From your Chairman
It is encouraging to see the response to our secretary on the proposed venues for our 2008 and 2010 reunions, may I say thank you, as it does help us - to help you. Both these will be itemed at our AGM in April for discussion.
As you are aware from the last newsletter, Bill Bartholomew unfortunately has to give up running our website, he has done a fantastic job, and I’m sure, like me, you would not wish to lose it now we have it. It is a great communication weapon for recruitment and information. The Secretary has asked for someone with the skills to take it on but to no avail, so I am asking as well. This association and its structure cannot survive without help and input from its members, so come on put your best foot forward and volunteer.
There is another vacant position on the “Watch & Quarter Bill”, volunteer for a” Cushy No”. Peter Marchant will be standing down as Bosun at the 2007 Reunion, he has been doing it since the association was formed, so he has done his bit. “Well done Peter”. But, ‘No Bosun - No Rum’.
Peter Harrison is working hard as usual behind the scenes for our 2007 reunion, so we look forward to seeing you all, as it that makes it worth while, when so much is put into the organisation of the reunion and we have a full house.
We will be having the OIC, Lt Pete Biggs, of the Board & Search Training School (MV Cossack) HMS Raleigh at our reunion this year, along with Noel Bevan an “Altmark” survivor, a very interesting time ahead, so don’t miss it.
I don’t think there is much else I can say at this moment in time, but remember an association does not run itself. I leave you with this thought - To oblige persons often cost little and helps much. - Baltasar Gracian.
Ken Satterthwaite
From the Secretary
As the Chairman has said above, there was no volunteer to relieve Bill in running the website. However, Bill has to be relieved of the work which, although not onerous, requires a certain amount of dedication, as well as a broadband Internet connection and an ISP who gives free webspace to put the website on.
In order to save the site I am going to take it on temporarily until we can find a more permanent relief. However, as the name of the site was tied to Bill’s webspace we have registered the name and this means that, wherever the site gets transferred to in the future, the name will stay the same. With luck the transfer will have been made by the time you get this newsletter.
However, a problem still remains. If I am going to continue with doing the Secretary/Treasurer’s job and the website, something has got to go. We urgently need volunteers from among the membership to take on some of the work of the association. Posts which need filling soon are:
BosunTo relieve S/M Peter Marchant in April. The person who takes it on will need to take charge of the rum tub between reunions and, at the reunions, issue the rum to members at ‘Up Spirits’.
Social SecretaryTo take on responsibility for organising the reunions, in conjunction with the Chairman.
So come on some of you younger members (I mean those who are in their 60’s of course), I’m sure that there are unused talents out there.
Bookings for the reunion this year are down from last year but there is still time to book. Remember, without YOU it isn’t a full reunion
Peter Harrison
Membership Matters
Since our last newsletter in December 2006 we have had the sad news about the passing of Shipmate Arthur Popplewell (D57 1945-46) and Shipmate Bob Davenport (D57 1946-47) . Their obituaries are given below. Although not a member, the death was reported in the Navy News of Leslie Barlow, probably an Able Seaman, who served in Cossack.
In the same period we have gained two new members and we warmly welcome:
S/M B. WakeleyA.B.(RP3)D571947-49
S/M G.R. ArmstrongA.B.D571958-60
Membership now stands at 263, made up as follows:
Full/Life Members169 (18 L03, 151 D57)
Associate Members 87
Honorary Members 7
Carl Taylor would like to make contact with anyone who knew his uncle Ernest Lyndon Taylor who, as an Able Seaman, was one of those who died when Cossack L03 was torpedoed in 1941. We don’t have too many members now who served in L03 but if any of you knew Ernie Taylor please get in touch with the Secretary.
As we were reminded by several members, no mention was made in the last newsletter about purchase of tickets for the Cash Prize Raffle. Yes, this raffle will take place again this year with tickets only available by mail order, ie tickets will not be on sale at the reunion. A payment form on which tickets may be ordered is enclosed with this newsletter and details are given further below.
Annual subscriptions will fall due on 1st May. Membership cards for those who have paid in advance but havenot yet received their cards will be enclosed with this newsletter. For those who have not already paid, this payment can also be included on the form. For those who have balances to pay for their hotel bookings these can also be included so that only one cheque is required.
As our past Chairman, George Toomey was often heard to say, “subscriptions just keep our ship afloat, the raffles and donations allow us to put to sea occasionally.”
Whilst on the subject of raffles, we shall also be holding the usual main raffle of donated items. All contributions from those attending will be appreciated and arrangements will be made for donated items to be accepted at the hotel reception desk. We hope that Les and Jean Taylor, with the help of Angela Watts and other volunteers, will again organise the raffle and sell the tickets for us, and we offer our thanks to them in anticipation.
We would ask that as many as possible of those attending the reunion be there by 11.00 on the Saturday (14th April) to attend the AGM. We will have a fairly full agenda to get through and a prompt start will be absolutely vital.
Entertainment is being provided on both the Friday and Saturday evenings in the Devonshire Room which is reached through the bar lounges (one non-smoking and one smoking) to the right of the reception area. This large room, which has a dance floor, will be available to us throughout the weekend. Meals, including our formal dinner on the Saturday, will be taken in the Dining Room which is off to the left of reception. The bar will be open 24 hours a day for residents!
A Games Room is available in the basement with two full size billiard/snooker tables, a pool table, a table tennis table and one of those table football games.
The AGM will take place in the Cissbury Room and the archive display will be set up in the Chanctonbury Room opposite. Both these rooms are on the first floor, a short walk along a corridor from the lifts. These rooms are named after the ancient Rings of West Sussex.
Those of you who have already booked their hotel accommodation have already paid their deposit. On receipt of the balance, as some of you know who have now paid in full, you will receive a dinner ticket for each person attending. These tickets are not entry tickets, you will already have paid and be entitled anyway. However, they are numbered and all the numbers will be entered into a draw for the Door Prize. Don’t forget to have your ticket with you at the dinner as without it you will not be able to claim the prize if your number is drawn.
For those who wish to attend the dinner but not stay at the hotel and have not already booked, please complete the details on the Payment Form which will be enclosed with this newsletter and send it, with your cheque to the Secretary.
The successful Cash Prize Raffle is being run again this year with a First Prize of £100, a Second Prize of £50 and four Third Prizes of £25 each. Tickets will cost £1 each and will not be on sale at the reunion, only by mail. To purchase tickets, please fill in your requirements on the Payment Form and send it in. The draw will be held at the reunion after dinner on Saturday evening. Winners present will be given their cheques and those not present will receive them by post. As you can easily calculate, we need to sell 200 tickets just to break even so please dig deep into those pockets and purses.
As always, donations of items for the main raffle will be welcomed and arrangements will be made for them be handed in at Reception for safe-keeping. Subject to Les and Jean confirming arrangements, tickets will be on sale from Friday evening and the draw will take place in the Devonshire sometime during the evening after dinner. The appropriate number of winning tickets, depending upon the number of donated items, will be drawn in one go and the winning numbers posted on a board afterwards. Tickets can then be checked against the board and winners can collect their prizes from Les or Jean.
Most of you attending will know the basic routine but, for the benefit of those attending for the first time, the programme will be as below. If you are attending for the first time, please don’t be shy. Introduce yourself and, if you are looking for someone in particular, just ask.
Friday 13th April 2007
A day for settling in, setting up and, most importantly, renewing old friendships. Volunteers willing to help with setting up will be appreciated and should contact Peter Harrison or Alan Edinborough.
Dinner will be served in the dining room between 1830 and 2045. If you are likely to be late in arriving and will miss dinner, please let the hotel know (Tel. No. 01903 236103) and ask them to arrange for something to be available to you on arrival.
The bar will be open of course and entertainment will be provided during the evening in the Devonshire Room. So, take time to relax after travelling, catch up on old times and the latest happenings with your friends. Try to make time too to browse around the latest display of photographs and other memorabilia put together by our hard-working Archivist, Keith Batchelor, in the 1st Floor Chanctonbury Room.
If you’ve any time left, have a look at the Seating Plan for Saturday’s dinner. Find out where you and your guests will be sitting. The board will be displayed in the Devonshire Room.
Saturday 14th April 2007
Breakfast will be served in the dining room from 0700 until 0945, with time for a stroll along the sea shore before the AGM. No doubt the ladies will be keen to take advantage of the excellent shopping facilities which are close by.
The AGM will commence at 1100 sharp. An agenda for the AGM is given at end of this article. Up Spirits will be piped on completion. Rum, with an alternative of white wine for the ladies, will be issued in the Devonshire Room.
The afternoon will be free for zizzing, shopping, or whatever you fancy.
Members and guests should assemble in the bar lounges or the Devonshire Room for pre-dinner drinks at about 1830 and take their places in the dining room by 1900.
Our honoured guest will be Mr. Noel Bevan, one of the merchant seamen prisoners rescued from the German prison ship Altmark in February 1940. Other guests will be Lieutenant Peter Biggs and his partner. Lieutenant Biggs is the Board & Search Training Officer at HMS Raleigh.
The President, Sir James Eberle, and the Chairman and Mrs Satterthwaite will process into the dining room at 1900. Members and guests should remain standing until the Grace has been said by Shipmate Peter Hampstead. After the Grace all should be seated and dinner will be served.
Wine will be provided with dinner on the basis of three bottles (2 white and 1 red) for each 12 persons. Any extra drinks required must be signed for and will be charged to your room. Please remember to reserve sufficient for the Loyal Toast at the end of the dinner.
The Loyal Toast will be taken after coffee has been served. It will be taken standing, not seated as is allowed in HM ships. After the toast, our Chairman, Ken Satterthwaite, will no doubt say a few words, and will then ask Lieutenant Biggs to give us a brief update on the work of the Board & Search Unit. Our President, Admiral Eberle will then make his speech and then introduce our special guest, Noel Bevan and ask him to say a few words.
On conclusion of the speeches the draw for the Door Prize will take place and the prize presented.
The President and those at the top table will then lead out from the dining room to the Devonshire Room, where the remainder of the evening’s activities will take place. Music for dancing and/or easy listening will be available there and during the course of the evening the raffle draws will be held.
The menu for your dinner will be:
Carrot and Coriander Soup
Melon, Orange & Strawberry Cocktail
laced with Grand Marnier
Supreme of Chicken wrapped in Bacon
with a Mushroom & Tomato Sauce
Vegetable Bake topped with Stilton Cheese
Served with a selection of vegetables
Profiteroles with Chocolate Sauce
Fresh Coffee & Mints
Those who wish to have the vegetarian alternative, or are unable to have either of the main courses, should give their names or arrange alternatives with Reception no later than mid-day on the Saturday. If you will not be arriving until later, please either telephone the hotel or ask the Secretary (Peter Harrison) to do so on your behalf.
Sunday 15th April 2007
Breakfast will be served in the dining room between 0800 and 0945.
Unfortunately there will be no church parade again this year and those wishing to attend church should make their way independently to that of their choice. We will try to arrange for a map showing those of each denomination to be available at the hotel.
There will be no organised Association activity this day.
Reunion - General Matters
Car Parking. On the road outside the Chatsworth Hotel, Steyne, parking is limited to 2 hours if using the Pay & Display tickets available from machines. However, using the voucher system stay there can be longer, all the time if necessary, providing of course that you can find a place.. Vouchers are available at Reception in the hotel and cost £4 for a full day (9.00am to 6.00pm) or £3 for a half day (9.00am to 12.00am or 12.00 to 6.00 pm) and must be displayed in the car. Parking there outside those times is of course free.
The nearest car park (NCP) is the High Street one, which is exactly 200 paces from the hotel. On a Wednesday recently, between 11am and 3pm, there were more than 150 free spaces available. Parking there can be by time as normal or long term tickets can be obtained for 24 hours (£10) or 7 days (£25). To obtain long term tickets, take your ticket at the barrier on entry and then, when leaving the car park on foot, go to the payment machine, insert your ticket and select “Long Term” and pay the required amount by cash or credit card
Dress. The accepted dress for the formal dinner will be blazer and flannels, or a lounge suit. Ties are expected. Medals may be worn.
Other. If you require any other information about the reunion please telephone either the Chairman, Ken Satterthwaite, or the Secretary, Peter Harrison
If for any reason you have to cancel your attendance at the reunion, please telephone the Secretary (01252-613052 until Wednesday 11th April, then at the hotel 01903-236103). Since we are on a Group booking with the hotel, we will have had to pay the full amount due for the bookings we have made. Please remember that there can be no guarantee that monies paid will be reimbursed in the event of cancellation. It will depend on whether the hotel will have been able to re-let the room which will have been reserved. It is therefore important that any cancellation is reported as soon as possible.
Anyone requiring a map for directions to the hotel please contact the Secretary, Peter Harrison.
1.Chairman’s welcome
2.Tribute to those who have passed over the bar
3.Minutes of the last AGM
4.Matters arising
5.Secretary’s report
6.Financial report
7.Election of officers for 2007/08
8.Chairman’s presentation
9.Future events
10.Any other business
11.Date of next meeting and close.
An invitation to HMS Cossack shipmates to visit the site of the Second World War's first 'Dunkirk1