This handbook has been written, planned and distributed to help acquaint the students of Pretty Water School with the general plan and regulations under which this school is operative.
It is sincerely hoped that the students will refer to this handbook as a guide in planning their school activities and as a help in determining conduct to follow at given times. It also is hoped that frequent references to this booklet will be of real help to students so that they will realize that information not contained in this booklet may be obtained from teachers and administration that, in the final analysis, are here for the benefit of the students.
Jeff Taylor, Superintendent
Ofc.: 918-224-4952
Fax: 918-227-1362
The fundamental objectives of Pretty Water School are to help each student:
- To develop and maintain good physical and mental health.
- To develop confidence in the fundamental tools of listening, speaking, reading, writing, mathematics, and the arts and sciences.
- To think creatively, act responsibly, learn to understand the true meaning of freedom, and know we have the right to make and duty to respect and obey the laws of our land.
- To respect and understand another’s point of view so that the student can live peaceably and happily with others.
- To develop an appreciation of the duties, responsibilities, and privileges of a world citizen.
- To develop moral responsibility and sound ethical and moral behavior.
- To develop criteria for selecting and practicing suitable leisure time activities.
- To develop a respect and understanding of his/her heritage.
- To experience wholesome social situations that will train him/her to be a contributing member of his/her country.
- To develop saleable skills, understanding, and attitudes necessary to an intelligent and productive worker.
- To understand how to purchase and use goods and services intelligently, understanding both the values received by the consumer and the economic consequences of his/her acts.
It then follows that in order for the teacher to assist each student to develop his/her fullest potential:
- We must provide common experiences, which will uncover potentials, interests and abilities.
- We must accept the student where he/she is and provide experiences for their further growth so that he/she will feel “I can learn, I am learning.”
- We must provide enriching experiences for those of unusual ability which permit them to develop more deeply into fields of special interest.
- We must set immediate and attainable goals for those with limited capacities.
- We must constantly strive to meet our objectives and to adjust to the changing need of our students so that we will provide the best possible educational program.
The principal must approve all materials for distribution or display on Pretty Water Public School property. Petitions may not be circulated without the approval of the superintendent. All messages to students must be delivered to the office. The student will be given the message at the earliest opportunity least disruptive to the educational setting.
REGULAR ATTENDANCE IS A CONTRIBUTION FACTOR TO SUCCESS IN SCHOOL. Irregular attendance is the chief cause of failure and subsequent withdrawal from school. SCHOOL WORK TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER EVERYTHING ELSE. All shopping, visiting, dental appointments and other engagements are to be planned so that parents will not request, or permit pupils to remain away from school. THE WORK OFFERED AT PRETTY WATER SCHOOL IS BASED ON THE ASSUMPTION THAT THE STUDENT WILL BE PRESENT EVERY DAY. Experience has shown that a high quality of work is not possible with irregular attendance.
State law requires children to attend school regularly. (70 O.S. 10-106) Any parent, guardian, or custodian of a child, in violation of said law, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; (70 O.S. 10-1-5) any student not in attendance 80 percent or more of the school term may be retained. (70 O.S. 24-120)
When a student is absent from school the following procedure must be followed:
1.Parent should call 224-4952 by 10:00 a.m. The school may call if we have not been notified of the absence.
2.If unable to call on day of absence, a note should be sent from the parent explaining the absence.
3.Students arriving after the 8:10 a.m. bell will be recorded as tardy. Excessive tardiness is discouraged and may result in detention.
4.Students should not be on the school campus before 7:00 a.m. or after 3:15 p.m. unless at a school sponsored activity or in the Latchkey Program.
5.Excessive absenteeism and tardiness may result in a conference with the child’s parents.
6. Students absent for three class periods will be counted absent one half day.
7. Students arriving by 10:00 am will be counted as tardy.
The following awards are presented at Pretty Water School:
1.Student of the Month - presented on the last Monday of each month at 8:20 a.m.
2.Honor Roll - recognized each nine weeks for grades 3-8
3.Perfect Attendance
4.Citizenship - one boy, one girl
5.Scholastic - one per class
6.25 library books
7.Accelerated Reader
8.Spelling Bee
Kindergarten through 6th graders must store backpacks in the area designated by the classroom teacher. Seventh and 8th grade students must store backpacks in lockers during school hours.
The following are specific examples of unacceptable behavior:
- Open or persistent defiance of authority.
- Assault upon a student or school personnel. Students who fight at school or on school grounds will be suspended from school if it is deemed that they are endangering school personnel or other students.
- Creating or attempting to create a disturbance.
- Unauthorized absence from classes.
- Willful disobedience, profanity, or causing damages to school property.
- Showing disrespect for school property or causing damage to school property.
- Possession or use of any dangerous or annoying instruments.
- Selling, possessing or being under the influence of a narcotic or dangerous drug or alcoholic beverage.
- Smoking in the building or on school property at any time before, during or after school.
- The use or possession of any type of smokeless tobacco on school grounds.
- Unacceptable behavior at teacher/administration discretion.
Pretty Water School is committed to creating and maintaining a learning environment that is free from bullying and harassment. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated anywhere at Pretty Water School or at any school-sponsored, school-approved or school related activity, event or function.
Bullying is behavior intended to cause harm or humiliation
Bullying can be physical, verbal, emotional or sexual
Bullying is carried out repeatedly over time
Bullying occurs within an interpersonal relationship characterized by an imbalance of power
Harassment includes, but is not limited to offensive teasing, un-consented communications with another student, taunting, and slanderous remarks regarding another student.
Reporting Bullying/Harassment
Students are encouraged to report bullying to school staff. The staff is expected to act on all reports. Pretty Water School will strive to maintain confidentiality of any student target or bystander who reports bullying or harassment as well as the student(s) being accused. Pretty Water School will not tolerate retaliation for reporting bullying or harassment. Any student who retaliates against anyone who reports an incident, or against anyone who testifies, or assists in an investigation will be disciplined.
Staff members will fill out a bullying/harassment incident report form and forward it to the administration.
Consequences of Bullying/Harassment
The Student Handbook has policies regarding inappropriate behavior by the students.
Our bus drivers have the responsibility of transporting our students to and from school in a safe and courteous manner. Pretty Water students are expected to obey all bus rules. RIDING THE BUS IS A PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT. Should it become necessary for a student to ride the bus other than his/her regularly assigned bus, a note must be sent to the school signed by the parent. In order to know the whereabouts of all children by the parents and/or the school officials, students will not be allowed to ride another bus or be delivered to another destination other than to his/her home without written parental consent.
The students are expected to cooperate with the driver in obeying the rules while riding the bus. If a student misbehaves on the bus and the driver cannot correct it, the driver is to report the student to the superintendent or designee for disciplinary action. This may include the student losing his/her bus riding privileges. Pretty Water School is not responsible for students before they are picked up or after they are dropped off.
In order to do this following “Bus Rider Rules” are to be observed.
1. Be on time at the designated school bus stops - keeping the bus on schedule.
- Stay off the road at all times while waiting for the bus. No pushing or shoving is allowed.
3. Wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to enter.
4. Wait for the driver to motion for you to cross the road.
5. Respect people and their property while waiting for the bus.
6. Receive proper school official authorization to be discharged at places other
than regular bus stops.
While on the bus students should:
1. Keep all parts of the body inside the bus.
2. Refrain from eating or drinking on the bus.
3. Assist in keeping the bus safe and clean at all times.
4. Refrain from the use of any form of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs.
- Remember that loud talking and laughing or unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention and may result in a serious accident. (The life you save may be your own).
6. Treat bus equipment as you would valuable furniture in your own home. Damage to seats, etc. must be paid for by the offender.
- A student should never tamper with the bus or any of it’s equipment.
- Maintain possession of books, lunches, or other articles and keep the aisle clear.
9. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children.
10. Do not throw objects in or out of the bus.
11. Remain in the seats while the bus is in motion.
12. Refrain from horseplay and fighting on the school bus.
13. Be courteous to fellow pupils and bus driver.
14. Remain quiet when approaching a railroad-crossing stop
15. Remain in the bus during road emergencies except when it may be hazardous to the safety of the student(s).
After leaving the bus, students should:
1. Go at least ten (10) feet in front of the bus, stop, check the traffic, wait for the bus driver’s signal, then cross the road.
2. Go home immediately staying clear of traffic.
3. Help look after the safety and comfort of small children.
Extracurricular Trips:
1. The above rules and regulations must apply to all trips under school sponsorship.
- Sponsors will be appointed by school officials.
A breakfast program is available for all students including Pre-Kindergarten.
The lunch program is available for all students, including Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten at a cost $2.25. Free or reduced lunch and breakfast applications are available in the office and we encourage all parents to examine the salary schedule and application. All information on these applications is very confidential.
We encourage visitors to eat breakfast and lunch. Please notify the school in advance for adequate food preparation.
Statements will be sent home monthly to those families owing money. Please send payments to the main office in a timely manner.
Students must be ever mindful that school facilities are made available for their use and convenience, that they are steward of same, and that they must be used by others after they are gone. Those doing the damage will pay for all damages to school property and building. Disciplinary measures will be taken against those caught defacing school property.
Students must check out of school through the office. (Failure to do so may result in Morning Detention, Lunch Detention or ISD.) Students may only check out of school with the personal permission of their parent or guardian. Permission must be given in person or on the phone before the student may be approved to leave school.
Cheerleaders will be directly accountable to their sponsor and will follow the rules and regulations as established. Cheerleaders are expected to cooperate with the sponsor and may be suspended for not following rules and regulations.
Cheerleaders will ride the bus to games unless permission is received from the sponsor to do otherwise.
Class begins:8:10 a.m. - Pre-Kindergarten through 8th
Class ends: 3:10 p.m. - Pre-Kindergarten through 8th
Any student arriving after 8:10 must check-in with the office and their attendance teacher.
Students will not leave campus during regular school hours, except with a parent, legal guardian or their designee.
It is the policy of the Pretty Water School Board of Education, that a parent who is awarded legal custody of a child by court action shall file a copy of the court decree awarding such custody with the school. If the custodial parent does not wish the child to be released to the noncustodial parent, an appropriate written instruction should also be filed with the school. All staff is instructed to refer any question to the superintendent.
Absent a court decree to the contrary, both natural parents have the right to view the student’s school records; to receive school progress reports; to visit the child briefly at school; and to participate in parent and teacher conference (not necessarily together in the same conference).
It is the policy of Pretty Water School to comply with DHS representatives requesting interviews with students after proper identification has been presented. It is then DHS who is responsible for notifying the parents.
Any item that could be described as a dangerous weapon will not be permitted on campus. These items will be confiscated by the teacher, turned into the superintendent or designee, parents notified and arrangements made for parents to pick items up in the office.
It is the policy of Pretty Water School that any student who is determined to have brought a weapon to school shall be suspended from school for a period of not less than one year.
Any suspension imposed under this policy may be modified for any student on a case-by-case basis by the chief administering officer of the district.
For the purpose of this policy, the following definitions shall control:
1. The term “weapon,” means a firearm as such term is defined in Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code. This policy also defines all types of knives as weapons.
2. The term “chief administering officer” means the superintendent of school or the board of education of the District.
3. The term “determined to have brought a weapon to school” means any student being in possession or control of a weapon on property owned, leased or rented by the District, including, but not limited to, school buildings, parking lots and motor vehicles and any student who is in possession or control of a weapon at any School District sponsored function regardless of whether such function is conducted on school property.
It is the intent of the Board of Education of Pretty Water School C034, to keep the school as free as possible from narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, intoxicants, or tobacco as well as the harmful effects that such substances may have on the lives of the students attending Pretty Water. (As per Board of Education Policy). It is also the intent of the Board of Education to provide students with an educational program that is preventive in nature, designed to help students who are having problems related to drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
Further, the Pretty Water School Board, Administration and Staff support the law in prohibiting the possession, use or sale of all illicit drugs, alcohol or tobacco on the school premises and at any activity sponsored by the school. Students who possess, use, or distribute illicit drugs (including anabolic steroids) tobacco; tobacco products or alcohol shall be subject to disciplinary action. Such disciplinary action may include long-term suspension for students. In additions to suspension, students are subject to referral for prosecution under applicable laws.
The school personnel support the belief that the use or sale of illicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco is wrong and harmful to students. Disciplinary sanctions (consistent with local, State and Federal laws) up to and including expulsion and referral for prosecution will be imposed on students who violate the standards of conduct required by the above statement. A disciplinary sanction may include the completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program before the student will be allowed to return to school. Information regarding any drug and alcohol counseling, rehabilitation and reentry programs are available in the Administration Office.
“The teacher of a child attending a Public School shall have the same rights as a parent to control and discipline such child during the time the child is in attendance or in transit to the school or classroom presided over by a teacher.” (Article VI, Section 125, School Laws of Oklahoma)
Our students have a reputation of being well behaved in the classroom and at school activities. High standards of self-discipline will be expected from all students. Any student who is found to be disobeying the rules, showing disrespect for any teacher or other school personnel, or damaging any school property will be subject to disciplinary action.
Disciplinary action will be taken depending upon the severity of the violations and/or number of times the student has violated regulations.
Disciplinary methods may include, but are not limited to the following methods:
- Conference with student
- Conference with parents/guardians
- Detention
- In-school suspension
- Referral to counselor
- Behavior contract
- Changing student’s seat assignment or class assignment
- Requiring student to clean or straighten items or facilities damaged by the student’s behavior.
- Community service
- Requiring student to make financial restitution for damaged property
- Restriction of privileges
- Suspension
- Corporal punishment
- Referral to social agencies
- Expulsion
- Involve law enforcement