Christmas Choir: We need you (especially men!) to join our augmented choir for the Christmas carol service on Dec 18th. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings 7.30 - 8.30pm in church. Any questions please see John Beaven (organist and choirmaster) or contact the Parish Office.
Children’s Society Boxes: Children’s Society boxes are being collected; please bring them to church (or Parish Office ) before the end of October and give to Churchwardens DO NOT leave in the church. If you are unable to get it there please ring Nicky on 33454 and we will arrange to pick it up for you. Thank you.
The Mothers Union: Will meet in the Church on Thursday 3rd November at 2-30pm all are welcome.
Over 70’s Christmas Lunch at the Memorial Hall: the Town Hall. The Town Hall are asking for names: please see Muriel Cairns at the T H or phone 31693 before Fri 4th November.
Christmas Coffee Morning - this year will be held on Sat Nov 12th in the Memorial Hall Sun Lounge. To make this event a success we need your help. Do you have any unwanted gifts for the gift stall? We also need Christmas themed prizes for the raffle; these can be given to the churchwardens or left in the Parish Office. On the day we will need cakes and preserves. If you are able to help on the day please talk to Elizabeth Baxter tel 34537. Thank you; everyone’s help is appreciated.
Prayer Diary
From today’s readings: ‘He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives..’
Prayer Chain: If you would like immediate prayers for yourself or someone you know please contact one of the following (requests passed in confidence): Diana McEwen 33873, Julie Russell 31607, Gary Harvey 33990 or Judy Chiplen 33834. If you wish to join the prayer chain - contact Judy 33834.
Please continue to pray for those of our fellowship and friends who are ill or recovering from operations: Pearl Ayers, June and Steve Beech, Margaret Brown, Keith Butt, Rosie Fitzgerald, Alison Heselton, Vivienne Hounsell, Ben Legg, Jack Morris, Diana Paley, Mavis Paley, Pip Piper, Mary Riley, Robin Wickenden, Wendy Wilton, Richard and those caring.
Please remember the long-term sick, carers.
Please pray for those who grieve, and for the departed: Gordon Hale. Rita Hibberd, Betty Isaacs.
We pray for Wincanton Health Centre, for the staff in their work pressures
Parish Office Hours: Mon 9.00am – 12.noon, Tues, Thurs & Fri: 8.30am -12.30pm. 38 High Street, Wincanton BA9 9JF. Tel: (01963) 824503
All items, for the Newsletter, to the Parish Office by 9am Friday at the latest. Email:
St. Peter & St. Paul, Wincanton and
St. Michael, Pen Selwood
Rector: The Rev Nigel Feaver
Parish Office: 824503 or 31507 Day off: Tuesday
Church website:
October 23rd 2016
Wincanton 8.00am Holy Communion BCP
10.30am Holy Communion CW*
Pen Selwood 4.00pm Evensong
Readings: Isiah 45: 22 - end Luke 4: 16 - 24
Please join us for tea and coffee after the services marked*
A loop system operates at both churches. Large print publications are also available – please ask for them. ‘Play bags’ are available for youngsters in the play corner at Wincanton. A public toilet is available just up the road on the right-hand side at Wincanton. At Pen Selwood toilet facilities are in the adjacent village hall (please obtain the key from a sides-person / helper).
Sunday 30th October All Saints
Wincanton 8.00am Holy Communion BCP
10.30am Matins*
4.00pm All Souls Service*
Pen Selwood 9.00am Matins
Please take a copy of this newsletter to a friend or neighbour who is not in church today so that they may keep in touch with events
Another Day Trip Following the successful Foresters trip to Bournemouth & Poole, another has been arranged. This time a visit to Cadbury Garden Centre and Weston Super Mare will take place on Friday 16th September. Members £8.00 Non Members £12.00. If you would like to join us please contact Richard D'Arcy Tel: 01963 33160 to book.
Dear Friends,
Compassion … for the world; is this enough or just the start? I think many would agree with me that so much of the daily news reveals a vast amount of sadness and human struggle which requires a response based on compassion. On this morning’s news I heard of the 50th anniversary of the Aberfan disaster which killed 116 children and 28 adults. Also there are the many other reports of wars and natural disasters which affect many thousands of people across the world. I suppose it is because Aberfan is so ‘close to home’- (where the victims are all members of families in a Welsh village) – that they feel part of our nation’s identity –and we feel an even greater compassion for them.
Another reaction is that of anger; and we try to work out who is to blame. Some will blame God for ‘allowing’ such things –especially disasters of the ‘natural’ world such as earthquakes. But where there are human mistakes, or acts of irresponsibility causing the tragedy, then correcting these faults is a vitally important reaction arising out of our (the nation’s) initial compassion.
But what about wars created by deliberate cruelty, deliberate selfishness, greed and corruption? What is our reaction to be when we believe in a God of love? Those believing in God’s loving purposes were never promised an instant ideal world. Rather we were to be the ‘salt and light’ to the world (as Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount) as we work towards the full establishment of the kingdom of God. Some, such as political peace-makers, medical staff, charity workers and church leaders in key places are working in practical ways to resolve conflict, heal wounds and find a path towards peace. But most of us are not called to such focussed and skilled work. Rather, we are to ‘be there’ for others by feeling that compassion, expressing it in prayer, and when the opportunity arises sharing it in practical care. Let us remember that well known hymn which begins: ‘Brother, sister let me serve you,
Let me be as Christ to you; …..’
Of course we too have times of our own personal tragedy and grief. Next week, in celebrating ‘All Souls’ some of us will remember loved ones who have died and, perhaps, also at Remembrance Sunday as we remember the sacrifice of past wars. Yet, alongside whatever pain we carry, let us also hold compassion for the immense suffering of others across the world.
‘I will weep when you are weeping;
When you laugh I’ll laugh with you.
I will share your joy and sorrow
Till we’ve seen this journey through.’
(Hymn words by Noel and Tricia Richards. © Kingsway’s Thankyou Music)
Worship Notes: We welcome all who are new to our worship.
This afternoon it is Evensong at St Michael’s Pen Selwood (winter time: 4.00pm) why not join us?
Next Sunday 30th Oct we celebrate All Saints Sunday. It is the 5th Sunday; therefore we sing Morning Prayer / Matins at both churches. At 4.00pm at Wincanton we remember All Souls’ (a quiet 30 minute service).
Also: Songs of Praise – a Wincanton Churches Together service - will take place at 5.00pm at Wincanton Methodist Church. All welcome.
With every good wish. Nigel (Rector)
Mon 24th 8.45am Morning Prayer
NO Tiny Church
12.00 noon Funeral service in church of Betty Isaacs
NO Q-P and Tea, ‘Café church’.
Tues 25th 7.30pm Bell Ringing Practice
Wed 26th 8.45am Morning Prayer at Stoke Trister
Thurs 27th 8.45am Morning Prayer
12.00 Holy Communion
12.45pm Bring and share lunch in church
7.30pm Choir Practice
Fri 28th 8.45am Morning Prayer
Church Notices.
A big thank you to all who took part in the sponsored sheep knit, andto those generous people who sponsored. A wonderful £379 was raised for church funds and this will be increased by Gift Aid. Judy Chiplen.
Café Church (Q-P and Tea) will NOT be running this Monday, but will re-start…next week. We have a short Bible reflection /study / discussion then a time of quiet for prayer. We need to find a more convenient day and time for the majority of those who wish to attend … please let me know your preferred date and time of day.
Christmas Sheep Trail (in local shops): volunteers are needed to need to help launch this. Please speak to Penny Ashton for details.