Application Template: Room and Equipment Reservations

Description of Template

The Room and Equipment Reservations application template for Microsoft® Windows® SharePoint® Services 3.0 helps teams organize the use of their shared resources. The template tracks room and equipment reservations, helping team members find times when specific types of equipment are available. It streamlines the process of requesting a reservation on a resource and organizes each team member’s reservations through a central dashboard.

The Room and Equipment Reservations template operates independently from Microsoft Exchange Server and is best utilized within workgroups that have frequently updated lists of equipment and need to manage the availability of that equipment across a set group.

Sample Activities Performed in this Application Template

The following examples show the various ways Microsoft anticipates this template will be utilized in a typical organization. If you wish to add additional features, please ask your IT provider to research Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007.

Jim needs to use the autoclave to sanitize his Petri dishes. Unfortunately, his lab only has one autoclave and it’s often in use. Rather than go down the hall to check and see if it’s available every few minutes, Graham wants to use his lab’s SharePoint site to check for the next time the autoclave is available and reserve it. He logs onto the system and tries to reserve the equipment for 1:00 PM today. The Room and Equipment Reservations system tells him that the equipment is not available at 1:00 PM. Jim uses the system’s search functionality to find the next available time. He sees that the autoclave is available anytime after 3:00 PM. He reserves the equipment and plans his day around his appointment.

Kim wants to hold a meeting. Her office is too small for the number of people she’s going to invite, so she needs to use a conference room instead. She wants to check the availability of all of the company’s conference rooms during the time of the meeting, decide which one of the available rooms she would like to use, and reserve it for that time period. She visits the Room and Equipment Reservations site, navigates to the list of resources and sees that there are three conference rooms listed. Using the systems reservation tool, she checks the availability of each and settles on the Library Conference room at 1:00 PM, which she successfully reserves.

About Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is technology in Windows Server® that offers an integrated portfolio of collaboration and communication services designed to connect people, information, processes and systems both within and beyond the organizational firewall. Now available at no additional charge, the technology provides a platform for developing Web-based business applications. Application Templates provide out-of-the-box scenarios to address the needs of specific business processes.

More Information

For more information on the technologies described in this article, please visit:

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0:

Application Templates for Windows SharePoint Services:

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