Village of Bloomfield, NY



POB 459 TTY 1-800-662-1220



Please adopt a hydrant to save time in an emergency. It only takes a few minutes to locate a hydrant near your home and shovel it clean of snow.


There is NO parking on village streets from 2 AM to 6 AM year round. This time of the year it is important to comply so snow plows can properly clean the streets. The Sheriffs Department has been asked to enforce this overnight parking regulation.


There are state laws that regulate the use of snowmobiles on theroad. There is a village law that prohibits snowmobiles and ATV's from operation on village sidewalks.


Please extend a special THANK YOU to the Bloomfield Garden Club and the Gardening Angels for decorating the village this holiday season. If you would be interested in joining either one of these groups, contact the village and we will refer you to a member.Kudosgoes to our village DPW for their assistance with removing the flower carts and hanging the wreaths and holiday banners.


Christmas trees can be taken to the WWTP for

recycling during normal business hours Monday

through Thursday. The location is well marked.


The villageplows the sidewalks daily Monday through Friday. They are plowed on the weekend as needed. Please make an effort to keep the walk clean after you plow your driveway. Please do NOT allow driveway snow to be plowed across highways. This practice is illegal, creating a hazard

on the highway and can also cause property damage to a neighbor.


The Village Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Board are five member boards with a sixth member acting as an alternate in the case of an absence or conflict of interest. Currently an alternate member is still needed for each board. Please contact the Village Office if you are interested.


Please welcome 3 new businesses to our community. Dunkin’ Donutswill be open in January in the Quicklee’s gas station/convenience store located on the corner of Main and Elm Streets. They are open from 5:30 a.m. until 10 p.m. daily. Also new to our community is the Big Bass Brasserie, formerly Cobblestone Creek Bakery, located at 14 Main St. This eatery serves beer, wine and dinner fare from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays. The Cats and Dogs Club is a home occupation located in the village in which you can call for pet grooming to be performed in the comfort of your own home. For more information, go to the website

Please support these and all of our local businesses just as they support us.


The American Legion maintains a loan closet here in East Bloomfield. You can borrow such things as crutches, wheel chairs, hospital beds, and toilet chairs. For more information please contact either Bob Spike at 657-7467 or Bill Burlingame at 657-6927.


The Village election will be held on Wednesday March 18 from noon until 9:00 p.m. The date is changed in lieu of St. Patrick’s Day falling on Tuesday March 17. This year the mayor’s term and two trustee positions are up for election. The termsare for 4 years. Anyone interested in running for election can pick up an independent nominating petition from the clerk’s office. Fifty signatures of village residents are required and petitions must be turned in by Feb. 10.


The Village of Bloomfield DPW is proud to be the recipient of a Water Fluoridation Quality Award from the US CDC. According to the CDC,for every $1 invested in fluoridation, at least $38 is saved in dental costs.

The DPW also had an unannounced inspection by the Dept. of Health in November. We are pleased to announce that not only were there NO violations but we were informed by DOH that ours is one of the best operated systems that they oversee and that our system is often used as an example in their training sessions to other system operators. Kudos to our dedicated public works employees.


The Village of Bloomfield has stayed within the tax cap for the past three years with an additional year of a voluntary tax freeze in 2010/11. This has meant four years of trimming costs where NYS has offered no relief from unfunded mandates nor increases in highway aid. As each year passes it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain services.

The newtax freeze proposal for 2015 from the State will send refunds directly to residents in an amount which will equal the difference between the upcoming year tax amount and the previous year amount. For the Village of Bloomfield an example of the savings would be: a house assessed at $150,000 would have paid $445.50 in June of 2014 and would pay $449.85in June 2015 under the tax cap, so the refund check to the homeowner would be $4.35.


February is the month when village officials will begin review of a draft village budget. If you have any suggestions please contact the Village Office.

The Office of the State Comptroller has developed a website to help citizens understand government budgets and to actually track spending of local governments. If you go to you can access many resources and information such as: a guide to understanding local budgets, learn about college savings plans, you can see if you are entitled to any unclaimed funds held by NY State, and see how the

Village of Bloomfield has spent your money and raised revenues for the past six years.


Building permits are required in the village for a number of projectsto insure that the state building codes and local building requirements are met. They also insure the safety of the current residents and inform prospective buyers that all codes have been met. Often lawyers representing buyers will request copies of building permits that date back many years. Thisis done to insure that the client will be purchasing a home that meets standards and is not in violation of any building regulations. When in doubt about a permit call the Code Enforcement Officer at 657-5455 and ask if a permit is required. Here are some areas that need permits: building, altering or adding to a house, woodstove, fireplace, chimney, swimming pool, sign, roofing, fence, demolition of a building, utility shed up to 10x12, bulk storage, fill.



Jan 7 – Spaghetti dinner – Veteran’s Park 5-7

Jan 15 EB Methodist Church free lunch 11-1

Jan 31 – rabies clinic Ontario Co. Safety Bldg. 2914 CR48


Feb 11 – Spaghetti dinner at Veteran’s Park 5-7

Feb 19 – EB Methodist Church free lunch 11-1

Feb 28 - Rotary/music boosters “souper bowl” – BCS

high school 5pm-7pm


March 7 – Eastern Star roast pork dinner at the

Congregational Church 4:30pm

Mar. 12- Spaghetti dinner at Veteran’s Park 5-7

Mar 19 – EB Methodist Church free lunch 11-1

*Every Wednesday @ noon- Hands of Hope lunch at the

fire hall.