From the Pastor’s Desk


Sometimes, remembering is a great gift. My Dad lives in the joy of his memories of the sixty-two years of marriage he shared with my Mom. It was tough for him when she died—those memories often brought tears—but those tears were reminders of how special their relationship was.

Sometimes, however, remembering makes us relive events that we would rather forget.

It is hard to believe that ten years have passed since civilian jets were transformed into weapons of war against our country. September 11th will be a day for many of us that is seared into our memories—we can remember exactly where we were when we heard the awful news. Our memories have been reinforced by the constant replay of videos showing airplanes flying into the World Trade Center. We would like to forget, but we can’t.

What can we, as Christians, do about those memories? We read the words of Jesus telling us that “if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:15). But try as we might, there are some things that we just can’t forget. Sometimes, I wish that I had a “DELETE” button in my brain that would let me highlight and remove the unwanted memories.

I suspect that we sometimes confuse “forgiving” and “forgetting.” Our efforts to drive a memory from our mind may actually lead to repression. The memory still is there, exercising control over us, causing much more damage to our emotional life and to our souls than if we had just left it out in the open.

A number of our United Methodist Women recently read a book called Amish Grace: How Forgiveness Transcended Tragedy. The book describes the response of the Amish community in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania, when a depressed neighbor invaded an Amish schoolhouse, killed five young girls and seriously wounded several others before he turned his gun on himself. To the shock and disbelief of the rest of the country, the family and friends of the victims went to the family of the shooter to express their forgiveness and to comfort them in their own loss. Most observers praised the Amish community for its response, but others criticized them for ignoring reality, for living in a fatalistic mindset that accepts the presence of evil in this world and suppresses legitimate anger.

The authors of Amish Grace acknowledge these questions. They point out, however, that Amish forgiveness did not mean ignoring that a tragedy occurred in their community—the Amish struggled, as you would expect, with the searing memories of the day of violence. It did not mean “pardoning” the offender, acting as though no wrong had been committed. The Amish fully accept that the civil authorities have responsibilities to protect the community and to punish offenders.

Instead, the Amish made a conscious decision not to react in revenge, but rather to act in grace. This decision was not easy. It was not a onetime event, but had to be made over and over again. The pain was still present, but the decision to act in love, grace and forgiveness was made with the faith that in time—in God’s time—healing would occur and emotional forgiveness would take place.

Not all bad events are as horrific as were the events of September 11th. But the wrongs done to us cause real pain nonetheless. We or those we love are hurt by someone or something. We feel the impulse to lash out and take action, even when we feel the tug in our souls that God has different way for us to respond.

The way of the Amish is not easy. It has been ingrained in Amish culture through hundreds of years of teaching and preaching, in the wake of scores of Amish who were martyred. I don’t believe that we can snap our fingers and make the pain go away. I do believe, however, that through God’s help we can choose not to let the evil of this world control us. God can transform us so that in our remembering, we will “not be overcome by evil, but will overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:2, 21).

~ Pastor Tom


Bobby Stanley 1
Beryle Pullinger 2
Ben Kozerski 6
Sara Miles 6
Melanie Ann Lambert 8
Jane Onimus 8
Puna Baker 10
Nichole Ward 10
Samuel Craun 12
Tara Garcia 12
Ellie Grace Miles 14 / Delfin Baker 16
Gene Benvenutti 19
Ron Comfort 19
Zachary Kent 19
Mabel Powell 21
Lisa Berman 22
Anna Nichols 23
Amy Reese 23
Steve Parrish 29
Kenneth Nickerson 30

(as of Sept. 1, 2011)

Current Requests

Joe Berman
Ken Berryman
Wayne Bettinger
Bev Blankenbeckler
Yako Bowman
Grayson Brightwell
Bill Bull
Debbie Cale
Susan Davis
Alyssa Divers
Bill Eubank
Frances Kay Ferguson
John Flynn
Chuck Fretterd
Nancy Fretterd / Evelyn Gibson Haywood Hand
Bill Harrison
Dr. Stephen Haynes
Brooklyn Michelle Jefferson
Barbara Kacer
Linda Kay
Ross & Georgia Kirby
Carly Koch
Andre Logan
Betsy McDonald
Fred O’Connor
Diane Onimus / Rena Powell
Harold Riva
Lois Shaub
Jane Shell
Edward Shiflett
Charles & Anne Southworth
Madison Stenson
Barry Stump
Steve Suder
Barbara Hendershott Tafuni
Sheri & Russell Wilkins
Peter Willis
Bernadine Woods
Jimmy Wood
Jasper Youmans

Long Term Requests

C. R. Baird
Michael Dech, Sr.
Ray Frost
Claude Gianniny / Liliane Grant
Hank Luniewski
Sophia Pace
Mary Ann Parrish
Lorraine Powell / Matthew Rigsby
Teresa Shifflett & Family
Natalie Simmons
Carson Tucker

Cunningham Homebound and Shut-ins

Reva Bishop
Carola Blankenbeckler
Dennis Blankenbeckler / Mary Frances Bright
Katherine Gianniny
Antha Hallman / Charles
Helen Parrish
Pam Smith

We Remember

We remember Claude Gianniny and Fred Sadler, who passed away last month.

Other Requests

Those suffering job losses.

Our troops, including Joe Brogan (brother of Rose Brogan); Mark Buell (brother of Adam Buell); Ryan Decato (married to David & Jane Onimus’s granddaughter); Dustin Haney (grandson of David Haney); Richard Harry (friend of Adam and Heather Perry); Jeff Pullinger (grandson of Beryle Pullinger); Stan Jacukowicz, Jr. (brother of Theresa Simmons); Thomas Yancey (friend of the Shiflett family); Chris Williams, and Bridget O’Neil.

For peace in our world.

Reminder: If you wish to add a name to the printed prayer list, please submit a new request in writing. Please be sure to include your name. Thank you!

Charge Conference

Our annual Charge Conference has been scheduled early this year. It will be held on Thursday, September 15th at 7:00 pm. Please plan to attend this important meeting of our church leadership.

Rebecca Parsons

The Congregation was blessed by Rebecca Parsons, who visited and gave the message on Sunday, August 7. The ministry she offers is a blessing to many. She received a trunk full of school supplies from CUMC, and there were so many that she also filled her back seat!


If you are willing to serve as an Acolyte, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the Narthex. Thank you!


Fellowship Together

Join us each Sunday morning following worship and Sunday School, as we gather to enjoy coffee, lemonade, and snacks under the Old Oak Tree.


If you would like to provide a floral arrangement (15’ high and 15” wide) on the alter in memory of or in honor of someone, you may call Jefferson Flower Shoppe (996-4087). Delivery is free on Saturday to the Church. Please also give Edna the information (996-7607) to be noted in the bulletin and the church calendar.

Church Council Meeting Highlights

AUGUST 9, 2011

TREASURER: Income for July - $11,602.30 Expenses for July - $7,608.57.

FINANCE: Increase in apportionment of $10,000.00 which means an increase in our monthly budget. Discussion followed as to the possibility of changing budget in different areas. All of the changes must be accomplished by Sept.15, 2011, the date of the annual Charge Conference. Next meeting of the Finance Committee will be Aug. 11, 2011.

OUTREACH: Charleene and Doug Frazier opened their home to Becky Parsons, for her overnight stay. She left with her trunk and back seat filled with school supplies thanks to members of CUMC. Frances Coffey will be here on Sept. 11, 2011 – she is in charge of Mary’s Cradle in Bluefield, WV. Fluvanna County also is in dire need of school supplies. Wal-Mart is allowing the County to fill a school bus with supplies. Volunteers will be needed for this along with helping to fill backpacks. A check from the church from the Discretionary Fund will be sent to the organizers of this event.

U.M.M.: On August 16, 2011, Scholarship Fund checks will be presented to four high school graduates.

LONG RANGE PLANNING: Reviewed the committees of our church and their functions. Next meeting will begin discussing 12 Keys to an Effective Church for use as a potential framework for determining the future of our church. The committee feels that as long as we offer hope our church will survive.

WORSHIP: Need additional large print hymnals. Old Farm Day – would like to see an increased use of bubbles to get the kids interested in CUMC and also are looking into offering children Christian story books. Ron Comfort will be our speaker for Homecoming. The Pastor will brief the congregation on what the Discretionary Fund is, how much is in it and what type of circumstances it is used for.

PASTOR TOM: September 15, 2011 – Annual Charge Conference. Commends “Long Range Planning Committee” on their thoughtful considerations in trying to find where we should be in the future. Vesper program is still in the forming process. To commemorate the 911 anniversary in the county, the Pastor would like to offer our church for a community service and to combine our 175th Anniversary in September 2012 with Homecoming.

July Money Matters

Budget / $9,424
Regular Offerings / $10,029
Total Deposits / $11,602.30
Mo. Expenses / $7,608.57
YTD Reg. Offerings / $69,190
YTD Expenses / $66,557

Upcoming meetings:

Sunday, September 18th

Sunday, September 25th - Fluvanna Christian Youth at Slate Hill Baptist - with rock wall, games and the movie "Soul Surfer"

Sunday, October 2nd

Sunday, October 16th

Sunday, October 23rd Fluvanna Christian Youth at Byrd Chapel – Movie Night - Movie TBA...

We will need volunteers to provide dinner for all the dates of our regular meetings. Time from 6 - 7:30 pm.

All 6th - 12th graders welcome!!!

Hand chime rehearsals are at 5:00 pm on Sunday evenings. We will ring in church about once a month. Please let Carol Frost know if you are able to participate at 434-589-8423.

Bible Study will resume Tuesday Sept. 6 at 2:00 pm and Thursday Sept. 8 at 7:00 pm. There will be a Fellowship Supper before the Thursday Bible Study at 6:15 pm. Please RSVP to Carol Frost, 434-589-8423 or if you are able to attend the Supper.

UMM Scholarship Dinner

Parents’ Night Out will start again this fall on September 10, from 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm. Bring your children to church for dinner and fellowship while you enjoy a night out! Make your reservation by Wed., Sept. 7 to Joyce Black at 589-8608.

Youth Bake Sale on Aug. 28

The Youth Bake Sale raised $106 - $53 to the YSF and $53 to the Allie Buck fund. We donated a little over $76 total to the YSF Fund.

Frances Coffey to visit CUMC

Frances Coffey, one of our two Covenant Missionaries, is planning to visit Cunningham on September 11, 2011. Francis Coffey is a Church and Community Worker at Mary’s Cradle in Bluefield, West Virginia. Join us as Francis shares with us about her ministry to children in need in Bluefield.

From the mailbag

I would like to express my appreciation to the members of our church family for all of your support during the recent illness and death of my Mother, Bernadine Woods.Your prayers helped get me through and continue to keep me going through a very difficult time.I have felt your love and willingness to help and know that I could call upon you if I needed help.Pastor Tom has faithfully been there at all times.TheCunninghamUnitedMethodistChurchis truly blessed with his leadership and presence.

With Christian Love,

Karen Dorsey

Thanks for your help in sending all of the youth to camp. Because of your help I went to the best camp for the third year! It was an amazing experience to make new friends and learn more about God.

Thank you so much,


Thank you so much for helping to send us to camp. The Appalachian Trail is an amazing and pure place to experience life and God.

Thank you,


Thank you for helping send us to camp. I had an amazing time because of your help.



Thank you for helping to send me to camp. I had a lot of fun. I also got closer to nature and God.

Your friend,


Thank you for helping to send us to Westview and for all of the hard work that you do throughout the year. I had a great time at Westview this summer and in the past. I thank you because I may not have been able to have all of these great times at camp without you!


Nicole Kent

Thank you for sending me to camp. I had fun hiking the Appalachian Trail. I feel closer to God and I made new friends.

Thank you,

Maggie Benvenutti

Dear United Methodist Men’s Group,

I would just like to thank you for the lovely dinner you had for me and the rest of the graduates. The dinner was fabulous and so was the devotion that Pastor Tom gave. Thank you for the scholarship money as well. You all did not have to do that, and I really appreciate your generosity.