Job Number @

Functional Specification Template

C7523 - Preliminary Design


Document title, Transport and Main Roads, Month Year

Consultants for Engineering Projects, Transport and Main Roads, August 2015




1.2Purpose of the Preliminary Design stage

1.3Scope of the Preliminary Design stage

2Summary of design/work elements in the Contract (Preliminary Design stage)

2.1Liaison with the Principal (Item No. PD01)

2.2Consultant’s Internal Project Management (Item No. PD02)

2.3Environmental Management (Item No. PD03)


2.3.2Environment and cultural heritage management process

2.3.3Review of Environmental Factors (REF) (high environmental risk projects only)

2.3.4Environmental Management Plan (Planning) (EMP(P))

2.3.5Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) [for medium environmental risk projects]

2.3.6Concept Erosion and Sediment Control Plan [Concept ESCP]

2.3.7Consultation with other government departments

2.3.8Consultation with local interest groups

2.3.9Cultural heritage field assessment

2.3.10Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP)

2.3.11Preparation of Environmental Design Report (EDR)

2.3.12Prepare, submit and obtain legislative approvals and offsets

2.3.13Noise assessment

2.3.14Environmental Management Plan (Site Investigations) (EMP(SI))

2.3.15Incorporate EDR into design

2.3.16Advice to the Project Manager


2.4Public Consultation (Item No. PD04 & PD05)

2.4.1Consultation Planner

2.4.2Aims of public consultation

2.4.3Consultant's performance

2.4.4Toll free phone

2.4.5Consultation with contiguous property owners and lessees

2.4.6Consultation with Traditional Owners

2.4.7Project stages

2.4.8Queensland Rail




2.5Traffic Counting and Analysis (Item No. PD06)

2.5.1Traffic analysis

2.5.2Traffic report


2.6Property Access (Item No. PD07)

2.6.1Property owners

2.6.2Existing accesses and consultation with property owners and lessees concerning access

2.6.3Existing access limitation

2.6.4New central median

2.6.5Advice to Project Manager

2.6.6Consultation with property owners and lessees concerning access

2.6.7Property Access Report


2.7Hydraulic Analysis (Item No. PD08)

2.7.1Bridge or structure



2.8Structural Assessment (Item No. PD09)

2.8.1Structural assessment reporting


2.9Progressing Preferred Option Layouts (Item No. PD10)

2.9.1Reviewing the Business Case

2.9.2Conduct a Detailed Options Analysis

2.9.3Preliminary Design layouts

2.9.4Service roads

2.9.5Resumption requirements


2.9.7Electronic planning model

2.9.8Constructability review

2.10Public Utility Plant (PUP) (Item No. PD11)


2.11Geotechnical Investigation (Item No. PD12)


2.12Geotechnical Analysis and Report (Item No. PD13)


2.13Pavement Design Report (Item No. PD14)

2.13.1Pavement design


2.14Risk Mitigation and Record (Item No. PD15)

2.14.1Detailed risk identification

2.14.2Detailed assessment of impact

2.14.3Risk response options

2.14.4Risk Management Plan


2.15Local government involvement


2.15.2Project Manager's evaluation

2.15.3Preparation of submission to local government

2.15.4Negotiations with local government

2.15.5Contract document requirements


2.16Information Technologies (Item No PD16)



2.17Preliminary Estimate of Cost (Item No. PD17)

2.17.1Principal's materials/works


2.17.3Planning Report


2.18Calculation of BCR (Item No. PD18)

2.19Road Safety Audit (Preliminary Design stage) (Item No. PD19)

2.20Disability discrimination audit

2.21Project Plan (Item No. PD20)

2.22Project Proposal Report (PPR) (Item No. PD21) (if ordered)

2.23Planning Report (Item No. PD22)

2.23.1Planning Report

2.23.2Electronic planning model

2.24Bridge Foundation Report (Item No. PD23)

2.25Bridge Planning Report (Item No. PD24)

2.25.1Provision for pedestrians/bicycles

2.25.2Queensland Rail


2.26Additional Preliminary Design Requirements (Item No. PD25) (if ordered)


Consultants for Engineering Projects, Transport and Main Roads, August 20151

C7523 Functional Specification Template – Preliminary Design



The most common definitions/abbreviation/acronyms that relate to the delivery of road infrastructure projects are contained in the various relevant Department of Transport and Main Roads (the department) manuals[1], such as:

  • Preconstruction Processes Manual
  • Road Planning and Design Manual
  • Drafting and Design Presentation Standards
  • Road Drainage Manual
  • Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
  • Standard Drawings
  • Specifications Manual
  • Environmental Processes Manual
  • Cultural Heritage Process Manual
  • Road Traffic Air Quality Management Manual
  • Transport Noise Management Code of Practice
  • Transport Infrastructure Project Delivery System, and
  • Project Cost Estimating Manual.

In addition, throughout the Functional Specifications the following are used:

Terms, abbreviations and acronyms / Meaning
ASD / Approach Sight Distance
BC / Business Case
BCR / Benefit Cost Ratio
CBR / California Bearing Ratio
CH / Cultural Heritage
CHMA / Cultural Heritage Management Agreement
CHMP / Cultural Heritage Management Plan
CHRA / Cultural Heritage Risk Assessment
CMP / Compliance Management Plan
Consultant / Concept and or Development phase Consultant (this Contract)
Contract Administrator / Department Administrator, as referred as Administrator in a typical Construct Only Contract
Contractor / Construction Contractor
DBYD / Dial Before You Dig
DCP / Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
DD / Detailed Design stage
Department / Department of Transport and Main Roads
EAR / Environmental Assessment Report
EDR / Environmental Design Report
EMP(C) / Environmental Management Plan (Construction)
EMP(P) / Environmental Management Plan (Planning)
EMP(SI) / Environmental Management Plan (Site Investigations)
EPM / Environmental Processes Manual
ESD / Entering Sight Distance
ESR / Environmental Scoping Report
GIS / Geographic Information System
HADR / Hydraulic Analysis and Design Report
IAS / Impact Assessment Study
MGSD / Minimum Gap Sight Distance
NT / Native Title
OA / Options Analysis stage (also referred as Preliminary Evaluation stage)
PD / Preliminary Design stage
Principal / The State of Queensland acting through the Department of Transport and Main Roads
Project Manager / Department Project Manager
PUP / Public Utility Plant
RDM / Road Drainage Manual
REF / Review of Environmental Factors
ROW / Right of Way
RPDM / Road Planning and Design Manual
SEO / Senior Environment Officer
SISD / Safe Intersection Sight Distance
TRACS / Traffic Responsive Adaptive Control System

1.2Purpose of the Preliminary Design stage

The Preliminary Design stage:

  • finalises the technical solution developed during the Business Case
  • finalises the resumption requirements and resumption documentation
  • finalises the limited access requirements and documentation (e.g. for greenfield sites)
  • reviews the Business Case compiled during the Concept phase, and
  • rejustifies the project.

1.3Scope of the Preliminary Design stage

The Preliminary Design is about the following activities:

  • fine-tuning the horizontal and vertical alignments
  • pavement design
  • bridge fixing and design
  • design of other structures
  • longitudinal and cross drainage
  • landscape design
  • concept Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP)
  • design of environment and cultural heritage mitigation measures including fauna fencing, fauna crossings, noise fences and other mitigation measures
  • establishing ROW requirements
  • establishing limited access requirements
  • construction specifications
  • design of items to the extent necessary to achieve the required accuracy for estimating
  • Preliminary Design cost estimate
  • obtaining necessary approvals
  • preparation of the Planning Report, and
  • draftproject plan for implementation phase.

At the end of this stage there should be no further pure design activities required. The Detailed Design stage that follows completes the documentation so the construction tender Contract can be called, assessed and let.

The completed design must be for works which will:

  • accommodate predicted road user types and volumes
  • reduce traffic congestion
  • improve amenity, including access
  • improve or maximise flood immunity
  • provide a comfortable ride for road users
  • incorporate the requirements of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
  • minimise or reduce nuisance to contiguous land owners
  • be aesthetically pleasing
  • complement existing land use
  • incorporate innovative techniques and solutions where practicable
  • reflect the purpose of the Works defined in the Business Case and the Invitation for Offer
  • reflect the governments' policies
  • meet legislative requirements
  • meet the department’s standards
  • maintain an optimum balance of total construction and maintenance costs to quality
  • produce clear, easily understood documents that will enable construction of the works to proceed smoothly with minimum supervision costs
  • protect the Principal's interests, particularly with regard to:

environmental management

safety including construction safety, and

claims escalation due to latent conditions, variations, delay and so on.

@ Type herefor a National Highway project the design shall also reflect the relevant standards and guidelines as required by Australian Government’s Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development[2].

2Summary of design/work elements in the Contract (Preliminary Design stage)

Project Manager: the extent of work needed (if any) under each item is determined based on the level of detail carried out during the Concept phase. This stage should complete the major design componentswith only minor designdetailing (plan work) and finalising the documents to follow as part of the Detailed Design stage.

2.1Liaison with the Principal (Item No. PD01)

This item shall be limited to the prestart conference, meetings and all liaison with the Principal and its Project Manager including issue of minutes. Each meeting shall be attended by at least the Consultant's Project Director and Project Manager.

2.2Consultant’s Internal Project Management (Item No. PD02)

This item shall be limited to the Consultant’s Internal Project Management including quality control, administration, non-project deliverables (such as printing reports), and so on.

2.3Environmental Management (Item No. PD03)

Project Manager: this item will need careful consideration. It is highly recommended that the department Environmental Officer and Cultural Heritage Officer for the project is consulted to gain an understanding of the relative importance of environment and cultural heritage management to the successful delivery of the design. Delete/modify the relevant clauses below as applicable (including the situation heading).
For high environmental risk projects, a REF and EMP(P) may have already been developed. In which case they should be reviewed and updated if required.
For medium environmental risk projects, an EAR shall be undertaken during the Preliminary Design.
The EDR should be completed for all medium and high environmental risk projects during Preliminary Design. (IE the designer to respond to requirements and project manager to sign off that they are happy with designer response to environmental recommendations).


Works undertaken by the Consultant shall be undertaken in accordance with the department’s current versions of the Environmental Processes Manual and Cultural Heritage Process Manual[3].

Prior to Preliminary Design, the following environment and cultural heritage processes and documentation have been completed:

[delete those not applicable or add additional]

  • @ Type here Environmental Scoping Report (ESR)
  • @ Type here Cultural Heritage Risk Assessment (CHRA)
  • @ Type here Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) [medium risk projects]
  • @ Type here Review of Environmental Factors (REF) [high risk projects]
  • @ Type here Environmental Management Plan (Planning) (EMP(P))
  • @ Type here Concept Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
  • @ Type here Draft Environmental Design Report.

The Consultant shall ensure there are familiar with the existing environment and cultural heritage documentation relating to the project. The Consultant is advised to review any previous environmental and related reports produced during the previous related projects.

2.3.2Environment and cultural heritage management process

The environmental management process involved in the Preliminary Design phase is:

Review previous studies to ensure adequacy.

If detailed assessment (REF) has been completed during Business Case, proceed with addressing environment and cultural heritage constraints and opportunities identified in the report through design.

If detailed assessment was not undertaken during Business Case, undertake suitable detailed assessment based on the risk and uncertainty associated with the project. Then proceed with addressing environment and cultural heritage constraints and opportunities identified in the report through design and Contract documentation.

Undertake any additional environmental assessments as required.

Where required, undertake cultural heritage field assessment.

Where required, develop Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) for the project.

Review the environmental legislation requirements and update as necessary based on changes to legislation or scope of works.

Prepare applications for necessary environmental and cultural heritage approvals and submit to administering authority, and

Complete an Environmental Design Report (EDR) to state how the recommended environmental mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design.

Project Manager: depending on what is selected in Clause2.3.1select relevant outputs.

The outputs of the Preliminary Design environmental management item are:

  • for medium risk projects – an Environmental Assessment Report (EAR)
  • for high risk projects - a Review of Environmental Factors (REF) if not completed during Business Case
  • for high risk projects - an Environmental Management Plan (Planning) (EMP(P)) if not completed during Business Case
  • Environmental Design Report (EDR)
  • Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) (if applicable)
  • Cultural Heritage Management Agreement (CHMA) (if applicable)
  • necessary environmental approvals.

2.3.3Review of Environmental Factors (REF) (high environmental risk projects only)

Project Manager: delete/modify the relevant clauses below as applicable (including the situation heading).

Situation1: No previous environmental assessment has been completed for the project. Project classified as high environmental risk. A REF and EMP(P) is required.

No previous environment or cultural heritage assessment has been undertaken for the project. In the absence of an ESR and environmental risk classification, the Principal has determined that a REF and EMP(P) is required due to the projects associated environment and cultural heritage risks. The Consultant shall prepare a REF in accordance with the Environmental Processes Manual and this Functional Specification. The REF shall also address all issues not fully addressed in the ESR in accordance with the Environmental Processes Manual.

The purpose of the REF is to:

1)identify and assess existing environmental values within the footprint and impact area of the project

2)assess the potential impacts of the project on these values during the Construction phase of the project and the ongoing operation of the road section after construction

3)assess the potential impacts or constraints on the project from the existing environment, and

4)consider applicable legislative requirements and potential approval requirements triggered by the works.

The Annexure to this Functional Specification outlines the level of assessment required for each environmental factor. The department Terms of Reference for environmental assessment stipulates the assessments and studies required as part of the REF.

The REF shall be specific, describing features by road distance from a fixed, readily identified location or landmark nominated in the district's traffic census. Where possible the REF shall describe flora, fauna, habitats, and so on in both technical and non-technical terms. The REF shall use terminology that is readily understandable by the target audience which includes environmental experts, engineers, road designers, road construction Contractor's employees, maintenance Contractor's employees and the general public.

The REF shall consider impacts on and influences of the environment and cultural heritage values on the footprint of the project as well as areas likely to be utilised for construction (for example: sidetracks, stockpile sites, sediment basins and other relevant environmental parameters) and impacted upon by the project.

In completing the REF the Consultant is expected to undertake the necessary field assessments and studies. The most appropriate extent of field assessments and studies should be considered on a risk basis. The methodology utilised for undertaking the various desktop and field assessments for the environmental factors shall be based on the current industry-standard, environmental legislation and databases and mapping available at the time of the assessment. The methodology shall be documented in an Annexure to the REF.

Situation2: ESR and/or assessments have been completed however require review and update due to incomplete assessment, scope change, new information and/or legislation amendments since the assessment report was compiled.

Review and update previous environmental assessment and management reports

Environmental and cultural heritage assessments have been completed during previous phases of this project. However the Principal has identified that the assessments require review and update due to project scope change, new project information and/or possible legislation amendments that may affect the project occurring since the assessments were completed.

The Consultant shall review the previous environment and cultural heritage assessment and management reports to ensure the reports comprehensively address environment and cultural heritage risks. The Consultant shall provide the Principal with a comprehensive list of additional issues to be assessed and considered as part of an update to the environment and cultural heritage assessment document.

The additional requirements to complete the REF, EMP(P) and EDR (if completed) shall be forwarded to the Project Manager by the date specified in the Contract Program referred to in Clause6.2.3 of Supplementary Conditions of Contract – Prequalified Consultants (FormC7554).

The REF shall incorporate the scope and structure stipulated in the Annexure of this Functional Specification. The REF shall be specific, describing features by road distance from a fixed, readily identified location or landmark nominated in the district's traffic census. The REF shall use terminology that is readily understandable by the target audience which includes environmental experts, engineers, road designers, road construction Contractor's employees, maintenance Contractor's employees and the general public.

The REF shall consider impacts on and influences of the environment and cultural heritage values on the footprint of the project as well as areas likely to be utilised for construction (for example: sidetracks, stockpile sites, sediment basins and so on ) and impacted upon by the project.

In completing the REF the Consultant is expected to undertake the necessary field assessments and studies. The most appropriate extent of field assessments and studies should be considered on a risk basis. The methodology utilised for undertaking the various desktop and field assessments for the environmental factors shall be based on the current industry-standard, environmental legislation and databases and mapping available at the time of the assessment. The methodology shall be documented in an Annexure to the REF. of REF

The Consultant shall provide a draft of the REF to the Principal for review prior to finalisation. At least 10business days shall be allowed for department officers to undertake a review of EMP(P) in the Consultants program. The department Environmental Officer may meet with the Consultant to request amendments to the documents.

The Consultant shall update the REF in accordance with department advice and submit the final documentation to the Project Manager.