Application for Library Volunteer
Full Name: Preferred Name:
Address: City: State: Zip:
Home Phone: Cell Phone:
E-mail: Birth Date: / /
(must be over 18 years old)
Volunteer positions require a background check. Are you willing to do this? Yes ______No______
Have you ever been employed by the district? Yes______No______If yes, dates:______
Day(s) & hours I canvolunteer (Ex: Mon 2-5pm, Thur 9-11am)
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat
The St. Charles City-County Library District has twelve branch locations and one General Administration Office. Please indicate which location you would prefer:
1st request 2nd request 3rd request ______
kl – kathryn linnemann branch mk – middendorf kredell branchsp – spencer road branch
my – mcclay road branchkr – kisker road branchcp – corporate parkway branch
dr – deer run branchwh – winghaven branchde – discovery village branch
nc – north county branchsc – south county branchbt – boone’s trail branch
ga – general administration
I am fulfilling community service requirements for: School Scouts Church ______
Total hours needed to fulfill requirement: Date hours must be completed: / /
Please attach the requirements for your community service.
The St. Charles City-County Library District has a variety of volunteer opportunities for a wide range of skills and abilities. Some of the positions and tasks that may be assigned to volunteers are listed below. Please check 3 areas in which you may be interested in assisting:
General Library Volunteer
- Organizing magazines and periodicals
- Straightening, organizing and cleaning within the library
- Materials preparation (cutting, stamping, etc)
- Preparing mailings
- Create library displays
- Assist in planning and/or working at special events
- Summer Reading program registrations
Ready to Read Volunteer
Mini-Library Manager
Books to You Book Discussion Leader
Books to You Home Visit Specialist
Please check any of the skills, abilities or interests below that are applicable to you:
- Previous library work (Location: ______)
- Foreign language skills (List languages: ______)
- Special events (type of event/responsibilities: ______)
- Marketing, writing, promotions (type of experience: ______)
- Art skills, graphic design, other: ______)
- Experience leading book discussions
- Data processing/computer work
I hereby certify that the information on the above application is true and complete. My signature authorizes the St. Charles City-County Library District to verify any of the information on this application and to complete a criminal background check. I understand that information contained on my application will be verified and that misrepresentations or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant or my termination as a volunteer.
Applicant Signature: Date: / /
Worker Reg Background
Date App Rec’d: Sent to HR: Check Cleared:
Vol Location: Start Date: updated 9/10/13