JUNE 1, 2015


Regular session of theJunemeetings of the Cloud County Board of Commissioners was called to order at 9:00 a.m. on June 1, 2015 in the Commissioners’ room at the Courthouse with Chairman Gary Caspers, Members Gail Engle and Bill Czapanskiy, and County Clerk Shella Thoman present.

County staff attending was:Andy Asch, Highway Administrator;Brian Marks, Sheriff; and JoDee LeDuc, Treasurer.

Others attending were: Todd L. Gennette, Loren & Jolene Cote, Art Slaughter, Jim Jackson, Robert & Sue Cadamore, David Brewer, John B. Toone, Tom Tuggle, Beth Sacco, Robin & Annette Hood; and Tina Stillwell, Cloud County Resource Council.

Brian Marks, Sheriff discussed routine business and asked the Weed Department to spray.

On a motion by Commissioner Engle, second by Commissioner Czapanskiy, unanimous vote the Board approved the new hire of Ashely A. Campbell as Deputy Sheriff at a wage of $14.56 an hour effective June 15, 2015 to fill an open position.

Robert Cadamore and Todd Gennette, with the support of area residents presented the Board with additional information on the tower to be erected near 15th Street and Hill Street. Because the FCC request for environmental review has been denied theyare asking the Board for assistance for the safety of all Cloud County residents. They requested the Board to consider a Resolution of Mortoia/Moratorium concerning any and all Tower placements in the County of Cloud, Kansas; to notify any and all prospective tower placements companies of the Mortoia/Moratorium to be put into effect with a Cease & Desist Order against any and all construction during the moratorium; and presented five (5) requests to consider relating to set-back/fall–zones of any towers to be located within the County. Commissioner Czapanskiy shared his concern with the possibility of a law suit. Tom Tuggle stated the County was well in police powers to proceed with a moratorium and in his opinion should. The Board will obtain legal advice and recommend the group return in two (2) weeks.

Commissioner Engle reported he attended the North Central Regional Planning Commission meeting in Beloit on Thursday May 28th. Commissioner Caspers attended the Local Emergency Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday May 27th.

On a motion by Commissioner Czapanskiy, second by Commissioner Engle, unanimous vote the Board approved the minutes as presented.

The Board acknowledge sales tax proceeds for May 2015 in the amount of $58,541.13 compared to $61,671.83 in May of 2014.

On a motion by Commissioner Engle, second by Commissioner Czapanskiy, unanimous vote the board sign a letter of support of the North Central Kansas CASA.

Tina Stillwell, Cloud County Resource Council Executive Director, asked the Board to consider an increase in support from $5,000 to $10,000. The resource council served 613 households (1,635 people) in 2014, up from 380 families (836 people) in 2013. Additional information on the Crisis Assistance, Club 81 Youth Center, School Supply Program, Holiday Store, Mobile Pantry, Toys for Tots & the Special Education Classes & JAG Classes from Concordia High School was presented. The Board will consider the request when preparing the 2016 budget.

The Commissioners approved expenses:accounts payable - $4,349.44 and reviewed the public comments & suggestions from the comments/suggestions/questions box located in the County Clerk’s office.

The Board adjourned at 11:30 a.m. until Monday,June 8th.