Prices at garages and supermarkets fell this month. At garages Higher Octane fell by 0.8p per litre (3.6p per gallon) Unleaded by 0.9p per litre (4.1p per gallon), Diesel by 0.9p per litre (4.1p per gallon. At supermarkets Higher Octane fell by 0.1p per litre (0.5p per gallon, Unleaded by 0.8p per litre (3.6p per gallon), Diesel by 0.8p per litre (3.7p per gallon).

The national average price for LPG is 38.80p per litre.

The most expensive region (excluding “Scotland - remote areas”) for each fuel is boxed.

Garages / Higher Octane Unleaded petrol
(incl Lead Replacement Petrol) /
Unleaded 95 octane
/ Diesel
litres / (gallons) / litres / (gallons) / litres / (gallons)
Northern Ireland / 79.3 / (360.5) / 77.0 / (350.0) / 79.4 / (361.0)
Scotland / 79.7 / (362.3) / 74.6 / (339.1) / 76.8 / (349.1)
Scotland - remote areas / 81.2 / (369.1) / 77.0 / (350.0) / 80.3 / (365.1)
Wales / 79.3 / (360.5) / 75.1 / (341.4) / 77.2 / (351.0)
Northern England / 79.1 / (359.6) / 73.7 / (335.0) / 75.8 / (344.6)
Midlands and East Anglia / 79.9 / (363.2) / 74.6 / (339.1) / 76.7 / (348.7)
Southern England / 80.8 / (367.3) / 75.4 / (342.8) / 77.5 / (352.3)
UK AVERAGE* / 80.0 / (363.7) / 74.9 / (340.5) / 77.1 / (350.5)
Per cent taken as Tax / 72.0 / 76.0 / 74.4
Regional and national figures are the average of actual transactions in each area in the UK as a whole
Data are sourced from the AA's online cheap fuel search service: www.aapetrolbusters.com
Supermarkets / Higher Octane Unleaded (incl LRP) /
Unleaded 95 Octane
/ Diesel
litres / (gallons) / litres / (gallons) / litres / (gallons)
SUPERMARKET AVERAGE / 78.8 / (358.2) / 73.6 / (334.6) / 75.7 / (344.1)
Per cent taken as Tax / 73.4 / 77.5 / 75.8

Some price accuracy is lost in the rounding of figures to one decimal place - 1 gallon equals 4.54609 litres.


Using currency exchange rates as at 20 June 2003 quoted in local currency and UK pence equivalent.

Source of overseas price comparisons: European Road Information Centre (Geneva), and based on a twice-monthly sample.

Local Currency per litre / UK pence per litre
Country / Currency / Unleaded / Diesel / Unleaded / Diesel
Austria / Euro / 0.86 / 0.70 / 59.71 / 48.60
Belgium / Euro / 0.99 / 0.78 / 68.74 / 54.16
Czech Republic / Czech Koruna / 27.72 / 24.45 / 65.28 / 57.58
Denmark / Danish Krone / 7.93 / 6.27 / 76.32 / 60.35
Finland / Euro / 1.13 / 0.85 / 78.46 / 59.02
France / Euro / 0.99 / 0.76 / 68.74 / 52.77
Germany / Euro / 1.06 / 0.83 / 73.60 / 57.63
Greece / Euro / 0.79 / 0.76 / 54.85 / 52.77
Netherlands / Euro / 1.15 / 0.77 / 79.85 / 53.46
Hungary / Forint / 222.50 / 199.00 / 64.50 / 57.69
Ireland / Euro / 0.86 / 0.79 / 59.71 / 54.85
Italy / Euro / 1.03 / 0.85 / 71.52 / 59.02
Luxembourg / Euro / 0.79 / 0.62 / 0.55 / 0.43
Norway / Norwegian Krone / 9.05 / 8.05 / 79.11 / 70.37
Poland / Zloty / 3.21 / 2.76 / 56.19 / 48.31
Portugal / Euro / 0.96 / 0.72 / 66.66 / 49.99
Spain / Euro / 0.79 / 0.67 / 54.85 / 46.52
Sweden / Swedish Krona / 9.35 / 7.62 / 73.45 / 59.86
Switzerland / Swiss Francs / 1.30 / 1.35 / 60.17 / 62.48
United States of America / US Dollars / 0.39 / 0.40 / 23.76 / 24.37