

Date: Sat, 21 Feb 1998 19:29:21 EST

Subject: Klotz

I ran across your Court Records that you copied. Very interested in the Klotz. On the one for April Term 1850, I believe Eli Klotz is my G. G. Grandfather. He married Catharine Dengler, daughter of John and Barbara (Kaler) Dengler. But what year, I don't know. She was born in Bedford Co. Pa. July 19, 1818. Do you know anything about their marriage? They lived in Putnam Co. Oh. By 1849, she is a widow with four children, William H., George W., John Jacob, and Sarah Susanna, and remarried August 16th, 1849. so if you have any info, or know where I should look, I sure would appreciate it. I want to thank you for extracting that from the files. I have been looking for anything on him for nine years. Now all I have to do is find out how he died, and where he is buried. I asume in the Ohio region of Putnam Co. but they have nothing on him. It just came to me, if he had a brother in Ohio, maybe he went to help him and died there. Any thing is possible. Again--Thank You! Oh, they possibly married between 1836-1839, thats when the first child was born, 1839.





Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 19:04:56 EDT

Subject: Re: Klotz

Dear Michael,

Putnam Co. Oh. Marriage Records. VOL. A

Catharine, his widow---, married George Major/Majors. On the marriage certificate it is spelled George Magog. She had four children:

William H.: b: 1839

George W. b: 1840

John Jacob, b: 1842

Sarah Susannah, b: 1844

These are taken from the 1850 Paulding Co. Oh Census.

Sarah Susannah was my g-grandmother. She married John Stiner Oct 4, 1864 at Antwerp, Ohio. Her brother was her witness (gave her away).

In 1860, it says John Jacob was born May 17, and was 18 years old. It says Sarah was born March 4, and was 16 years old. They were children of Elias Klotz, late of Putnam Co. Oh. deceased, William H. Klots Guardian. PO Address...... 1860, August 4th, Application and Statement flied. 1860, August 4th, Bond $200 each, filed and approved. Sureties, John Steiner and George Majors. 1860, August 4th, Appointment made, and letters issued. 1863, June 30th, Final Account Filed.

Note: George W. was missing. There is this story told by Bert Majors before he died, at about 100 yrs. and had a very good memory, but this was told when I was a young girl to my mother also, also it was told at the Cluts- Majors Reunions also. This is the story. Catharine and George lived along the Maumee River outside of Antwerp, Oh. There was a very prominent, and still the same now days, family by the name of Snooks. They owned most of the land across the Maumee River, from where George and Catharine lived.

The two youngest boys were along the North bank of the river bridge when shots rang out from the South side of the river hitting...... He [George W.] died from gangrene. The guilty party openly told of getting one of the "damn Dutchmen." The guilty party was of the Snook family.

So I would figure his death took place between 1850 Census and the date of Aug, 1860.

John Jacob Cluts, married Elizabeth Marsh. she was b: 1846, d: 1922.

John Jacob married Elizabeth Marsh 13 Mar. 1863 Paulding Co. Ohio. Book 2, page 30. Paulding Co. Oh. Marriages.

John J. d: 1902. They are both buried in the Slough Cem. Antwerp, Ohio. It is really sad. We used to live 2 miles from the cem when I was a kid, and we always took care of the graves. Then Mom and Dad moved, I married, my siblings married and we all moved away. We were living in Pa. and I decided to go to Antwerp and Paulding Co, in general. This was in the 1980s. I found the cem and was very upset. It is a very small cem. maybe less than 50 burials. But Catharine's stone was laying on its face, heading for the river. Yes, the cem is up on the banks of the river, and it has a nasty habit of flooding every once in a while. There were groundhog burrows all over on the graves,

especially on Catharine's, and John Jacob's casket was no longer there, looks like the flood carried him away. It was a real mess. When I got home I wrote the Carryall Cem. Association and told them I could not believe the state that cem was in. And it had better be taken care of or I would put an article in the Ft. Wayne newspapers about the Carryall Cem Association's accepting funds and not taking care of the cem. I guess it lit their fire, because they went out and cleaned it up, shot the groundhogs, picked up G-G grandmothers stone, shored up John Cluts grave and now mow it.

Sarah Susannah and John Stiner had 2 children, Ellen d: Feb. 1865, 1y 26d and Mary, no dates

Sarah d: 9 Apr. 1875. John, Sarah and both children are buried in the Slough Cem, also. Sarah died from Pneumonia.

I will get some more info together and send some more to you later. I will send John Jacob and Elizabeth's children. and John and Sarah Susannah's children, and whatever else I can find.

Please send me what you have. I sure would appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Karen S. Springer
