DANC 491 / THEA 492


Independent Study is designed to give students the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty mentor on a topic chosen in consultation with the instructor. Study can be in an area in which a course is not offered, it can expand on a subject begun in another course by studying it in more detail, or it can complete a creative project that builds on theoretical knowledge. Students usually complete a 4.0 credit hour research paper that is expected to demonstrate significant, in-depth study, research, application, or analysis. To be approved, the project must be dance or theatre in nature, well-designed, and include a written component.

Prerequisite: Signed proposal and permission of instructor and department chair prior one semester in advance during program planning.


·  Select a topic for investigation and prepare a proposal with the advice of a faculty mentor. Familiarity and work with the topic are recommended.

·  Type and complete the cover sheet and proposal form; handwritten will not be accepted.

·  Submit signed sheet and form to department chair for approval and permission.

·  Deadline one semester in advance during program planning.


Independent Study Approval Form

Semester / Faculty Mentor (print)
Student name (print) / Course Number and Section
Student ID number / Credits

As Department Chair, I certify

I have reviewed the student work plan for this course and certify it meets COMAR and credit hour requirements.

I agree to the student work plan credit hours.

I approve the student work plan for this course.

I will retain the work plan in the department files.

Registration forms (add slips, overload forms, etc.) are attached to, OR

The student is already registered for course (No add slip attached).

Dr. Victoria V. Hutchinson
Department Chair (print) / Date
Department Chair (signature) / Date

Department of Theatre and Dance

Independent Study Proposal Form

Student Information
Semester and Year
Number of Credit Hours
GullNet ID
GroupWise Email Address
Phone Number
Student (signature) / Date
Independent Study Proposal
Brief Description
List and describe all assignments, and include a percentage value for each.
Provide a calendar outline and list all assignment due dates. For semester begin and end dates, go to http://www.salisbury.edu/academic/minicalendar.html
Required Approvals
Faculty Supervisor (signature) / Date
Department Chair (signature) / Date
Permission Number / Date