FSHN 167 SIPractice Exam 4
1. One pound of body fat contains ______kcals. Someone needs a ______kcal deficient per day to lose 1 pound per week and a ______kcal deficit per day to lose 2 pounds per week.
2. CHO has ____ kcal/g. Protein has ____ kcal/g. Fat has ____ kcal/g. Alcohol has ____ kcal/g.
3. Matching: Calories
____ Calorimetry and Doubly Labelled Watera. Measure kcal in foods
____ Bomb calorimeterb. Measures someone’s kcal expenditure
____ DRI/RDA formulasc. Estimates someone’s kcal expenditure
____ Factorial method
4. Matching
____ Measures O2 in and CO2 out to measure kcal expenditure a. Doubly Labelled Water
____ Measure the heat someone gives off to measure kcal expenditure b. Direct Calorimetry
____ Measure deuterium and oxygen-18 in urine to measure kcal expenditure c. Indirect Calorimetry
5. ______is about 60 – 65% of energy expenditure. ______is about 25 – 35% of energy expenditure. ______is about 5 – 10% of energy expenditure.
6. Matching: Energy expenditure
____ Total kcals expended per day a. TEF
____ Energy needed for baseline metabolism b. BMR/BEE
____ Energy needed to digest and absorb food c. PA
____ Used with the DRI/RDA formula d. REE/RMR
____ Used in the factorial method e. TEE
____ Physical activity that is not exercise f. PAL
____ Similar to BMR but is slightly higher g. NEAT
7. Factors that affect BMR. Factors that affect energy expenditure used for physical activity.
8. List the macros from highest to lowest by how much energy is needed to digest and absorb them.
9. For males the acceptable body fat range is ______- ______% of body weight. For females the acceptable body fat range is ______- ______% of body weight
10. The high risk waist circumferences are >_____ in. for males and >_____ in. for females.
11. True/False: Weight loss or weight gain are caused by an imbalance between kcals in and kcals out.
12. Matching: Fat
____ Increase in size of fat cells a. Subcutaneous Fat
____ Increase in number of fat cells b. Visceral Fat
____ Fat that stored around to organs c. Abdominal Adiposity
____ Fat that is stored under the skin d. Gluteofemoral Adiposity
____ Fat that is stored around the waist e. Hyperplasia
____ Fat that is stored in the thigh and butt region f. Hypertrophy
____ Long lasting changes in how a gene is expressed g. MC4 receptor
____ Defective in a small percent of people who are obese h. epigenetics
____ Which type fat is the most dangerous for health? (2 possible answers)
____ Which type of fat is more metabolically active? (2 possible answers)
13. True/False: Someone will lose weight if they increase their % of kcals from protein from 15% to 35% even while consuming the same total amount of kcals.
14. Daniel is a 22 year old male. He weighs 176 lbs. or ______kg. He is 5’10” or ______cm or ______m. His BMI is ______kg/m2. His BMR using the “Easy to Use” formula is ______kcal/day. His PAL is 1.6 which means his TEE is ______kcal/day using the factorial method.
15. Matching: Hormones and appetite
____ Insulin a. Increases appetite or decreases satiety
____ Glucagon b. Decreases appetite or increases satiety
____ CCK & PYY
____ Ghrelin
____ Leptin
____ Orexin
16. Matching: Function of hormones
____ Insulin a. Released from full fat cells
____ Glucagon b. Released when there’s a lack of sleep
____ CCK & PYY c. Lowers blood glucose
____ Ghrelin d. Increases blood glucose
____ Leptin e. Tells gall bladder to release bile
____ Orexin f. Cause stomach growling
17. True/False: Anyone who wants to lose weight can be prescribed a prescription weight loss drug or have a bariatric surgery.
18. True/False: Liposuction and fat cell freezing are good ways to lose weight and maintain that weight loss long term.
19. True/False: diets that change the percent of calories from certain macronutrients without changing total calorie intake are good ways to weight.
20. List the 5 components of fitness
21. Circle the following that are benefits of even modest weight loss.
Decreased risk of diabetes Decreased triglycerides Decreased risk of osteoporosis
Decreased blood pressure Increased physical fitness Decreased joint stress and arthritis
22. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines, for substantial health benefits, including decreased risk of ______, adults should get ______minutes of moderate intensity, or ______minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week. For extensive health benefits, including ______, adults should engage in ______minutes of moderate, or ______minutes of vigorous activity per week. Adults should also avoid ______and do muscle ______activities 2x per week.
23. A muscle cell is also called a muscle ______.
24. Type I muscle fibers are also called ______twitch fibers and they are ______. They are ______meaning they use O2 and they use ______and ______for fuel. They are used for ______activities like biking, walking, and marathon running. As these cells are trained they increase their numbers of ______and increase their ability to use ______for fuel. Type I fibers are ______in color.
25. Type IIa and IIb are also called ______twitch fibers and they are ______. They are ______meaning they do not use O2. They use ______and ______for fuel and they have large stores of ______. They are used for ______activities like sprinting and weight lifting. As these cells are trained they increase in ______and increase their amount of ______. Type IIb fibers are ______in color.
26. Matching: Protein Needs
____ Normal RDA for Adultsa. 0.8 g/kg
____ Active Adultb. 1.0 g/kg
____Bodybuilderc. 1.2 – 1.4 g/kg
____ Endurance athleted. 1.2 – 1.7 g/kg
27. True/False: sprinters should take multivitamins to meet their increased needs for vitamins.
28. Matching: Protein Needs
____ Increased protein needs to prevent muscle lossa. Endurance athlete
____ Increased protein needs to support muscle growth b. Older adult
____ Increased protein needs to support gluconeogenesis c. Bodybuilder
29. Matching: ergogenic aids
____ Carnitinea. Speeds lactate removal from cell
____ Creatineb. Lowers perception of effort and increases alertness
____ Caffeine c. Increases ability to regenerate ATP
____ Bicarbonate d. Probably does not improve performance
____ Vitamin supplements
30. Number the following by the order each is the primary source of energy
____ Anaerobic use of glucose (glycolysis) ____ Creatine-phosphate
____ ATP stores ____ Aerobically using fatty acids
____ Aerobically using glucose
31. Matching: Source of energy
____ 5 second sprint a. Fat used aerobically
____ 3 minute race b. Glucose used mostly anaerobically
____ 3 hour marathon c. Glucose used mostly aerobically
____ Day-long hike d. ATP and Creatine - Phosphate
____ Sitting on the couch
32. True/False: you burn more kcals of fat at lower intensity exercises than at higher intensity exercise.
33. True/False: USDA organic foods are significantly more nutritious than conventionally grown foods
34. True/False: USDA organic foods are GMO free
35. True/False: organic foods are locally grown. Locally grown means a foods was grown within 30 miles of where it is sold.
36. True/False: organic foods are better for the environment in every way.
37. True/False: organic foods are less processed
38. True/False: foods that are genetically modified are known to cause cancer
39. Tina’s meal contained 47 g fat, 75 g CHO, 25 g protein, a 7 g alcohol. How many total kcals is this?
40. Garrett is 17 year old male who semi-competitively runs half marathons on the weekends.Which of the following would you recommend and which would you not recommend? Why or why not? Caffeine? Creatine? Bicarbonate? Multivitamins? Carnitine? Alcohol? Protein powder? Gatorade? Anabolic steroids? Carb-loading? How would your recommendations change if he was a body builder instead of a long distance runner?