CityWest Homes
137 Lupus Street
LondonSW1V 3HE
Tel: / 020 7245 2534
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Date: / 31 March 2015
Re: Major works (contract S164) – Church Street site 1 and 2
Some residents have advised that they did not receive the invite to the meet the contractor drop-in. I am sorry about this, the letters did get sent out first class. I can assure you that the next time we invite you to a meeting we will also put up posters on the notice boards.
Please find attached a copy of the letter along with the meet the contractor flyer and programme of works.
20 residents attended the drop-in (4 from site 1 and 16 from site 2) and I have attached a list of the questions and our responses.
As part of these major works you will have a choice of colour for the internal walls and a choice of flooring finishes.
We are going to paint samples of the colours on the wall in the main entrance to Windrush and Wytham House. We will also carry out a sample of concrete repairs and chemical cleaning to compare with samples of the vinyl flooring . We will then invite residents to an evening viewing of these samples before you make your choice in the ballot.
We will write to residents with full details of the ballot within the next two weeks.
MBS contracting services are carrying out these works. All site staff will wear MBS photo identification passes. There will be no requests for access to your home without a prior appointment or for access to the communal areas, and we would like to remind you of the importance of not letting strangers into the block.
Please let me know if you have any comments or questions concerning these works.
Many thanks
Jennifer Hay
Resident engagement and consultation co-ordinator