Career Management Examples From School to Work
5.01 FSTW Case Studies Decision Making Key
Case 1: Jeff Wants to Buy a Car
Career Management Examples From School to Work
1. Problem:
a. Jeff’s parents have to take him to and from work
b. The job Jeff wants to apply for requires dependable transportation
c. Jeff cannot hang out with friends after work
d. There is no public transportation in his area
2. Goals
a. To buy a car
b. To feel independent
c. To socialize with friends after work
d. To apply for paper salesperson position
3. Resources
a. $6,000 from savings
b. Parents
c. Job at paper company warehouse
4. Choices
a. Buy a used car
b. Put a down payment on a new car
c. Parents continue to take him to and from work
5. Decisions (Answers will vary, any one)
a. Find and buy a used car and pay for it cash so he will not have payments. Apply for the paper salesperson position
b. Put a down payment on a new car and be prepared to make payments. Apply for the paper sales person position.
c. Ask parents to use their car. Apply for the paper sales person position.
d. Continue with parents taking him to and from work
6. Implement the decision (Answers will vary, any one)
a. Look for a good used car under $6,000 (he is going to need money for tax, tags, and insurance). Buy the used car. Speak with his supervisor about the paper sales person position. Fill out the application, request an interview.
b. Look for a new car that he can put down $5,000 (he is going to need money for tax tags and insurance). Speak with his supervisor about the paper sales person position. Fill out the application, request an interview.
c. Share his frustrations with parents and ask them to use their car. Speak with his supervisor about the paper sales person position. Fill out the application, request an interview.
d. Do nothing
7. Evaluate the results (Answers will vary, any one)
a. Bought the used car, got the sales person position, hang out with friends after work. Able to save more money. Traded used car in for a new one!
b. Bought the new car, got the sales person position, hang out with friends after work. Car payments are taking up the raise he got with the new sales person position.
c. Used parent’s vehicle, got the sales person position, and cannot hang out with friends because parents need to use their own car.
Career Management Examples From School to Work
5.01 FSTW Case Studies Decision Making Key
Case 2: Martina Looks for an Apartment
Career Management Examples From School to Work
1. Problem
a. Commute by train two hours a day (to and from work)
b. Wants to rent an apartment closer to work for more personal time in the mornings and evenings
2. Goals
a. To live closer to job
b. To have more personal time
3. Resources
a. Good job with an advertising agency
b. Parents
c. Public transportation (train, bus)
d. Coworker
4. Choices Available
a. Rent the studio, one-room apartment six blocks (walking distance) from work, with a security guard, heated swimming pool, health club, and garage that is included in the rent for $750 a month. Get rid of cat. Cut back on buying clothes. Walk to work. Pay $1500 deposit
b. Rent the one-bedroom, two room apartment 15-minute bus ride from work with no swimming pool or health club for $650 a month. Keep her cat. Pay $1400 deposit ($100 is for the cat)
c. Rent the one-bedroom, two room apartment Ride to work with coworker with no swimming pool or health club for $650 a month. Keep her cat. Pay $1400 deposit ($100 is for the cat)
d. Rent either one and buy a car: For the studio one room, be prepared to get rid of the cat. One bedroom, two-rooms, keep the cat be prepared to pay extra for parking.
5. Decisions
a. Any one of the choices (Answers will vary, any one of the choices)
6. Implement decision
a. Implement (put into action) any one of the choices (Answers will vary, any one of the choices)
7. Results of the decision (Answers will vary, must list one)