8 Cambridge Street, Epping, 2121WEEKEND MASSES
Saturday 9.15am
Ph: 9868 3322 Fax: 9868 5035Saturday Vigil: 5.00pm
Sunday 8.30am, 10.15am & 6.00pm
After School Care: 8541 4691Weekday Masses OLHC Church
© Our Lady Help of Christians, Epping. Material in the newsletter is not to be reproduced without the permission of the school principal.
Any attachments mentioned in this newsletter can be found on the school website under Our School - Permission Forms.
From the Principal
Faith-tips for the Journey
Simple ways towalk with our children in faith, hope and love.
Talented and humble
"I want my daughter to grow up confident, assertive, and humble."
"I try to raise my son to be proud of his talents, and to use them for others, for the common good."
These parents' comments resonate with the Parable of the Talents.(Matthew 25:14-30)Humility and assertiveness are not contradictory in the kingdom of God. Our gifts are meant to be identified, not hidden; put to use and not left idle; celebrated for the way they offer glory to God and loving service to others.
Faith steps at home
Attach a blank sheet to the refrigerator door. Day by day, invite everyone to write on it, naming the gifts of each family member as they see them being used for others.
At the end of the week, take down the 'fridge' list; read through it, perhaps over a meal. Give thanks to God for the gifts of this family and its service to others.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." (Marianne Williamson)
Congratulations Isabelle!
Congratulations to Isabelle Huntsdale in Year 6 who was awarded the John Langston Epping Memorial Scholarship by Epping Rotary. The John William Langston Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to the most outstanding final year Epping Primary School student to assist with expenses for high school. John William Langston was a Councillor on Hornsby Shire Council and a prominent Epping resident from 1904 to his untimely death in 1923.
An interview panel from Rotary assessed the nominee from each local school on his / her:
• Academic achievement
• Significant contribution to school life
• Leadership potential
• Interest in sport and / or music, arts, craft etc
• Life outside school
• Expressive and accurate oral reading of a short passage
• Presentation of a one minute talk on a topic of the candidates choosing
• A one minute performance – play an instrument, sing, dance, recite and
• Personality and general presentation
This is the first time in recent memory that a student from OLHC has received the scholarship and we are very proud of Isabelle and her significant efforts. Betty Ockerlander (President of Epping Rotary) announced and presented Isabelle with her scholarship at a dinner on Monday evening.
Epping Twilight Market
Our annual fundraising event, the Epping Twilight Market, is approaching fast. We hope you have been lucky selling your tickets to family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. Remember there will be a prize for the class and individual family that sells the most tickets.
For updates on the markets you can follow us on Facebook or have a look at theEppingmarkets.com.auwebpage.
If you are able to help before or during the night please contact Market Coordinators Lizeth, Peta or Ana from Kindy.
Parish Forum Tonight
A reminder that ourparish forum is being held tonight Wednesday, 15 Novembercommencing at 7pm in the hall. All parishioners and parents are welcome and encouraged to attend! Since our last Parish forum, a great deal of work has been undertaken with Stockland regarding the design plans and our relocation needs. We look forward to sharing this information with you and receiving your feedback.
Year 5 /6 Surf Ed
Yesterday Years 5 and 6 went to Dee Why Beach for our surf skills day. We had heaps of fun even though it was cold at first. We learnt how to wade through the water, dolphin dive, read the surf and we even got to paddle out past where the waves were breaking on the surfboards. It was a really fun day and now everyone is looking forward to when we go sailing in 2 weeks time! By Tom Jordan Year 6
God bless,
Dominique O’Sullivan
Diary Dates – Please refer to OLHC website calendar(under News and Events – Calendar can be printed as required).
Term 4 2017
Week 6
15th NovParish Forum 7pm
17th & 18th NovDebating Camp
Week 7
Sunday 19th NovChildren’s Mass 10.15am - OLHC/Kindy 2018 Enrolment Mass
20th NovStage 3 excursion Mary Mackillop
22nd NovYr 6 Reconciliation
Yrs 1 /2 Excursion
24th NovMarkets
Week 8
27th NovChristmas Pop-up Playgroup
29th NovSecond hand uniform shop
30th NovYrs 5/6 Sailing
P & F AGM 7.30pm
1st DecYrs 5/6 Sailing
Yr 4 Reconciliation 10.15am
Week 9
4th DecLeadership speeches
6th DecYr 6 Graduation Mass 6pm and dinner
7th DecOLHC Talent Quest
Parent/Volunteer Thank You Afternoon Tea
8th DecDads in the Classroom
School reports home
Week 10
13th DecSecond hand uniform shop
15th DecEnd of Year Mass 12.15pm
Last day of Term 4
From the AP
Dads in the Classroom – FRIDAY 8 DECEMBER!
Just a reminder that this term our final Dads in the Classroom activity - Fitness with Fathers will be held in Week 9 on Friday 8th December! Our very talented PE teacher Miss Hayes will be leading us in a circuit-style fitness course (user-friendly and suited to all fitness levels). No lycra or previous ‘Ironman’ training required, just a pair of comfy shoes and a willingness to model the fun and benefits of exercise for your children. Activities will commence at 8.45am.
Maths Olympiad Awards
Last week at our assembly we presented our 2017 Maths Olympiad team and team awards. Congratulations to all our team members.
OLHC Maths Olympiad Team 2017
Abbey Thomas, Vishesh Bhatia, Dominic Hung, Abtin Moghadam, Dylan Kerrigan, Charlie Morrison, Lucy McLachlan, Isabelle Huntsdale, Tom Jordan, Jayden So, Catherine Ye, Meigo Nocedo, Mikayla Paul and Sophia Stanton
Overall our team achieved some amazing results over the year. Congratulations to the following students who achieved awards for some outstanding individual results:
- OLHC Highest Individual Score – Dominic Hung
- Encouragement Award – Isabelle Huntsdale
- Top 10% Achiever Medal – Dominic Hung, Jayden So, Abbey Thomas, Abtin Moghadam and Vishesh Bhatia
- Top 30% Achiever Awards – Lucy McLachlan
- Top 40% Achiever Awards – Charlie Morrison and Catherine Ye
- Top 50% Achiever Award – Tom Jordan
‘Let It Go’
Next week we will be celebrating our Term 4 Wellbeing Week at OLHC. During this week we encourage all our children, parents, staff and members of the community to take the time to stop – relax and to look after our social and emotional wellbeing. It is a week to slow down from the business of life and take the time to spend with family and reconnecting with others.
Our Well-Being Theme for Term 4 is ‘Let It Go’. During the week students will participate in activities to assist them to calm themselves, relax and reenergize themselves. With the business of our daily lives we often neglect taking time for ourselves to do these things. Being able to stop and calm our minds is a great life skill not only for our children but for us as adults. Each day children will participate in a variety of activities as a school and with their teachers to help them ‘Let It Go’. These include:
- Mindful meditations
- Smiling minds meditation
- Making amygdala bottles (calm jars)
- Music for the Mind – Aerobics
- Colouring for relaxation
During Wellbeing week there will be NO HOMEWORKand NO MEETINGS at school. We encourage all our families to use the opportunity of NO HOMEWORK to spend time on calming, relaxing and reenergizing activities as a family. Some suggestions include:
- Playing board games
- Going for a walk or run
- Playing outside in backyard
- Reading together
- Smiling minds meditation
- Making amygdala bottles (calm jars)
- Music for the Mind – Aerobics
- Colouring for relaxation
Mindful Monday
On MINDFUL Monday take the time to: Stop and ‘Let It Go’.
Take Time on Tuesday
TAKE TIME on Tuesday to calm your mind and engage in some mindful meditation or quiet time for yourself to calm, relax and reenergize.
Workout Wednesday
Be ready to WORKOUT and clear the cobwebs. Go for a walk/bike ride with family or friends.
Take time on Thursday
TAKE TIME on Thursday to calm your mind and engage in some mindful meditation or quiet time for yourself to calm, relax and reenergize.
Fun Friday
Today we encourage everyone to do something fun at the end of the week and‘LetGo’of the business of our lives.
Thought Of The Week
“Learning is Living”
Our theme this week encourages children to learn from everything they do.
Whatever the experience,
giving thought to what has been learnt or taken place
allows the children to prepare for future situations.
Our theme this week also implies that we can learn
so much from those who have the wisdom that comes
with living through experiences.
Miss Nadine Smith
Assistant Principal
From the REC
The students will start the Advent to Christmas units next week. This is a lovely time of the year when we prepare for the coming of Jesus Christ. The students will be invited to embrace the religious meaning of Christmas, a time of joy and happiness but also a time when disciples of Jesus reach out to those who are marginalised in any way.
Each grade has a different focus for their Advent and Christmas unit where they can explore the Christmas stories written by the different authors of the Gospels.
The Year Six students will reflect on the symbolism of the Jesse Tree, which is significant in the story of Advent. They will look at the hope created by prophets in times of trouble and that the message to stay alert and remain hopeful is still important to us today. The students will also reflect on the birth of Jesus in light of his birth, death and resurrection.
The Year Five students will focus on the role of Mary in the stories we hear during the readings of Advent. They will also explore how Mary responded to God's call in faith and love and how we, as disciples of Jesus are challenged to do the same. For Christmas the students will study and reflect on the Season of Christmas, its place within the Church’s liturgical year and the implications of this season for their lives today.
Christmas Hampers
We will start collecting non-perishable items this week to donate to St Vincent de Paul. If you have any items that you could donate please send in with your child to their class teacher. We will present these to a representative at the commencement of our Talent Quest which will be held on the 7th December at 9am.
End of Year Mass Time
Please note that our end of year Mass will be on Friday 15th December at 12.15. Children may go home with parents after the Mass.
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Last Monday we were led by Year 5 students in a reflective liturgy to commemorate Remembrance Day. Well done Year 5 for leading us in such a prayerful and respectful manner.
The Ode
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them
Lest we forget
Children’s Mass this Sunday
On this coming Sunday there is a Children’s Mass at 10.15am at Epping. At this Mass we will also be welcoming our new Kindergarten students for 2018. Many of their Year 5 buddies will be attending to help celebrate the Eucharist. Thank you to our students from other grades who have volunteered to take part in the Mass too.
Tracey Dawson
OLHC Children’s Mass - Sunday, 19 November, 2017
We would love to have as many volunteers as possible to do Readings, Offertory and Choir. Everyone is welcome!
If your child would like to participate in this Mass, please email Therese at before Thursday, 16 November – this really helps your child to familiarise themselves with the reading/prayer and with organising roles. Please meet at the organ near the altar at 10am to practice before Mass begins at 10:15am. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you there!
From the Parish
Canteen News
There are a limited number of nachos available at the canteen this Friday. If you would like nachos for lunch, please place your order via the on-line system as usual.
Canteen Co-ordinators
Year 4 Markets Bookstall
It's time to clean out your bookshelves with the books that you have read in order to make room for new ones.
Year 4 are running the Markets Bookstall this year and would like for you to donate all those pre-loved books so that others may have the opportunity to purchase and read them too.
Please start sending in any old books to the office and we will be happy to find new homes for them!
Praveena & Julie
Second Hand Uniform Shop Term 4
The second hand clothing shop will be open in Term 4 on the following Wednesdays from 8.30am.
- 29th November
- 13th December
Janie Kelman-Smith & Jacqui Hanna
Shop Coordinators
Instrumental Music Lessons at OLHC
Lessons are available during school hours for flute, clarinet and saxophone. For more information or to book a free trial lesson, please contact Jacqui 0411 211 007.
Research has shown that when kids learn an instrument from a young age it can aid their academic achievement.
Birthday Stars
Congratulations and happy birthday toDanielle Agostinowhocelebrated herbirthdaythis week.
Merit Awards Week 5 Term 4
KindyJohnny Gui
Laura Mihaila
Audrina Moghadam
Year 1Samuel Hanna
Ari Sun
Year 2Tom Anderson
Gabriel Stanton
Year 3Erin Armstrong
Ben Crowfield
Year 4Jeremy Eymael
Gabby Projago
Year 5Meigo Nocedo
Lily Parisi
Year 6Sam Wesker
Abbey Thomas
Community News
OLMC Parramatta Open Morning Tour - Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta warmly invites you to attend our Open Morning Tour on Wednesday, November 15, 2017- the last tour of the year.Tour the College and discover how a Mercy Education empowers girls to expand beyond what they know they can be and enjoy a ‘comfortable cup of tea’ with the College Leadership Team. Visit to reserve your place or contact the Registrar 8838 1222 to discuss how your daughter can become a Mercy Girl.
Performing Arts Holiday Camp – Sing-act-dance. Perform in Wizard of OZ shows. 8th – 12th January at Epping North Public School. Early booking rate expires 1st December. Enrol online at or phone 9953 4040.
St Leo’s Under the Stars – community movie night Friday 17th November. Gates open at 6.15 for 7pm.