NAME ______


RANK ______

Revision of previously listed items should be put in parentheses. Publications in progress or submitted only should be listed under IIA.

I. Teaching Activities

A. Courses taught during year (give course number, name, enrollment and evidence of teaching effectiveness). Report the individual mean of UA core responses for “Overall, I would rate this course as” and “Overall, I would rate this instructor as” from the on-line evaluation results. Other measures of teaching effectiveness may be included, such as personal statements or portfolios.

B. Individual Instruction

____ Number of students directed in independent study courses

____ Number of honor's theses directed

____ Number of honor's theses committees

____ Number of senior theses directed

____ Number of master's theses committees

____ Master's theses directed (list student names):

____ Number of doctoral dissertation committees

____ Doctoral dissertations directed

Names of students with dissertations in progress during year:

Names of students defending dissertations during year:

C. Advising

Program advising:

____ Number of Graduate students

____ Number of undergraduate students

____ Other advising activities:

D. Curriculum Development (give projects or areas where you helped to strengthen or develop curricula or courses in the department, in interdisciplinary programs, or in the Honors Program).

E. Honors, awards, and activities not mentioned above:

II. Research, Scholarly, Artistic, Creative Activities:

A. Current project(s):

B. Grant proposals submitted (title of project, funding agency, annual and total dollar amounts requested, role of faculty member):

C. Grants awarded (title of project, funding agency, annual and total dollar amounts requested, role of faculty member):

D. Refereed publications or equivalent creative activities:

Creative/artistic activities (list type of activity, location, dates, audience):

Work published during year (give full citation):

Work accepted for publication (title, publisher, anticipated date of publication):

E. Non-Refereed reports and publications or non-juried creative endeavors (give full citations):

F. Papers presented at professional meetings (indicate invited or refereed papers and give title and dates):

G. Honors, awards, and other activities not mentioned above:

III. Service

A. Professional (specify activity and whether national, regional, or state):

B. Departmental, College, University

C. Honors, awards and other service activities not mentioned above:

IV. Comments or additional information on teaching, research and creative activities, and service: