Fall 2006

Instructor: Dr. Tracey Magrann

Class Hours: Wednesday: 10:30 AM to 1:20 PM

Office Hours: None


Website: http://staffwww.fullcoll.edu/tmagrann

Required Text: Human Biology Laboratory Manuel, 9th ed., by Sylvia Mader

You will also need to purchase a dissecting kit from the bookstore.

Course Objective: This is a 1 unit introductory biology lab for non-biology majors. You must have already taken, or are currently enrolled in Human Biology 102 lecture. Prior knowledge of biology or chemistry is not required to successfully complete this class.

This lab will present basic biological principles from a human perspective. Hopefully this course will help you make sound decisions for the health of you and your family, and the world in which we live.

Evaluation: There are two lab exams valued at 100 points each. There will be no make-up exams. Attendance is mandatory, and will be recorded by the instructor’s signature on your lab notebook at the end of each lab period. After each lab, go home and complete the questions in the lab manual and bring them in the following week. Each of these lab reports is worth 20 points, and must have my signature on the top page, indicating that you attended lab. For each day that the lab report is late, 5 points will be deducted. Missed labs will count as 20 points lost, so there is no sense in filling out a lab report for a day you are not here.

Grading: Your grade will be based on the following scale:

A 100-90%, B 89-80%, C 79-65%, D 64-50%, F 49-0


Attendance: The Fullerton College policy on attendance is in print in the college catalog. It states that the instructor may drop you if you miss class as many times as it meets during one week (1 time). Please notify me if you cannot make it to class.

Classroom Behavior: The following are some of my expectations of student behavior.

·  Arrive to class on time.

·  Turn in homework at the beginning of class.

·  Do not work on homework during class unless instructed to do so.

·  If you have to leave early, let me know before class what time you will have to leave.

·  Listen quietly and refrain from talking while the instructor is talking or while another student is talking to the class.

·  Turn off the sound on all electronic devices before coming to class.

·  Use the restroom before and after class. If you must leave, don’t ask for permission. Close the door behind you quietly as you leave and again as you return.

Participation: Come to class prepared. Read assignments before class. I encourage you to ask questions. Discussion of appropriate subject matter is beneficial and creates a good learning environment. Come to class with an open mind and a good attitude.

Academic Honesty: Fullerton College’s policy on academic honesty is described in detail in the college catalog. Cheating on an assignment, including plagiarism, results in failure of that assignment. A second act of cheating including, plagiarism, results in failure of the course. Cheating includes but is not limited to the following.

·  Using someone else’s work as your own.

·  Using unauthorized materials during exams.

·  Receiving or knowingly supplying unauthorized information during exams or quizzes. (Copying)

·  Changing an answer after work has been graded and presenting it as improperly graded.

ADA Statement: Pursuant to the American Disabilities Act, any student with an identified disability is eligible to be registered with the Disabled Students/Learning Resource Services Program. If you are a disabled student and you have need of special services, it is your responsibility to alert your instructor.

Student Wait If your instructor does not arrive at the scheduled start time for class,

Policy students are to remain in class for fifteen minutes (unless otherwise notified by the division). If the students do not receive notification to wait for their instructor to arrive, students may leave after fifteen minutes with no penalty for absence or assigned work due for that class meeting.

Class Withdrawal: You are ultimately responsible for withdrawing from the course. Just because you stop attending class doesn’t mean that your instructor will automatically drop you from the class. The last day to withdraw from a class this semester is in November (check exact date with administration).


WEDNESDAY LAB 10:30 AM – 1:20 PM

FALL 2006

Aug 23 / Lab Safety / Scientific Method / 1
Aug 30 / Measurement/Microscope / 2
Sep 6 / Tissues / 5
Sep 13 / Cell Structure and Function / F
Sep 20 / Digestion / D
Sep 27 / Mitosis and Meiosis / 16
Oct 4 / Genetics and Reproduction / 17
Oct 11 / DNA / Protein Synthesis / 18, G4-7
Oct 18 / EXAM 1 / Skeletal System / 13
Oct 25 / Muscular system / 13
Nov 1 / Cardiovascular System / 7 and 8
Nov 8 / Nervous System and Senses / 14
Nov 15 / Fitness and Energy / 10
Nov 22 / Dissection / 6, 11
Nov 29 / Dissection / 6, 11
Dec 6 / Human Evolution / 21
Dec 13 / EXAM 2