You are a sales representative for ELEMENT EXPRESS a major element producer. This years sales of elements have been way down due to the bad economy. The president of the company wants the sales force to develop a new way of advertising using a brochure approach. These brochures will present the elements in a different way. This brochure will include all the basic information about the element while making the elements appeal to a wider variety of consumers. The brochure will be developed using Microsoft Publisher. Publisher is available at your workstation in your office. Using your creativity in developing these brochures, we anticipate that sales will once again recover, and make ELEMENT EXPRESS a leader in the distribution of elements. Enclosed is a checklist to assist you in your sales effort.
Front of brochure should have the name your element, your name, as well as an eye catching picture.
The inside of your brochure should contain the following:
Atomic number, atomic mass, symbol, a simplified drawing of the atomic nucleus (color code the particles). When you describe the element, include a short history, what it looks like in its pure form, its physical state at room temperature (solid, liquid, gas), how common the element is in nature, where it is found, common uses for the element. And finally two compounds giving their names, formula and what they are used for.
Make a list of everything you need to know about the element. Use the checklist provided while developing your brochure. Points will be deducted for information that is not provided. Take a look at the rubric provided so you have an idea of what information needs to be included.
Make sure that your brochure is:
Chemically accurate: make sure you don’t make anything up
Neatly done: Don’t overload the senses with un-needed info or graphics
Correctly spelled: Use spell check
Done to specifications: brochure format
Colorful: not distracting
Got it? / Point Value / Is it in your brochure?1 / Name of element on front
2 / Name on cover
5 / Atomic number of element in brochure
5 / Atomic mass of element in brochure
5 / Symbol of your element in brochure
5 / Color coded diagram of element
5 / Number of protons
5 / Number of electrons
5 / Electron cloud
5 / Short history of element
Appearance in it’s pure form (shiny, dull)
10 / Physical state of element (solid, liquid, gas)
5 / How common is your element in nature
5 / What are the common uses of your element
5 / What are some health effects of your element
5 / What are some environmental effects
7 / What are the name, formula and uses for
Two compounds containing your element
10 / Colorful
10 / Made appropriate size