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Information circular[*]

To: Members of the staff

From: The Assistant Secretary-General for Human Resources Management

Subject: Education grant and special education grant for disabled children

1. The purpose of the present circular is to advise staff members of the decision of the General Assembly, in its resolution 63/251 of 24 December 2008, to approve increases in:

(a) The level of maximum admissible expenses and maximum reimbursement levels in the following six countries/currency areas: Austria (euro), Belgium (euro), Italy (euro), the Netherlands (euro), Spain (euro), Sweden (krona), Switzerland (Swiss franc), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (pound sterling), United States dollar in the United States of America, and the United States dollar area outside the United States of America;

(b) The flat sum for boarding costs applicable for staff at designated duty stations under the education grant system.

2. The General Assembly decided also that:

(a) The maximum admissible expenses and the maximum education grant should remain at the current levels for Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland and Japan (except for the following schools in France, where a separate maximum admissible expense level equal to that applicable to the United States dollar inside the United States of America should apply: American School of Paris, American University of Paris, British School of Paris, European Management School of Lyon, International School of Paris, Marymount School of Paris, École Active Bilingue Victor Hugo and École Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel);

(b) The education claims for Finland and Norway should be included in the United States dollar area outside the United States of America. The separate zone for Finland and Norway is therefore discontinued;

(c) The special measures should be maintained for China, Indonesia and the Russian Federation, which would allow organizations to reimburse 75 per cent of actual expenses up to and not exceeding the maximum expenditure level in force for the United States dollar in the United States of America.

3. The General Assembly approved, with effect from the school year in progress on 1 January 2009, the recommendation of the International Civil Service Commission that the eligibility period for the education grant should continue up to the end of the school year in which the child completes four years of post-secondary studies even if a degree had been attained after three years and students would continue to be subject to the age limit of 25 years.

4. The table contained in the annex to the present circular supersedes the annex to information circular ST/IC/2007/8 of 23 January 2007 on the education grant and special education grant for disabled children.

5. The revised amounts reflected in the table are effective as from the school year in progress on 1 January 2009.


Education grant entitlements applicable in cases where educational expenses are incurred in currencies stated below

(Effective as from the school year in progress on 1 January 2009)

/ (1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) /
Currency / Maximum amount admissible educational expenses and maximum grant for disabled children / Maximum education grant / Normal flat rate when boarding
not provided / Additional
flat rate
for boarding
(at designated
duty stations) / Maximum grant
for staff members serving at designated
duty stations / Calculation
for maximum admissible educational expenses (attendance only) /
Austria / 16 719 / 12 539 / 3 709 / 5 564 / 18 103 / 11 773
Belgium / 15 458 / 11 593 / 3 452 / 5 178 / 16 771 / 10 855
Francea / 10 263 / 7 697 / 2 995 / 4 493 / 12 190 / 6 269
Germany / 18 993 / 14 245 / 4 179 / 6 269 / 20 514 / 13 421
Ireland / 17 045 / 12 784 / 3 112 / 4 668 / 17 452 / 12 896
Italy / 18 936 / 14 202 / 3 128 / 4 692 / 18 894 / 14 765
Luxembourg / 15 458 / 11 593 / 3 452 / 5 178 / 16 771 / 10 855
Monaco / 10 263 / 7 697 / 2 995 / 4 493 / 12 190 / 6 269
Netherlands / 16 521 / 12 391 / 3 844 / 5 766 / 18 157 / 11 396
Spain / 15 139 / 11 354 / 3 153 / 4 730 / 16 084 / 10 935
Danish krone / 108 147 / 81 110 / 26 219 / 39 329 / 120 439 / 73 188
Japanese yen / 2 324 131 / 1 743 098 / 607 703 / 911 555 / 2 654 653 / 1 513 860
Swedish krona / 157 950 / 118 462 / 24 653 / 36 980 / 155 442 / 125 079
Swiss franc / 28 749 / 21 562 / 5 458 / 8 187 / 29 749 / 21 472
Pound sterling / 22 674 / 17 005 / 3 488 / 5 232 / 22 237 / 18 023
United States dollar (in the United States of America)b / 39 096 / 29 322 / 5 777 / 8 666 / 37 988 / 31 393
United States dollar (outside the United States of America)c / 19 311 / 14 484 / 3 655 / 5 483 / 19 967 / 14 439

a Except for the following schools, where the United States dollar (in the United States of America) level will be applied: American School of Paris, American University of Paris, British School of Paris, European Management School of Lyon, International School of Paris, Marymount School of Paris, École Active Bilingue Victor Hugo and École Active Bilingue Jeannine Manuel.

b Also applies, as a special measure, for China, Indonesia and the Russian Federation.

c Includes Norway and Finland, which will no longer be tracked as a separate zone.

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[*] * The present circular will be in effect until further notice.