The Rita Lowe WSMC & PSCTM Scholarship

High School Division

Description and Eligibility

This scholarship is endowed by the estate of Rita Lowe, a former Renton mathematics educator, WSMC board member, and PSCTM president. Up to four scholarships of $1000 each will be awarded in 2016 to graduating high school students. Any senior graduating from a high school in Washington State who is planning to attend a college or university within Washington and is planning to major in Mathematics Education and pursue teaching certification to become a mathematics educator is eligible to apply.

In selecting the recipients, the committee will give consideration to academic achievement, demonstrated intent to pursue mathematics education, academic potential, and character and leadership potential.

The application form may be accessed online at Email or mail the completed application to the following address:

Rita Lowe Scholarship Committee

Rosalyn O’Donnell, Chairperson

2131 Dry Creek Road

Ellensburg, WA 98926

Applications must be submitted by March 15, 2016.

Application Procedure

  1. Complete the application form and submit it, including the 300-word statement and list and description of academic awards and honors.
  2. Request that an official transcript documenting all high school work and SAT or ACT scores be submitted to the address above.
  3. Request that two letters of recommendation be submitted to the address above.

The Rita Lowe WSMC & PSCTM Scholarship

High School Division

Selection Criteria

1.Academic Achievement

Transcripts or other certified documentation of the applicant’s academic achievement from ninth grade through first semester/trimester of senior year is required. The transcript must also include an official list of classes in which the applicant is currently enrolled. In addition, a list and description of academic honors and awards received should be submitted.

2.Academic Potential

Official documentation of standardized test scores such as PSAT, SAT, ACT, etc. should be submitted.

3.Interest in Mathematics Education

The applicant must prepare and submit a statement of not more than 300 words summarizing the applicant’s experience with and interest in both mathematics as an area of study and the teaching of mathematics. The statement should describe past and present school and community activities and offices or positions held in organizations which demonstrate the applicant’s leadership capabilities. Finally, the statement should summarize how the above factors are of value and influence in the pursuit of a career in teaching mathematics.

4.Potential for Becoming a Teacher of Mathematics

Two letters of recommendation must be submitted from teachers or other professionals at the high school of the applicant addressing the character, academic ability, leadership potential, and potential teaching aptitude of the applicant. At least one of the recommendations must be from a teacher of mathematics with whom the candidate has discussed his or her intent to become a mathematics teacher and under whom the applicant has studied.

The Rita Lowe WSMC & PSCTM Scholarship

High School Division


Applicant Name Click here to enter text.

Home Address Click here to enter text.

City Click here to enter text.State Click here to enter text. Zip Code Click here to enter text.

Email Address Click here to enter text.

Name of High School Click here to enter text.

High School Address Click here to enter text.

City Click here to enter text.State Click here to enter text. Zip Code Click here to enter text.

Year of Graduation Click here to enter text.Cumulative Grade Point Average Click here to enter text.

Name of Collegeor University You Plan to Attend Click here to enter text.

College/University Address Click here to enter text.

City Click here to enter text.State Click here to enter text. Zip Click here to enter text.

Standardized Test Scores(Verification of these scores should appear on your transcript.)

PSAT ScoresReading Click here to enter text.Math Click here to enter text.

SAT ScoresReading Click here to enter text.Math Click here to enter text.

ACT ScoresMath Click here to enter text. Composite Click here to enter text.

Academic Honors and Awards

List and briefly describe any academic honors and/or awards you have received.

Click here to enter text.

☐ By checking here, I verify that all information in this application is accurate and true.

Date Click here to enter text.

The Rita Lowe WSMC & PSCTM Scholarship

High School Division

Statement of Interest (300 word maximum)

Summarize your experience with and interest in both mathematics as an area of study and in the teaching of mathematics. Include a description of your past and present school and community activities and offices or positions held in organizations which demonstrate your leadership capabilities. In addition, summarize how your experiences are of value and influence in the pursuit of a career in teaching mathematics.

Click here to enter text.