The Villager

Vol. XXXX No. 4 VillagePark Community Association APRIL 2009

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From the desk of Sheila Robbins, General Manager

  • Save Yourself Some Money – If you haven’t already voted please do it now! If VPCA doesn’t have the required number of responses (quorum) to count the ballots by April 2nd, it will require yet another ballot mailing and reconvened meetings which will cost homeowners thousands of dollars.
  • Don’t Make Me Do It! We try to be fair in our parking enforcement and the last thing I want to do is have someone’s car towed. However, it is not right for some residents to “store” their vehicles in the streets or parking areas while others can barely get into their own garages (where everyone is supposed to park). If emergency fire trucks need to get into a location, the last thing you want is for too many cars to be in their way. A reminder: City enforcement means 72 hours in one location is max. After that, your car can be towed.
  • Building Codes Have Changed – Homeowners wanting to check fire code requirements such as smoke alarm placement and GFIC outlet requirements for kitchens, bathrooms, laundry areas and outdoor outlets can contact OC Fire Authority at (714) 573-6255. The original aluminum wiring used to build your homes is allowable as long as there are no major wiring changes, but it is always a good idea to be sure your home meets all the current safety standards.
  • To all the wonderful VPCA homeowners, especially those who serve asyour Board of Directors and on committees, I say a heartfelt “Thank you for another great year!”


If You Haven’t Voted Yet~ Please Vote!

It has been said that “all politics are local”. And there’s nothing more local than electing your neighbors to the governing board of your community association. More than 1.25 million neighbors serve in community association boards. They’ve been elected by more than 54 million Americans who live in an estimated 274,000 associations. Regardless of the size or style of the development, there is an abiding desire to preserve the nature of the community and protect property values. Please be part of your community. Let your voice be heard through your vote.

E-Permission for Block Captains

New E-permission forms were included with the recent election mailing. They may be turned into the office at any time. In addition to giving permission for the office to contact you by e-mail, a new line has been added near the bottom of the form so that you may sign to give


permission for your block captain to contact you by e-mail. If you turned in your permission form prior to this option being added, please consider resubmitting it so that your block captain can easily reach you. In this day of busy schedules, locked gates, guard dogs and so on, it is hard for block captains to reach people at home. This method of contact would facilitate communication and help to hold us together as a community.

Special Mailing Regarding Earthquake Insurance

The ad-hoc Earthquake Insurance Committee has prepared a packet of information for homeowners and the mailing has been timed so that there will be an opportunity for homeowners to read it and come to the Annual Meeting on April 2nd, prepared for a discussion of the topic. The committee, as well as our insurance agent and attorney will be in attendance to go through the material.

Trees Are Not the Enemy!

Some homeowners are requesting to have tree branches nipped off at their property lines. Sometimes we need to stand back and see the forest for the trees. Our trees create the unique nature of this community association and give value to our property. We can’t lop them off, destroying their structural integrity, just because they drop pine needles and leaves into yards. Trees owned by homeowners and trees planted on the common area often overlap across borders. There is no getting around it. We all need to buy brooms and rakes and accept the fact that this is the nature of the place we chose to live.

Web Site Reminder – IS THE ONLY OFFICIAL VPCA WEB SITE. Click on Resident Login (left side menu), Login with middle 5 digits on your monthly statement plus last name (Example: 00012robbins) then enter password V300. Navigate with menu buttons on the left any time you want to change screens. Vendor List and Information Handbook are in Documents from left side menu. Agendas are listed with Board/Committee section.

Swim Team 2009

Fun for the kids and fun for the adults too!


The BEST yearly and only social activity for the WHOLE family is starting again soon. Yes, swim team! You are ALL invited to participate in the fun and activities. There are many ways to do so even if you do not have a child on the team. Please call us to find out how.

Swimmers of VillagePark! Registration day isSunday March 29 from 3:30-5. But VPCA residents can pre-register, just call us for an application.

OUR Swim team got 1st place in it’s division last year and hopes to do the same this year with the help of all of you.

If you would like to have your child on the team, DO NOT WAIT to register your kids, the team was sold out last year

CALL TODAY! (949) 278-0715

This is a great way for our whole community to spend the summer and be part of our community, in our great pool facilities area, no driving required!

For more information contact:

Luis Balcarcel: (949)278-0715

Don’t miss out on the fun, get involved!


There is a misunderstanding with some members that prior to removing any type of common area amenity, such as a tot lot or volleyball court, theremust always be an approving vote of 2/3rds of the membership.

Membership approval would be needed if the proposed project will be funded through a special assessment exceeding certain maximum percentages established by statute. That was the case in 2006 with the vote (which failed) involving Green Tree park modifications and the removal of a shuffleboard court, but not every project requires a membership vote.

Recently, VPCA legal counsel, David Cane, spoke to the Board on this subject. He will also be available at the VPCA annual meeting April 2nd to answer any questions you might have on this subject.

Even if membership approval may not be legally required in a particular circumstance, the Board recognizes the importance of affording all homeowners an opportunity to provide input prior to making its decision. To that end, the Board has adopted the following policy, which was prepared by David Cane.

The Board invites the membership to comment on this policy. Please provide your comments in writing to the Board, in care of the VPCA office or email the general manager, Sheila Robbins at , or come to the Board meeting April 23, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. and don’t forget to attend the annual meeting.


Prior to authorizing: 1) the removal of a Common Area Amenity that the Board does not intend to replace; or 2) the alteration, addition or modification of a Common Area Amenity that will change its intended use:

1) The Board of Directors shall provide written notice of the proposed action to the membership at least twenty-one (21) days before the Board of Directors makes its decision;

2) The Board of Directors shall make the following findings:

a) The removal or modification of the Common Area Amenity is consistent with the Board of Director’s duty to regulate the use of the common area so as to enhance the enjoyment and property values of all members. (Article II of the Amended CC&Rs);

b) The absence or change in intended use of the Common Area Amenity will not result in an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood. (Article VIII, Section 7 of the Amended CC&Rs);

c) The removal or change in intended use of the Common Area Amenity will not violate the requirement that the common area be used for park, recreational, social, and other purposes directly related to the private single family residential use authorized by the Amended CC&Rs. (Article III of the Amended CC&Rs);

d) The cost of the removal or modification of the Common Area Amenity shall not be funded through the operating account;

e) The removal or change in intended use of the Common Area Amenity is in the best interest of the Association and its members as a whole; and

f) The removal or change in intended use of the Common Area Amenity will not violate any other provision of the governing documents or applicable law.

A decision on a proposed removal or modification shall be made at a duly noticed, open meeting of the Board of Directors, after consideration of any comments made by Association members. As soon as possible after making a decision, but not more than fifteen (15) days after the decision is made, the Board of Directors shall deliver notice of the decision to every Association member. A notice required by this Resolution is subject to Civil Code Section 1350.7.

For the purposes of this Policy, the term Common Area Amenity shall mean parks, tot lots, and recreation buildings and facilities (for example, pools, spas, sport courts, or playground equipment) located on Association owned or controlled common areas, or any fixtures thereon consisting of walls or fences, patio covers, gazebos, awnings or shade structures.


February 26, 2009Upon due notice given and received, the members of the Board of Directors for the Village Park Community Association met for the General Session Meeting at 7:00 P.M. at the Village Park Clubhouse, 4552 Michelson Drive, Irvine, California. Present: Jean Anne Turner – President, Robert Armstrong – Vice President, Amira Mansour – Treasurer, Chris Graham – Secretary, Art Haines, Frank McGill and Samantha Younghans-Haug – Members. Sheila Robbins – General Manager. Absent: None.

ApprovedJanuary 22, 2009 General Session minutes as amended during the meeting.

Financials December 31, 2008 year-end finalized financial statements were reviewed and approved subject to final audit. January 31, 2009 financial statements were reviewed and approved subject to final audit.

Approved To accept the February 3, 2009 Architectural Committee minutes as presented.

Note: The draft of the Ad Hoc Earthquake Insurance Committee minutes for February 5, 2009were provided to the Board.

Approved To accept the February 10, 2009 Greenbelt Committee Walk minutes as presented.

All of the above approved by a majority with Art Haines opposed and Chris Graham abstaining regarding minutes since he was not present during all of the meeting.

ApprovedTo proceed as collection policy dictates on accounts00298-1 and 00474-1 as approved in Executive Session and hereby reported by account number only. Passed unanimously.

Approved Toaccept the following Earthquake Insurance Committee recommendations:

1. That the Chair of the Committee be authorized to communicate and discuss all Committee findings and recommendations with the membership via mailings, Villager articles, website postings, and community meetings.

2. That the earthquake insurance with State Farm be maintained for the year 2009.

3. That revised Option #1 dated February 20, 2009 be recommended by the Board for submission to the membership as amended.

4. That Options #2 through #7 not be adopted.

5. That after sufficient communication and discussion with the homeowners, the Board consider presenting Option #1 to the membership as a By Law amendment.

6. That the VPCA manager solicits and obtains competitive cost bids for earthquake and fire insurance annual premium for the purposes of Board consideration for the calendar year 2010.

7. That every year the VPCA manager obtains an updated Schedule of Insured Valuesfrom State Farm and that the Finance Committee reviews such schedule for completeness and accuracy. Approved by a majority with Amira Mansour and Art Haines abstaining.

ApprovedTo accept as amended the Draft Policy of the Board of Directors regarding Removal of Common Area Amenities. Approved by a majority with Art Haines and Amira Mansour opposed.

Approved To instruct the VPCA Office Manager to proceed with obtaining bids based on the detailed recommendations presented by the Facilities Committee to the VPCA Board on 12/18/08 and 02/26/09 in order to have the project completed prior to opening the main pool for summer use, and to accept the friendly amendment that the Request for Bids include installation and warranties for wrought iron as well as aluminum fencing. Approved by a majority with Art Haines opposed.

Approved To have HOA attorney David Cane provide a Standard Draft of Waiver releasing VPCA of all liability and indicating that water aerobic classes are for VPCA residents only. Approved by a majority with Art Haines abstaining.

Note: Art Haines contends that his prior motion of November 20th, 2008 was mis-worded, and thus distorted intent, and he requested a restatement of his motion that previously read as follows: To form an ad hoc committee or ask Greenbelt Committee to consider removing approximately half the landscaping in the common area. Art Haines voted in favor with majority opposed. The Board agreed that Mr. Haines could restate his motion.

Upon a motion duly made and seconded February 26th, 2009:

To revise the above motion: To ask the Greenbelt Committee to consider having shrub beds around fences and houses thinned out and cut back to approximately one half of what they are now. Art Haines and Chris Graham voted in favor, Frank McGill, Jean Anne Turner, Samantha Younghans-Haug and Amira Mansour were opposed and Rob Armstrong abstained.



Present: Michael Schafer - Chair, Paul Ciranna and Gil Kveen – Members. Sheila Robbins - General Manager. Absent: Robert Armstrong– Board Liaison.

Approved the meeting minutes of February 3, 2009 – Unanimous.


22 Sequoia Tree - Detached – Cornell – composition roof. Painting home with new colors Scheme 4: Bone, White and Carved Wood. Approved.

27 Oak Tree – Attached – Notre Dame – installing overhead garage door, #391. Window selection is not on the approved list. Not approved.

4582 Green Tree – Detached - Fordham – Repairing balcony and pot shelf due to termite damage. Using like for like materials and paint. Approved with options: fascia of balcony may be cement board and pot shelf may beremoved.

52 Oak Tree–Attached – Princeton – Composition roof – Replacing posts and beams, same as existing over front door. Remove and install gutter and low voltage lights and patching stucco around new beams, same asexisting. Tie new roof to old roof. Like for like. Approved.

62 Sequoia Tree – Detached – Baylor. Replace windows and sliders with Anlin white vinyl. No change in exterior size or shape. Approved with condition that replacement is only for existing openings. Install wood trim around windows where they exist.

62 Sequoia Tree – Detached – Baylor. Install Rheem A/C 3.5 ton in back yard. Approved with conditions: Run refrigerant lines on outside of home within painted sheet metal enclosure. Paint all electrical conduits to match adjacent surfaces.

4555 Green Tree – Detached – Amherst. Replace double door and paint Cottage White, same as stucco with door trim Stonish Beige. Fascia is Hickory. These are the correct colors per file. Approved.

19 Acacia Tree – Attached – Notre Dame. Replace existing patio cover (rear) approximately 3 feet by 50 feet with same as existing materials and paint. Approved with condition that patio cover shall have minimum of 2”X3”horizontal elements.

5 Redwood Tree – Attached – Rutgers. Replace existing wood where damaged. Would leave prime coat for now but plan to repaint entireexterior with new paint colors in near future. Approved with condition that repaired wood shall be painted to match existing.


5 Redwood Tree – Attached – Rutgers. Repair/replacetwo sections of slumpstone fence with like structures per VPCA specifications. Approved.

69 Oak Tree – Attached – Yale. Replace wooden fence and gatewith wrought iron fence and gate. Approved with condition that gate shall be a maximum of 6’0”.





March 5, 2009

Present: Jean Anne Turner, Richard Dirricq, Carol Lamphier, Sona Simsarian, Bill Wright, Jose Ordaz.

  • Ms. Turner provided a budget update as of December 31, 2008. There was a positive year-end variance of $ 6,158. This money cannot be held over.
  • Minutes of recent meetings were reviewed and approved.
  • The board of Directors has requested three bids for tree trimming by August, with work to begin in September or October.
  • Mr. Ordaz provided a color-coded map for the monthly deployment of his crew.
  • Water penalties for 2009 have already surpassed those for the whole of 2008. Ms. Turner directed Mr. Ordaz to provide a map with locations and numbers of water meters. She plans to track water usage more closely to determine if the association’s allotment has been reduced by IRWD or if leaks and breakages are to blame.
  • A member asked about weed control. Mr. Ordaz said that spraying for weeds cannot be done during rainy weather, but his crew is prepared to begin spraying when the rains have stopped.
  • There was a question about the freeway berm. Several members believe that enough thought, time, and money has been spent in that area and that the work should be completed. It was reported that the work is essentially complete, but the area will always be high maintenance because of the slope and irrigation difficulties. It will continue to receive routine monitoring.