Our ref: / CYP
Your ref:
Please contact: / Andrew Whitehead
Telephone: / 01422 392749
Fax: / 01422 392696
E-mail: /
Date: / 04 July 2017
Headteachers and Chairs of /

Adult and Children’s Services

Governors in all Voluntary
Aided, Foundation, Trust & Academy / Northgate House
Schools / Halifax

Dear Colleague

School Term Dates 2018/19

Please find enclosed, for your information, a copy of the Community/Voluntary Controlled School Calendar for the academic year 2018/19.

The school calendar consists of 195 school days. Pupils are required to attend on 190 of these days. Governing Bodies / Headteachers are required to identify 5 days for closure to pupils but where staff would be required to be available for professional duties other than teaching. Two of the 5 days may be broken into hours undertaken over a period of time during the same academic year.

Governors and Headteachers are asked to note that where the school has previously been closed for election purposes, whether national or local, the school MUST use one/or more of the five days for this purpose.

It is a matter for the governors of aided, foundation, trust and academy schools to determine the term dates for their schools.

If the governors have not yet determined the dates for 2018/19 I would recommend for this to be arranged. It is most important for staff and parents to be given as much notice as possible regarding the dates on which they/their children will be required for school.

I have no doubt that governors will give this matter careful consideration. It is hoped that as many voluntary aided, foundation, trust and academy schools adopt the same term dates as for community, voluntary controlled and special schools in order that effective arrangements can be maintained for a range of support services, for transport, school meals etc.

I would be grateful if you could send a copy of your 2018/19 school calendar by Friday 15 December 2017 to .

Yours sincerely

Phil Taylor

Commissioning Officer
Access and School Planning Team


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