August 2016


To:RTO/ERO District Presidents

From:Joanne Weeks, Chair, Member Services Committee

Lori MacDonald-Blundon, Pension & Benefits Officer

Subject:2017 Retirement Planning Workshop Application

c.c.:2016 Retirement Planning Workshop District Organizers

Sincere thanks to all the Districts that have held or will hold Retirement Planning Workshops in 2016 and in the past. Your ongoing efforts continue to raise the profile of RTO/ERO and grow our membership. We encourage every District to hold at least one RPW in 2017. If your number of registrants was high last year consider holding two workshops – one in the spring and one in the fall.

We are attaching a copy of the 2017 Retirement Planning Workshop (RPW) Application and ask that you complete and return it to Gail Knox, Coordinator RPWs and Special Projects at: , no later than August 31, 2016. The blackout dates cover statutory holidays, March break, the dates for the spring and the fall Senate and the dates for the Health Services and Insurance Committee. Four of the RPW presenters – one from RTO/ERO and three from Johnson Insurance - attend the Health Services and Insurance Committee Meetings.

We would also like to share the following process information with you as to “what happens once your application has been received”.

The Poster and the On-Line Registration Link

  • We will acknowledge your application upon receipt and will advise that we will get back to you with the confirmation of your date, once the 2017 RPW Schedule (which lists all workshops and dates requested) has been reviewed and approved by the Member Services Committee at its September meeting. We will try to ensure that each District receives their first RPW date choice.
  • We will then contact you and confirm the date of your RPW and request information about your RPW – date, time, location, costs, etc. This information will form the basis of the poster that we will create for your approval. This information will also form the basis for the creation of the on-line registration link. Once the poster is approved and the on-line registration link has been created and tested we will send you a copy of the final approved poster for your use at the District level. We will then post both the poster and the on-line registration on the RTO/ERO website.

RPW Presenters and Bios

  • Once the RPW presenters have been assigned (usually in January) we will provide you with their names and provide a copy of their bios.


  • On a regular basis we will send you reports that contain complete information about your registrants.

Deadline Date for Receiving Registrations

  • Once the deadline date for your workshop has past, we will send a final report of your registrants and attach a copy of a form called the Material Request Form. This form is used to request materials for your workshops and is completed by you and forwarded to Gail Knox: . This form is then sent to a second party who coordinates the packing and shipping of materials to you in time for your workshop.
  • We will also remove the information about your workshop from the website.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Gail Knox at: 416-962-9463 or 1-800-361-9888, extension 233.

On behalf of the Member Services Committee thank you so much for your continuing efforts to make RTO/ERO an even more vital organization.


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