Fruit Fly Medium


-Ring Stand / -Safety Glasses
-Clamp / -25 ml Graduated Cylinders
-Safety clamp (Look at demo on my desk.) / -Petri Dish Top
-Ceramic Fiber Wire Gauze / -Plastic Spoon
-250 ml Beaker / -1 vial
-Burner and Connector Tube / -1 piece of netting
-Apron / - scissors(share at your table)

Cornmeal Medium

1.Get all equipment listed above and place it on your lab table.

2. There is a balance, beakers with agar, Karo syrup, corn meal, and distilled water at each lab table. These items need to be shared with the groups at that table. Take turns and be careful with the agar because we hardly have enough.

3. Set your ring stand, clamp, ceramic fiber wire gauze, safety clamp, connector tube, and Bunsen burner up on you lab table. (Look at the demo on my desk)

4. Using the graduated cylinder measure 30ml of distilled mold water, in the beaker on your lab table, and pour it into the your beaker on the ring stand. (I know you only have 25ml graduated cylinders, so figure out a way to make it work.)

5. Calibrate your balance, then measure the mass of the petri dish top in grams. Write down the mass of the empty petri dish and leave it on the scale. Turn the dial 2 grams beyond where the petri dish was calibrated. Example: If your petri dishes mass was 2.5 grams, then turn the dial to 4.5 gm. Now add cornmeal until the lines line back up. This will give you exactly 2 grams of cornmeal. Pour the cornmeal into your beaker. Put the empty petri dish back on the scale and find the mass again. Now move the dial .6 gm beyond the petri dishes mass. Example: If the petri dish was 2.5 gm move the dial to 3.1 grams. Now use your spoon to add agar to the empty petri dish until the lines line back up. This will give you exactly .6 gm of agar. Pour the agar into your beaker.

6. Raise your hand and Mr. Bendele/Thompson will come over and light your Bunsen burner.

7. You want the flame to just hit the ceramic fiber wire gauze.

8. Occasionally stir the mixture.

9. Once your mixture comes to a boil

10. Add one plastic spoonful of Karo syrup into your beaker and keep stirring it for 2 minutes.

11. Turn gas off and use the tongs or hot hand to carefully pour the medium out of beaker and into your vial. Try not to get any on the sides. (Look at the example on my desk.

12. Cut your piece of netting in half.

13. Look at the example on my desk. You want to put the netting into the medium, but you want as much netting above the medium as possible.

14. Take a small piece of masking tape from my desk and put your name on it and stick it to the side of the vial.

15. Wash out your beaker. Make sure that you clean it well and all of the medium is out of it. If your beaker will not come clean, please let me know.

16. Put everything back nice and neat the way you found it.