From: Tom Napierkowski [mailto:
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 1:14 PM
To: Andrew Czaplewski; Jackie Berning; ; Andrea Hutchins; Don Morley; Robert Durham
Subject: Re: EPUS Report
Herewith the Report of the EPUS Committee:
1. EPUS has reviewed the Administrative Policy Statement on Sponsored Research Policy and recommends its acceptance/approval by the Representative Faculty Assembly.
2. Having been informed that it is the opinion of legal counsel that the current UCCS policy on academic honesty is lacking, EPUS has once again taken up the policy drafted by Rosemary Augustine. The draft, as emended by EPUS, is attached. About this draft, three comments are appropriate. First, EPUS has tried to protect the right of faculty to assign punishment for violations of academic honesty at the course level. Second, EPUS feels that the final decision on matters of academic honesty should reside with the dean of the college in which the violation occurred. Finally, there remains some question about the appropriate place in the process to insert the mediation of the Academic Ethics Code Committee. Perhaps this should yet be discussed by the members of the Representative Faculty Assembly.
3. EPUS has reviewed the final version of the Gen Ed Assessment Report and recommends its acceptance/approval by the Representative Faculty Assembly. EPUS commends the Assessment Committee for its efforts and final product but urges continued efforts to work for a sample that will provide undeniable statistical validity.
4. The Gen Ed Task Force has been postponed until fall; EPUS will review the report at that time.
5. EPUS has reviewed various versions of the Faculty Report of Professional Activity and compiled a version which might be used for the Annual Scholarly Report. See attached.
6. Finally, I wish acknowledge the members of the EPUS Committee and to thank them for their very diligent and time-consuming service: Professors Charles Beck, Sandra Berry-Lowe, Mary Beth Chambers, Lindy Crawford, Andrea Hutchins, and Andrew Ketsdever. Furthermore, Along with the other members of the Committee, I particularly acknowledge the service of Professor Hutchins who went beyond the call of duty and acted as the secretary of EPUS.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom Napierkowski
Thomas J. Napierkowski, Ph.D.
Professor of English
College of Letter, Arts and Sciences