Tell me (some more) about….?
Could you give me an example of that?
So you find….?
And then what happened?
How did you feel about …..?
How has that changed?
So what does that mean for you?
I’m not clear what you mean by that. Could you run over it again?
Could you flesh that out for me?
So you feel that….Have I got that right?
In what way did that ….?
Can you think of examples of where this has happened for you?
What led you to that view?
What did you infer from that?
Have you always thought that? Why did you change your mind?
Is there any other way you could interpret that?
What might have lead you to see the situation that way?
What does that tell you about yourself and the way you learn (or the way you see things)?
What assumption(s) do you think you are making there?
What was your role in this?
How might you change this to something more likely to work for you?
In what way(s) did that impact on you?
What might you do differently?
What do you think would happen if you tried that when…?
How might … react if you did it that way?
What have you learned from this?
How dies this relate to the plan(s) you made?