15th January 2013

Scouts of the 24th,


1. Please find attached the Troop training programme for the Spring 2013 term. This term, I intend to cover the following badges (the full criteria for which can be found at the hyperlinks):

a. Promise Challenge Badge. Some of you will already hold this badge, and therefore you’ll be able to guide the newer members of the Troop. Part of this badge includes the Code of Conduct – I think it appropriate that we focus more on collectively creating a code of conduct that you will all sign up to. Additionally, you will need to prepare for a debate on a topical issue that we will agree. Church parades are part of this badge, and there are two this term (27 Jan 13, and 10 Mar 13 [Mothers’ Day]).

b. Emergency Aid Staged Activity Badge. Some Scouts already have either Stage 1 or 2 in this important badge. I want to extend the Troop’s knowledge of First Aid by carrying out revision (for some) and training (for others) to ensure that all are at the same or very similar stages. We will do a little of this during this term to ensure that you remain current – please note the formal assessment (see programme).

c. DIY Activity Badge. This will be the first time that the Troop has done this badge – and the knowledge you’ll get will always come in handy! Please look at the details in the programme, and if there’s some element of DIY that you’d rather do, I’d be happy to hear it. We have to do a couple of major DIY projects – one of which will be finishing the Group’s camping tables. Please have a think about a second project which we can discuss at the Troop forum.

d. Swimmer’s Staged Activity Badge. We’ve done this before, and I’m hoping that there’ll be a District Swimming Gala in the New Year, which is the final qualifying criteria for this badge. That said, we’re going raft building in November, and I’d rather prepare for it with the Swimmer’s Badge, than the Emergency Aid badge...

e. Additional Badges. I keep reminding the Troop of the possibility of being awarded badges for activities that you do outside of Scouting. All you have to do is have a look at the list of badges on the Scout Association website, check that you meet the criteria for its’ award, and come and speak to me. Examples include:

i.  Hobbies Activity Badge.

ii.  Martial Arts Activity Badge.

iii.  Snowsports Activity Badge.

iv.  Sports Enthusiast Activity Badge.

v.  Street Sports Activity Badge.

vi.  Physical Recreation Activity Badge.


2. The 24th is a fine Scout Troop, of which you can be justifiably proud! Please arrive promptly for Troop meetings (6th Scout Law), and smartly turned out (7th Scout Law!) – trainers won’t do, and please note that blue activity trousers are part of the uniform. Please also ensure that all badges you’ve been awarded are sewn on your uniform (by you!), otherwise, you’ll be incurring Skip’s displeasure – not a pretty sight... Please continue to ensure that you bring a notebook and pencil/pen with you (that is small enough to carry in your shirt pocket) It’d be a good idea to bring the same notebook each time so that you build up a good aide memoire for the different areas of Scouting that we cover as we cover the syllabus for Challenge and Activity badges.!

3. Duty Patrol. Please ensure that you check whether you’re in the Duty Patrol before each meeting, and if you are, please arrive a little earlier than otherwise in order to help your PL prepare the Hall. I expect the PLs, or in their absence, the APL or Senior Scout to take charge of their Patrol, and ensure that everything is ready for Flag-Break – you will need to arrive a little earlier to meet your responsibilities.

a.  Ensuring that the Union Flag is correctly furled for Flag-Break.

b.  Ensuring that Scouts are smartly prepared and ready for Flag-Break (All Patrol Leaders).

c.  Detailing a Scout to read one of the Troop Prayers at Flag-Down.

d.  Ensuring that the Union Flag is re-furled and the lanyards stowed correctly.

e.  Tidying up the kitchen and washing up any used crockery (especially cups/glasses etc).

f.  Supporting the Leaders in tidying up the Hall as required.

5. Code of Conduct. You’ve all participated in drawing up your Code of Conduct as part of a Troop Forum. Very many thanks for all the work you put into this – and I’m very pleased to see that you want the same things from Scout meetings that I and my Leaders do. We will all sign the Code, and I will send a copy to your parents, so that they can clearly see what you want from your Troop. I’m sure that I won’t need to ask another Scout to stay away from meetings in future, and that we can all get the most from the programme!

Yours sincerely,


J-P H Hughes


24th Bournemouth (St Luke’s) Scout Troop


Web: www.stlukesscouts.org.uk

Cell: 07779 287894


All Scout Parents – for Scouts
Scout Tp – ASLs / Information:
District Commissioner
ADC Scouts
24th (St Luke’s) Bournemouth Scout Group Executive Committee
Father Robin Nash (Priest in Charge)
“Be Prepared” /


Activity in Scout Hall / Troop/Group Activity away from Hall / Church Parade / District Scout Activity
(a) / Date
(b) / Activity
(c) / Leader
(d) / Remarks
(e) /
01 / Wk 1 (15 Jan 13)
Duty Ptl: Kestrels / Promise Challenge
·  Troop Forum
·  Code of Conduct
·  Troop Prayers / Skip / All / Please note that we will be conducting a debate /discussion into the topics detailed at Serial 10 below (05 Mar 13) – please do a little research into those topics you are unfamiliar with so that you’re prepared to enter into a discussion on each of the subjects.
Update Code of Conduct and Troop Prayers – new members to participate.
Discussion on DIY project.
02 / Wk 2 (22 Jan 13)
Duty Ptl: Wolves / DIY Activity Badge
·  Safety
o  Hazard signs
Safety equipment
Control of main supplies
·  DIY ‘Emergencies’
o  Sink unblocking
Curing airlocks (piping)
o  Fitting a plug
Resetting an RCD / Skip / All / Link to Emergency Aid Staged Activity Badge.
03 / Sun 27 Jan 13 / CHURCH PARADE – MESSY CHURCH!!! / Skip / Families welcome – and positively encouraged!
Timings: 1040hrs (finish 1215hrs approx)
Full, clean and pressed uniform (no trainers)
Please remember Collection Money
Promise Challenge badge
04 / Wk 3 (29 Jan 13)
Duty Ptl: Hawks / Emergency Aid Staged Activity Badge
·  Badge assessment / Skip / Sarah / Stages 1 & 2
05 / Wk 4 (05 Feb 13)
Duty Ptl: Eagles / DIY Activity Badge
·  Design, cut and assemble camping table
·  Sanding and varnishing / Skip / Vaughan / All / Power tools – 1:2 supervision is required.
NO UNIFORM please - scruffy clothing suitable for DIY (including painting) required!!!
06 / Wk 5 (12 Feb 13)
Duty Ptl: Kestrels / DIY Activity Badge
·  Design, cut and assemble camping table
·  Sanding and varnishing / Skip / Vaughan / All / Power tools – 1:2 supervision is required.
NO UNIFORM please - scruffy clothing suitable for DIY (including painting) required!!!
07 / 15-17 Feb 13 / COMBINED SCOUT/CUB WEEKEND CAMP / Skip / To be confirmed
Separate instruction to follow
08 / 19 Feb 13 / HALF TERM
09 / Wk 6 (26 Feb 13)
Duty Ptl: Wolves / SWIMMERS’ STAGED ACTIVITY BADGE / Skip / All / Littledown Centre
Permissions form and entrance fee required
10 / Wk 7 (05 Mar 13)
·  Debate / discussions:
o  “War – necessary or not?”
o  “The impact of littering and graffiti”
o  “Social networking sites – blessing or curse?”
o  “Is the UN useful?” / Skip / Please conduct a little research into each of the topics detailed – you made find it useful to make some brief notes to remind yourself of the points you discovered on each topic.
Timings: 1040hrs (finish 1215hrs approx)
Full, clean and pressed uniform (no trainers)
Please remember Collection Money
Promise Challenge badge
12 / Wk 8 (12 Mar 13)
·  Grid References
·  Compass bearings / Skip / All / Fundamental Scouting skill – preparation for District Night Activity
13 / 16-17 Mar 13 / BOURNEMOUTH DISTRICT SCOUT NIGHT ACTIVITY / Skip / Inter Scout Troop Challenge – night incident hike.
Separate admin instruction to follow
14 / Wk 9 (19 Mar 13)
Duty Ptl: Kestrels / Promise Challenge
·  Mosque / synagogue visit / Skip / Details to be confirmed.
15 / Wk 10 (26 Mar 13)
Duty Ptl: Wolves / Games Night / Skip / Last meeting of the term
Bring your favourite board/team games!!!
No electronic games please!


Spring Term 2013 Trg Prog v2.0