Fun, Friends, and Faith
February 11, 2015
Our theme for this week was Valentine’s Day. We read The Story of Valentine’s Day and Let’s Show God’s Love on Valentine’s Day. We made some great Valentine’s Day crafts, including our very own card bag. We loved getting cards from all of our friends. We also had fun singing songs about love and frosting/decorating our very own Valentine cookies. Yummy!
In Jesus timewe talked about Jesus teaching about the birds and the flowers. Jesus loves and cares for us and provides for all our needs, just as He does for birds, flowers, and other animals. We can thank Him every day for His love. No matter how many different kinds of flowers, birds, or people there are, God the Father loves each and every one just the same.
Next session of FFF will be beginning on Wednesday, March 4th. You DO NOT need to fill out another registration form. Due to later birthdays, this final session has the potential to fill up fast. If you know anyone who would like to join our class, please let Mrs. DeMarsh know.
Next week…. Community helpers and Jesus stops the storm. Next week, February 18th will be our last week for this session. The third and final session of this school year will begin on Wednesday, March 4th.
PTLbook fair will be this week, February 9-13 in the Preschool Hallway. Books will be available to purchase during pick up times and our school earns a percentage of books sold. A bigger variety of books are available at the ‘big school.’
SCHOOL offices will be closed next Monday, February 16th in honor of President’s Day.
Registration is still open for the 2014-2015 school year. If you have any questions regarding our PK3 program, please feel free to ask me. Tours are also available through Julia Heinz, our admissions director. Please contact her if you have any questions at .
A few dates to remember….Spring Break is the week of March 23rd- 29th. No FFF class on March 25th. Easter break begins Good Friday, 4/3. School offices closed Easter Monday, 4/6.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach me at 847-428-1010 ext. 236 or through email at . Also, please check out our website at
Blessings on your week!
Mrs. DeMarsh