TO:WV CTE Administrators

FROM:Sherri Nash, Executive Director

Office of Innovations, Perkins and Technical Support

DATE:July 1, 2017

RE:Online Instructional Resources Application

The use of online instructional resources in CTE programs contributes to improved instruction and student learning. The Division of Career Technical Education encourage and support your efforts to integrate online resources into CTE instruction. Again this year, we will provide grants to counties for the purchase of online instructional resources.

Available Electronic Resource Providers:

West Virginia Career Simulator ($1,695 per school) – formerly called My Strategic Compass. Available at

The WV Career Simulator is a great student career guidance tool.

WIN or KeyTrain®– Remediation Software ($2,500)

Today’s Class – Auto Tech($2,500)

Today’s Class – Health Sciences ($2,500)

CDX – Auto Tech($2,250)

DEPCO, LLC – Health Sciences ($990 per lab)

CDX – Diesel ($2,250)

Applied Educational Systems ($2,500 per school)

PassAssured - Health Sciences($299 per student)

EHR Tutor ($65 per student or $2,000 per site license)

Electude – Auto Tech, Collision, Diesel ($1,300 per site license)

WV CTE Administrators

July 1, 2017

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S/P2 – Auto, Heavy Duty, Construction, Cosmetology and Culinary ($250 per site license)

Tooling U – Manufacturing ($100 per student)

Career Safe or UL EHS Sustainability – OSHA 10 ($25 per student)

Construction, General Industry, General Industry (Agriculture) and General Industry (Healthcare)

If you are interested in applying for any of these resources, please complete the attached form and return to Ms. Eydie Payne at no later thanSeptember 30, 2017. Our office will notify you of the amount of funds that can be provided to assist you for the use of these resources.

Reminder: MBA Research and Curriculum is provided through a state contract for all schools who would like to participate.

MBA provides teachers usernames and passwords to access State’s Connection, a website offering course guides highlighting business-validated national standards for eleven business and marketing courses required in WV’s Business and Marketing Cluster. Teachers and students also have 24/7 online access to the MBA Learning Center,with instant lessons and activities. The state has purchased this resource for use across the state at no cost to your students or schools. For additional information please contact:

MBA Research and Curriculum Center – Business and Marketing

Contact: Deanna Canterbury-Penn or304-558-3073

Thanks and have a great year.