespecific:______
Type of Camp / Arrival Date / Arrival
Time / Departure Date / Departure Time / No of Users
Age / Total No of Users
1-14 / 15-24 / 25-39 / 40-59 / 60+
□Day Camp
□Evening Camp
□Residential Camp
Booking Venus:□Activity Room□Barbecue Area
HKGGA reserves the final decision to allocate the venue
□CanoeNumber of Single Canoes: ______Number of Double Canoes: ______Coach Canoes : ______
No. of participant:Age 8-13 ______14+______
Coach:□Arranged by user (please attach the copy of Coach Certificate)□Arranged by HKGGA______person
*Coach and participants ratio is 1:6 (Age 8-13)1:8 (Age 14+)
□RaftingRafting Equipment: ______setCoach Canoes : ______
Coach:□Arranged by user (please attach the copy of Coach Certificate)□Arranged by HKGGA______person
*Coach and participants ratio is 1:10
*Each participant need to complete and return the disclaimer form and must follow the Rules & Regulations of the sea activity details can be referred to HKGGA website.
□Recreation Equipment Rental (need to be booked separately)
REMARKS 1. The personal data provided by the Applicant will only be used for booking purpose. 2. Applicant must reach the age of 21 or overor have the HONG KONG GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION recognized valid qualification holder and hold valid Hong Kong identity card. 3. Applicant need to return the duly signed application form within 7 days after reserving the camp date with Campsites and Property Department by phone, and all payment must be settled within 21 days after returning the application form. Bookings will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment.
NOTICE ON PERSONAL DATA POLICY The personal data provided will be used for the relevant activity. The HKGGA can provide the personal data to anybody for the purpose of the operation of the activity or any other purposes that need the data.
DECLARATION I will ensure that all users are fully aware of and will observe the camp rules. I also understand that we may be required to share the campsite facilities with another group and accept this as the condition of booking.
Applicant’s Signature / Date / Organization/Company Chop
Application No. / □Internal Use (Cost Centre )
□Funded ( )
Date of Payment
Invoice No.
Receipt No / Signature for Approval of Internal Charge