FSA Review Sheet- Use Pages R16 R75 in Your Text and Highlight Your Notes

FSA Review Sheet- Use Pages R16 R75 in Your Text and Highlight Your Notes

FSA Review Sheet- Use pages R16--R75 in your text and highlight your notes.

Integration of Knowledge. Some terms you need to know…

 The following are informational, objective (without opinion), and bias-free (impartial, or not taking a side).

What is the purpose of each?

1) Dictionary-

2) Seminal document-

3) Glossary

4) Periodical

5) Thesaurus

 The following are subjective (with opinion) and contain bias (partial and taking a side).

What is the purpose of each?

1) Editorial or Op-Ed piece

2) Journals and diaries-

3) Memoir

 The following are types of essays. Essays are nonfiction

1) Informative-

2) Reflective-

3) Argumentative-

 Patterns of organization:

1) Cause and effect

2) Chronological/ sequential

3) Classification

4) Compare and/or contrast

5) Problem/solution

6) Spatial

 Primary vs. secondary sources-

List types of primary=

List types of secondary=

 Scholarly articles are what kind of articles?

 Propaganda=

 The following are words that evaluate evidence:

1) Validity=

2) Credibility=

3) Substantiated=

4) Sufficient=

5) Relevant=

6) Current=

7) Bias=

8) Accurate=

 Claim

 Counterclaim

 The following are types of fallacies or faulty reasoning:

1) Ad hominem- Attacking the person or institution instead of the issue.

2) Either-Or Fallacy- Making the argument “either this will happen or this will happen” when it isn’t that simple.

3) Faulty cause and effect.- and hasty generalization- implying or stating that A causes B to happen when it is not that simple or you do not have enough evidence.

4) False analogies.- Use of a comparison between two things which are not really similar at all, but that may distract us or appeal to our emotions.

5) Begging the question – Presenting as truth or support what you are supposed to be proving in your argument.

6) Bandwagon- Attempt to validate by saying everyone believes this also.

 Sidebars are additional or explanatory info next to an article.

 Graphs are used to determine the frequency of or trend of something. Read the titles, labels and captions carefully.

 Paraphrase is to put something into your own words. The answer will not contain any plagiarizing, or using the original’s exact words, and will not add any additional info.

Methods of Argument:

  • Ethos=
  • Pathos=
  • Logos=

 Rhetorical and literary devices are used to convey meaning in any type of writing:

1) Allusion=

2) Protagonist

3) Antagonist

4) Archetype

5) Symbol

6) Perspective

7) Tone

8) Alliteration

9) Complex character

10) Connotation

11) Denotation

12) Diction

13) Epic poem

14) Hero

15) Simile

16) Metaphor

17) Personification

18) Hyperbole

19) Point of view







20) imagery

21) irony




22) onomatopoeia

23) paradox

24) oxymoron

25) analogy

26) enjambment

27) quatrain

28) couplet

29) pun

30) refrain

31) rhetorical question

32) satire

33) sonnet

34) theme

35) understatement

36) speaker/ narrator/ persona

37) soliloquy

38) tragedy

39) tragic hero

40) tragic flaw

41) foil

Language and Editing. Some terms you need to know…

 Independent clause

 Compound sentences

1) Fanboys and punctuation

3) Thincfitm and punctuation

 Dependent clause or subordinate clause=

1) Wawawabusbiu and punctuation

 Parallel structure/ parallelism =

 Noun=

 Adjective=

 Adverb=

 To modify or a modifier and a misplaced modifier =

 Prepositional phrase=

 Participial phrase=

 Semi-colons (;) are used to

 Colons (:) are used to

Please write the commonly confused words from pages R55-R56 from your textbook.