Owensboro Council Knights ofColumbus

Council 817 Newsletter

Celebrating 100 Years

From the Desk of the Grand Knight

Greetings Brother Knights,

I wanted to give a heads up on a couple of points of interest. Last month I mentioned two areas that we will be hitting soon. In regards to the Adult Education and Faith Formation, this is going to be a-work-in-progress, for several months.

Currently, I am hoping to offer two different nights, Tuesday and Wednesday. One of these nights would be for a beefed up Catechism class. This would be designed to help new Catholics, fresh from RCIA, learn the basics that they might have missed, or the nitty gritty of the Faith that might have been over simplified. If any of you have helped out with RCIA, you know just how little time you have to teach an incredible amount of information. I refer to this class as Catechism 102.

The other night, I would like to offer a rotating schedule of mini-seminars. Each night would concentrate on a specific teaching, or area of teaching of the Catholic Church. The instruction for these classes will use material from our Brother Knights in Missouri. This should make things very easy to facilitate, as this material has already been approved and is designed to practically teach itself. This should be especially helpful for teachers of these classes that, like me, have little or no experience teaching.

The teachers and helpers of these classes will be asked to sign an Affirmation of Personal Faith, to testify to their full submittal to the teaching authority of the Church.

On another subject, the Tootsie Roll Drive is coming up the first weekend in October (Oct. 1, 2, 3). Please use this advanced notice to adjust your schedules accordingly. We need as many hands on this as we can muster.

This same weekend is the Marian Conference at the RiverPark. Your council will be represented with an information table to let people know who we are, and how they too can be a Knight of Columbus. It is my understanding that this year is the last year for this conference, so let’s take advantage of this recruitment opportunity. Please give me a call if you are interested in helping to man an information table for a couple hours. It will cost you nothing to get into the building to meet some of these fantastic speakers, and you should find yourself getting more out of it than you expected.

Fraternally yours,

Grand Knight

Bingo Events!!!!!!

Please make a note of the new dates for our Bingos. The calendars enclosed should show you when you can help.

Hey you guys! We need helpers and we need players for every session. If you can’t come to work, come to play.

Bunko Night.

Join us for Bunko on the fourth Thursday of the month. Cost at the door is $2.00 per person. All proceeds are paid out in prizes. Come on out for a great time! This month’s game is on August 26, 2004. Bring your own refreshments.

The Father Michael J. McGivney Guild is something that we all should belong to. It costs NOTHING to join, but the privilege is priceless.

The prayers of every Knight and family member are important to moving forward the cause for sainthood of the Servant of God Father Michael J. McGivney. In January 2004, Vatican-appointed medical and theological consultants reviewed the documentation on the miracle attributed to the founder of the Knights. If the report is authenticated, the next formal action in the cause would be for the Vatican to issue a statement from Pope John Paul II saying that Father McGivney lived a life of holy and heroic service. Join some 80,000 Knights and others in promoting Father McGivney's cause by joining the Father McGivney Guild.

The Knight Site's is maintained at Features include:
Kentucky State Website
Year by Year history of the Knights
World-Wide Directory of Knights
International Alliance of Catholic Knights and More!

Want your own copy of the monthly Kentucky News gram delivered directly to your electronic mail box? Simply send an e-Mail and get on the electronic mail list. Send your current e-mail address -Kentucky Newsgrams- - - -

Knights! Register voters in your area or register yourself and family members! Patriotism is one of our main principles!

Insurance Agent’s Corner.

Brother Knights,

I have begun using an Internet based information distribution system. This system allows me to contact members via e-mail on special occasions and keep them informed on insurance news. I would appreciate your sending me your e-mail address at


Louis Peterson

General Agent 11389

2356 Booker Road

Springfield, KY 40069

(859) 336-9984

Happy Birthday!

To all you members having Birthdaysduring August:

Chris Bickwermert / August 01 / Joe Dornhecker / August 03
Victor Hardesty / August 14 / Anthony Hurm / August 21
Pete C. Johnson / August 02 / Joe Keller / August 21
Tommy Malone / August 19 / Jackie L. Murphy / August 31
Kenneth P. Raley / August 03 / John P. Roberts, Sr / August 07
Charles K. Russellberg / August 07 / Edward E. Welsh / August 11
Elton E. Woodcock, Jr / August 19

Council 817 Officers 2004-2005.

Name / Office / Phone / e-mail
Bill Zambrano / Grand Knight / (270) 691-6143 /
Jim Mann / Deputy Grand Knight / (270) 683-0810
Rev. Joseph Rhodes / Chaplain / (270) 685-2183
Frank Hardesty / Financial Secretary / (270) 683-2157 /
Mike Gross, DD,PKG / Recorder / (270) 688-0012 /
Doug Hood, PKG / Treasurer / (270) 684-3977 /
Frank Jones / Chancellor / (270) 281-5761
Wilfred Hagan / Advocate / (270) 684-1724
Sammy White / Warden / (270) 685-3350
Gene Bickwermert / Inside Guard / (270) 683-2126
Kenny Ward / Outside Guard / (270) 683-9955
Bob Hood, SD,PGK,FTD / One Year Trustee / (270) 684-3714 /
Greg Clark, PGK / Two Year Trustee / (270) 926-1512 /
Joe Keller / Three Year Trustee / (270) 852-6640 /

If we do not have your e-mail address, please give it to me (Grand Knight) and I will insert it next newsletter.