Announcement of merger of Monteagle Surgery with Oakley Health Group (based at Yateley Medical Centre & Hartley Corner Surgery)
FromDr Arfan Ahmed, Senior Partner
I am the sole GP Partner at Monteagle and after much consideration have decided that our patients’ interests would best be served if our practice merged with the Oakley Health Group Practice in 2018.
Merging will make us far more robust and able to cope with factors that can rapidly de-stabilise small practices such as ours, for example; long-term staff sickness, retirement of GPs & recruitment. It will help maintain a quality service, given the tight financial constraints within the NHS and the ever-growing demands being placed on Primary Care.
Joining with this practice will put us in a far stronger position to weather the significant challenges facing the NHS nationally and locally.
We will be all be known as Oakley Health Group and can take advantage of economies of scale and shared expertise, as well as having a larger voice in working to redesign local healthcare for the future.
Patients will be able to remain registered with their own GP.
We will continue to operate at all three sites
You may not be aware, but we at Monteagle already work day- to-day with the GPs at Oakley Health over local provision of services such as 8-8 opening and “Integrated Care Services” - so our patients can benefit from Paramedic Practitioners, Social Workers, Mental Health Workers and Orthopaedic Practitioners for example. These types of services would be expanded to include a Practice Community Matron, Practice Community Nurses, a Clinical Pharmacist and use of the Urgent Care Centre at Yateley Medical Centre.
The practice will merge on 1st April 2018, but before this date, we are keen to talk to patients to understand what concerns we need to take into account and also what aspirations local people have for our local health economy.
We will be publishing regular joint website updates and newsletters, but our consultation process begins with patients of both practices being invited to attend one of two consultation evenings at Yateley Medical Centre, Oaklands, Yateley, GU46 7LS. I will be present at both meetings:
Tuesday 21st November 2017 19:00 – 21:00
Thursday 23rd November 2017 19:00 – 21:00
** This location has been chosen because it is centrally located and the Waiting Room can accommodate a larger number of patients who may wish to attend.
*** If you will be attending please could you drop into Monteagle Surgery and advise the receptionist of your name and which date you will be coming – or alternatively email us with this information at .
Many thanks
Dr Arfan Ahmed
Senior Partner Monteagle Surgery