Algebra I (18 week block, 1 credit)
Room 300
Mrs. Kiedrowski Mr. Bruns
School phone: 560-3100 ext. 3281 560-3100 ext 3260
Email: () ()
Help Schedule: We are available before school, one lunch and after school..
Textbook: McDougal Littell Algebra 1
Larson, Boswell, Kanold, and Stiff
Course Content: Introduction to Algebra, One Variable Equations, Two Variable Equations, Systems of Equations, Probability and Statistics, Working with Exponents, Quadratics and Factoring, and Introduction to Geometry
The five standards that are covered in all units will be: Solving, Graphing, Writing, Simplifying, and Unit Specific.
Class Policies:
· One person speaks at a time and everyone else listens.
· Things to bring everyday
- textbook
- pencils (do all homework in pencil)
- colored pen (for homework corrections)
- ruler
- TI 83+ or TI 84+ Graphing Calculator
- 3-ring binder with tabs and loose-leaf (recommended) or spiral notebook
Notes: I expect everyone to take good notes. There will be an opportunity to use notes on some quizzes, so if something is on the board, it is important to put it in your notebook.
Homework: Assignments are given daily and are due the next day unless otherwise stated.
Solutions are online and students are expected to check their work daily.
Participation: Everyone is expected to participate by asking questions and doing problems on the board.
Attendance: If you are absent, you must…
*copy someone’s notes and make up the homework quiz.
*you have one day for every day you are absent.
*see me for help if you do not understand the new material.
Tardiness: 1st tardy: warning
2nd tardy: 15-minute detention
3rd tardy: 30-minute detention
Students will comply with the expectations stated in the student handbook.
One Lunch: One of us will be available during one lunch except on Mondays. There will also be a math table where help can be received from peers. I encourage all students to come in during this time for extra help and some will be required based on academic readiness displayed.
Academic Dishonesty: Any student involved in a form of academic dishonesty will incur the following consequences. For the first offense, the student(s) will receive a zero for the work. If there is a second offense, the student(s) will fail the course.
Tests/Quizzes: All tests & quizzes will be announced. This category is worth 80% of your grade.
Projects: Any large projects that are done will count as a test grade and small projects will count as quiz or homework grades.
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
Below 60 F
Term Grade:
20% Homework
80% Assessments (20% of assessments is the final exam)
Curricular Options: You may request to do any of the following curricular options as a complement to, or as an alternative to what we are doing in class. These choices are meant for students wishing to go into more depth on a topic we have covered in class. To take advantage of these options, you need to make an after-, before-, or Activity Period appointment with me to discuss the option(s). Together we will come up with a plan. You do not need to be in Honors Option or be identified as Gifted and Talented to take advantage of these curricular options. All you need is an interest and enthusiasm for the option(s) you undertake.
v Open-ended projects to show mastery of a topic or skill.
v An alternative activity or challenge, in place of assignment(s) based on prior knowledge.
v Self directed activity based on interests, readiness, and/or learning style.
v Complete working according to a learning contract based on agreed on standards.
Enrichment Opportunities: Students will be encouraged to participate in math meets at various high schools in the state. During the 2009-2010 school year:
v Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at Hartford
v Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at WISCO
v Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at Arrowhead
v Thursday, April15, 2010 at Watertown
Students will also have the opportunity to take the MAA and AMC exam. Dates TBA.
Student Name: ______
Student Signature:______
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature:______
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) email:______