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East Renfrewshire Council Community Safety Unit (Safety net)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY / In one short paragraph please describe this project is about, what it has achieved, and why it is delivering excellence.

Of the 177 fatal fire incidents that occurred in Scotland over a 3 year period (April 2005 to March 2008), 131 were recorded as accidental dwelling fire deaths, with 47 per cent of these victims being aged 60 or over.

The Scottish Community Fire Safety Study ‘Scotland Together’ which was published in 2009, was tasked with examining how fire deaths and injuries could be reduced. It concluded with a suite of 37 recommendations.

2 of the 37 recommendations from the study were:

  • The targeting of long-term fire safety initiatives at Scotland’s ageing population
  • Further research be conducted into the most efficient use of linked alarms and for handling these alarm calls

In East Renfrewshire during 2007 - 2008, Strathclyde Fire & Rescue (SFR) attended 1089 incidents, 143 related to fires in the home, two of which resulted in a fatality. Subsequently, following the Fatal Accident Inquiry in October 2009, the following local recommendations were made:

  • Training of CHCP staff to recognise signs of people living with fire risks
  • Awareness training for homecare staff re: fire safety in the home
  • A protocol for referral to ensure fire safety assessments are carried out
  • Explore the need to link smoke detectors to the Telecare Service

East Renfrewshire Council(ERC) and Community Health & Care Partnership (CHCP) provides a Telecare and Community Alarm service to approximately 1700 service users. Around 400 live in sheltered accommodation with hard wired smoke detection linked; via the warden call system, to ‘Safety Net’ the Council’s call monitoring centre. Of the remaining 1300, only 2.5% (approximately 30) had been provided with a radio linked smoke detector as part of their Telecare/Community Alarm package.

This match funded, joint partnership initiative was devised to retrospectively fit every Telecare/ Community Alarm service user’s home with the provision of a radio linked smoke detector ensuring potentially devastating fire accidents are detected at the earliest possible moment. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) which supports the partnership also makes provision for joint staff training in the areas of ‘fire safety in the home’, ‘Telecare awareness’, and ‘emergency call handling’.

One of the key elements of the initiative is not just that a gap in Service provision has been identified and addressed, but that the East Renfrewshire CHCP has made a commitment that all future Telecare installations include linked smoke detection as standard.

PLANNING / · a clear rationale, defined processes and focus on stakeholder needs
· contributes to organisation’s goals and addresses current or emerging challenges

The rationale behind the initiative is to:

  • provide a safe environment for our most vulnerable residents by reducing the risk of death or injury as a result of fire
  • provide a service that is responsive to people’s needs, by ensuring that all service users’ homes with a linked alarm connected to Safety Net also have an integrated linked smoke detector
  • To improve service users quality of life by focusing on early intervention and education regarding fire safety in the home
  • To provide a cost effective solution using existing resources to deliver the initiative

The cost of a fire fatality is approximately £1.4 million. Thesubsidised cost of a Telecare package to service users in East Renfrewshire is £2.10 per week. SFR and East Renfrewshire CHCP have joint funded the £50,000 required to make the initiative viable.

Telecare Service Users already receive an annual review visit, howeverIn addition, key staff in each organisation have been identified to carry out joint visits to review service user needs, offer home fire safety advice and install and commission additional linked smoke detection equipment. Staffingcosts are absorbed within core budgets and visits are coordinated to ensure project sign off within an agreed period of 12 months.

The initiative seeks to contribute to SFR’s corporate priorities by:

  • Working closely with the communities we serve to ensure that the service we deliver is tailored to their expectations and is targeted towards areas of greatest need
  • Delivering a service that works proactively to reduce the incidence of fire and other emergencies
  • Co-operating closely with our partner agencies, we are able to deliver an integrated approach to safety in the community

In working with our partners within the Community Planning Partnership, the programme also contributes to the partnership’s Single Outcome Agreement action plan in support of national outcomes, in particular:

  • We live longer, healthier lives
  • We live our lives safe from crime, disorder and danger
  • Our public services are high quality, continually improving, efficient and responsive to local people’s needs

Scotland has an ageing population many of whom are now supported to remain within their own homes. 90% of older people involved in the Fatal Fire Study, ‘Scotland Together’ had other contributory factors, such as mobility problems, disability, mental health issues or an alcohol involvement. The increase within this key ‘at risk’ group within our communities requires a ‘joined up’ and sustained approach to fire safety. This initiative addresses the fire safety of Telecare service users within an overall safety net of other Telecare resources.

DELIVERING / · implemented in all relevant areas and across all the required stakeholders
· carried out in a structured and logical way , using robust and sustainable methods

The delivery of the initiative from the outset required joint agreement in relation to risk assessing the process. Due to the nature of fitting the smoke detectors in properties where there may be asbestos, sufficient research and training was required to mitigate the risk. An eminent professor (Professor Roger Willey, ACS Environmental) was commissioned to conduct controlled testing to assess the risk to staff and service users of asbestos fibres being released during the installation of the smoke detectors. The testing was carried out in the presence of health and safety staff from both organisations. Following the test results being published, both organisations agreed on a safe system of work and risk assessment for the process. Following this, SFR health and safety staff conducted asbestos awareness training to all staff involved in the process to ensure that they were fully briefed on the safe system of work.

The initiative is project managedin phases to ensure the most efficient use of resources. Service users in each geographical phase are lettered in advance to inform them of the upgrade to their system. Visits are subsequently arranged by telephone and coordinated daily work plansare communicated to SFR, CHCP and Safety Net staff by the Telecare project support worker.

During the joint visit to fit linked smoke detection, a Home Fire Safety Visit (HFSV) is carried out to firstly assess and subsequently advise householders on matters relating to fire safety within their homes. The information which is recorded as part of the HFSV is then stored on SFR’s database to ensure that a periodic re-visit is scheduled as per service policy.

INNOVATION + LEADING PRACTICE / · Demonstrates leading practice, and is capable of replication elsewhere
· Achieves genuine innovation or new ways of working

Telecare and linked smoke detection in Scotland is not a new technology, nor is the concept of the Fire and Rescue Service conducting HFSV’s and fitting smoke detectors. The key to the innovation and leading practice within this initiative is the way in which the separate services have come together for the ultimate benefit of the service user. As the first initiative of its kind with a formal Service Level Agreement in place; match funding (£25,000 each party); joint review/installation visits and invaluable support of the ‘Safety Net’ call monitoring centre; it is true partnership working in every sense.Additionally, in acknowledgement of the benefits of the initiative in improving the safety of residents in our communities, East Renfrewshire CHCP have made the long term commitment to provide all new Telecare service users with linked smoke detection as part of the standard service provision.

Interest in the project has been shown from other Local Authorities, Housing Providers and Registered Landlords.

In addition, one of the project leads within this initiative has since moved into a specialist secondment with Glasgow Housing Association within the city of Glasgow. Within the terms of reference of the secondment he is instigating conversation with the Telecare provider, Social Work, SFR and Glasgow Housing Association in order to streamline referral process and discuss options for augmenting the ‘standard fit’ package to include smoke detection.

The initiative in East Renfrewshire has also been used as a case study within the ‘Safer Homes’ sub group of Scotland Together which is driving forward the 37 recommendations. The aspiration is that the Telecare Services Authority (TSA) recommends the addition of smoke detection as part of a ‘standard’ Telecare package.

The replication of this initiative across other services would require a collective vision to protect vulnerable house holders from suffering the devastating effects of being involved in a fire where no system of remote intervention exists.

RESULTS + IMPACT / · a convincing mix of customer and internal performance measures
· clear line of sight to the delivery of better outcomes for communities
· a full range of relevant results– either already achieved or with potential to deliverover time

Early indicators during the months of June (pre start), July and August show an expected rise in the number of smoke alarm activation calls dealt with by Safety Net. The percentage of those calls escalated to SFR was14% (pre start), 6% and11% respectively. This indicates that staff are appropriately call challenging in order to effectively manage the number of false alarm calls.

In addition to the management of fire incidents, monthly reports from Safety Net will highlight those individuals who are perhaps beginning to have difficulty recognising the dangers and risks of fire in their home in order that they be referred for further assessment by both East Renfrewshire CHCP and SFR Community Safety Staff.

Mr M (who is elderly and has a hearing impairment) was referred to the Telecare team after a fire incident at his home in February. Within two days of the incident his home was fitted with a Telecare/Community Alarm which included a personal pendant trigger and a radio linked smoke detector with a vibrating pillow pad that would alert him should a fire start when he is asleep. Five months later, Safety Net received a smoke detectoractivation from his home. Safety Net staff were unable to contact him and therefore contacted SFR without delay. The quick thinking of the Safety Net operator meant SFR could be contacted whilst en route to the incident by viewing CCTV imaging that showed smoke coming from the building. SFR were at Mr M’s home within seven minutes of the initial alarm call being received who then extinguished the fire and assisted residents to safety. Mr M’s son was also contacted by Safety Net and attended to provide reassurance and support to Mr M who was unharmed.

Due to his hearing impairment, Mr M did not previously have a smoke alarm in his home, and after the initial fire incident and prior to telecare being installed, his family were driving to his home several times each night to check he was safe. His daughter said:

we were living on our nerves, the installation of Telecare and the new smoke detector have made such a difference to us. Now we know the Fire Service can be at this flat within minutes. It’s a total relief. My dad’s much happier and feels safer now; it’s been a resounding success”.

Mr M’s case study featured in the Telecare Services Association’s annual report who said that the initiative demonstrated the potential of Telecare and the impact on the reform of Health and Social Care.