Threshold: count 5; EASE 0.01
Category / Term / Count / % / p Value / Fold
Enrichment / Bonferroni / Benjamini
GENETIC_ASSOCIATION_DB_DISEASE_CLASS / IMMUNE / 48 / 14.5 / 2.24E-05 / 1.73 / 4.03E-04 / 4.03E-04
INFECTION / 22 / 6.7 / 0.001069 / 2.13 / 0.0191 / 0.009581
REPRODUCTION / 19 / 5.8 / 0.001635 / 2.23 / 0.0290 / 0.009767
Functional annotation chart - functional categories
Threshold: count 5; EASE 0.04
Category / Term / Count / % / p Value / Fold Enrichment / Bonferroni / Benjamini
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / Secreted / 62 / 18.8 / 8.84E-09 / 2.172555 / 3.39E-06 / 1.69E-06
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / cytokine / 16 / 4.8 / 4.50E-07 / 5.231789 / 1.72E-04 / 5.74E-05
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / inflammatory response / 10 / 3.0 / 5.77E-06 / 7.686314 / 0.00221 / 3.68E-04
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / Antiviral defense / 7 / 2.1 / 6.07E-04 / 6.682134 / 0.20738 / 0.02863
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / heparin-binding / 7 / 2.1 / 7.81E-04 / 6.373728 / 0.25874 / 0.03272
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / cell adhesion / 18 / 5.5 / 8.68E-04 / 2.524462 / 0.28284 / 0.0327
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / protease inhibitor / 8 / 2.4 / 0.002234 / 4.425018 / 0.57536 / 0.07491
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / cleavage on pair of basic residues / 12 / 3.6 / 0.006455 / 2.620721 / 0.91626 / 0.16235
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / chemotaxis / 6 / 1.8 / 0.007328 / 4.932051 / 0.94022 / 0.17122
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / calcium binding / 7 / 2.1 / 0.007961 / 4.022255 / 0.95316 / 0.17413
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / Serine protease inhibitor / 6 / 1.8 / 0.0113 / 4.438846 / 0.98713 / 0.19557
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / egf-like domain / 10 / 3.0 / 0.016313 / 2.573244 / 0.99816 / 0.25916
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / extracellular matrix / 10 / 3.0 / 0.021372 / 2.455793 / 0.99974 / 0.30215
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / growth factor / 7 / 2.1 / 0.02365 / 3.162537 / 0.9999 / 0.30696
SP_PIR_KEYWORDS / immune response / 9 / 2.7 / 0.036431 / 2.377953 / 1 / 0.39808
Supplementary Table S3: Functional annotation charts for EGR3-regulated genes; disease class and functional categories. Terms specifically related to inflammation processes are indicated in red, whereas terms related to other modifiers of the microenvironment (but not excluding inflammation) are indicated in blue.