DATE:March 1, 2008
TO:Seniors Graduating on May 3, 2008
FROM:Dr. Jack Steehler, Chief Marshal
SUBJECT:Baccalaureate & Commencement 2008
The attached information concerning BaccalaureateCommencement 2008 is provided for your guidance. Be sure and read all the instructions. No rehearsals are held; consequently, it is important that you become familiar with procedural details and plan to arrive on time for these events. Don’t forget to watch the RC website, for updated information.
Departmental and Program Receptions: Friday, May 2, 2008
Check the RC website for a listing of times and locations.
Baccalaureate 2008: Friday, May, 2nd, 4:30 p.m., Bast Center
The Baccalaureate Service will be held in the Bast Center at 4:30 p.m. Seniors will robe in Alumni Gymnasium. You should arrive in the Alumni Gym by 3:30 p.m. Your family and guests are invited to attend this important event in the life of the College. Rev. Paul Henrickson will speak.
President’s Reception for Graduates and Families: Friday, May 2nd, 6:00 p.m., Olin Hall
Be sure to invite your family to enjoy this event with you.
Continental Breakfast: Saturday, May 3rd, 8:00 a.m., Back Quad
Plan to arrive on campus early and have breakfast with your family and guests. In case of inclement weather, breakfast will be held in the Colket Center.
Commencement 2008: Saturday, May 3rd, 10:00 a.m.
Commencement will begin at 10:00 a.m. on the John R. Turbyfill Quadrangle (Front Lawn). If the weather is inclement, Commencement will be held in the Bast Center.
- Please note that you may request up to 4 rain passes at the time you pick up your cap and gown in the RC Bookstore (schedule is included on the next page). DON’T FORGET TO PROVIDE YOUR FAMILY AND GUESTS WITH RAIN PASSES PRIOR TO REPORTING TO THE ROBING AREA. There will be overflow seating in Olin Theatre and Colket Center (rain or shine) for video transmission viewing. Both facilities provide excellent viewing for your guests, especially those who may experience problems with the weather conditions (heat, humidity, etc.) on graduation day.
- Robing for Commencement: The seniors will robe in West Hall. You are to assemble no later than 9:00 a.m. Please remember to check the alphabetical listing on the doorsto be sure you report to the correct robing location within the building. You will also find room assignments in West Hall attached to this memo. Remember that getting all graduates in alphabetical order takes time. Don’t be late!
Please note that, in case of inclement weather, seniors will robe in the Alumni Gymnasium and the RC Pool Area (Alumni Gym). You should arrive no later than 9:00 a.m. Don’t forget to check the alphabetical listing on the door to assure that you report to the correct location in this building for robing. In case of inclement weather and a move indoors, an announcement will be made by 8:00 a.m. The College will utilize the RC Website and the College Notification System as well as a banner on the Colket Center to announce an inside Commencement.
- Please do not bring Commencement 2008 programs with you to the robing area. Note that programs will be provided for you on your seat on Front Lawn.
- Academic attire must be worn at both services. Representatives from Oak Hall Cap and Gown will be located in front of the Bookstore on May 1, 1:00-4:00 p.m., May 2,
10:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., and on May 3 from 7:45-8:30 a.m.You may pick up your cap, gown, and hood at these times. The hood is not worn at the Baccalaureate service but is required at Commencement. The caps and gowns do not have to be returned. Please bring "bobbypins" if you need them to steady your cap. Oak Hall representatives, faculty marshals and staff will be on hand to assist you in robing and lining you up in the proper order.
- Roanoke College permits the wearing of stoles during Commencement ceremonies as long as they are in keeping with the academic decorum of the event. Stoles are not worn at Baccalaureate. The College does not provide stoles for graduates. Remember – All stoles must be approved. A Request for Approval of Stoles form has been placed on the RC homepage under Commencement 2008 ( You may complete this request form and return it for approval by March 14, 2008. You will be notified by April 4, 2008 of the Graduation Committee’s decision.
- Academic Procession: Graduates will enter from the front entrance of campus and proceed to senior seating on the Turbyfill Quadrangle. Please be attentive to all instructions provided in this memo as well as directions given by the Roanoke College marshals and ushers assisting you.
- Important Reminders:
◘ Please do not bring your friends and relatives to the assembly area. Only seniors and faculty will be permitted in the assembly area.
◙ PLEASE REMIND YOUR PARENTS/GUESTS THAT CHAPPELL STUDIOS WILL BE TAKING PHOTOS AS YOU RECEIVE YOUR DIPLOMA AND EXIT THE STAGE. SHOULD THEY WISH TO TAKE ADDITIONAL PHOTOS, WE REQUEST THAT THEY STAND IN THE AREA DESIGNATED FOR GUEST PHOTOS. (This marked area is located directly to the right of the stage. Please ask your parents/guests to use this area so that the procession is not blocked for our graduates.)
◙ Unless specifically excused by Dean Day, you must participate. If you cannot be present, please notify the Dean, in writing, as soon as possible.
Celebration Luncheon
Graduates and their families are invited to a celebration luncheon on the Back Quad immediately following Commencement.
Attachments:Baccalaureate Instructions
Commencement Instructions
West Hall Room Assignments for Graduates
1.Proper attire is cap and gown (no hood or stole), tassel on the right. Remember this is a FORMAL OCCASION so please wear appropriate clothing and shoes.
PLEASE WEAR THE CAP PROPERLY. The front point extends to the center forehead so that the mortarboard is level on the head—not perched on the back of the head like a baseball cap. Tassel is on the right.
2.Assemble no later than 3:30 p.m. in Alumni Gymnasium. Bring your cap and gown only. Hoods and stoles are not worn for Baccalaureate.
3.No special order according to degree or name is necessary at this service; however, it is important to form and maintain pairs so that a double line of march is established. Please do not mill about. As you arrive, go to the end of the line. A marshal will then pair and count you. When this is done, it is imperative that you keep your place so that you may be ushered smoothly into the proper row of seats. If you arrive after the marshal has begun this process, it is essential that you go to the end of the line.
4.The order of march for both the processional and the recessional will be: 1) the Platform Party, 2) the Faculty, 3) the Seniors. When you arrive at the seats, watch the marshal for directions about which row to enter. If you are directed into a row, go on in even though it may seem that all seats are taken. The marshals are counting, so depend on them.
5.During both marches, please avoid talking or any other action that might detract from the dignity of the occasion.
6.Women will leave their caps on during the entire service. Men will remove their caps just before the invocation and replace them only after the benediction. Watch the Platform Party if you are unsure.
The Alumni Gymnasium will NOTbe locked during the Baccalaureate service so you should plan to leave purses, jackets, or other personal belongings in your room or with your family.
NOTE: Because of our affiliation with the LutheranChurch, the Baccalaureate service is by tradition a Lutheran religious service. Everyone is expected to attend; if you need to be excused, please notify Dean Day by contacting Dianne Eary at extension #2204 or email .
1.Proper attire is gown, hood, and cap with tassel on the right. Wear the same type of street clothes as for the Baccalaureate. Stoles may be worn if these have been approved for your group/organization by the Commencement Operations Group (deadline for submitting approval requests is March 14).
Assemble no later than 9:00 a.m. in West Hall (Alumni Gymnasium or RC Pool Area in case of inclement weather). Remember to check the alphabetical listing on the door of West Hall (or Alumni Gym)to determine your location within the building.
Note that a locked area will NOT be provided in West Hall during the Commencement ceremony. Therefore, it would be wise to leave all personal items with your family and/or guests.
Please do NOT carry Commencement Programs with you. You will find programs on your seat on Front Lawn.
Also, note that water will be available for you in West Hall prior to the ceremony.
2.A line of march precisely ordered according to degree and alphabetical arrangement must be established. As soon as you are robed, go to the area designated for your degree and alphabetical listing so you can find your place in line. Please remain in that place. Marshals and staff will be on hand to organize the line-up. (Consult your program to see who is next to you.) There is time for only one roll call and if you are not in your proper place, we will assume you are absent and your diploma will be pulled from the stack before the procession begins.
3.The order of march for the processional will be: 1) Platform Party, 2) Faculty, 3) Seniors. Follow the directions of the marshals. They are counting and will get you in the proper seat.
4.Women will keep their caps on during the entire program. Men will remove their caps just prior to the invocation. If unsure, watch the Platform Party.
5.When the time comes for the conferring of degrees, Dean Day will instruct the B.A. candidates to rise and put on their caps. President Maxey will make a statement officially conferring the B.A. degrees. Immediately after this statement, change your tassel from right to left. Dean Day will instruct you to be seated. B.S. and B.B.A. candidates will follow the same procedure.
6.The Dean will next announce the presentation of the graduates individually to receive their diplomas. At that point, you will rise, one row at a time, face left and move in single file to the ramp at the left side of the platform. As the last person in each row steps into the aisle, the first person in the next row should file in behind him/her so there is an unbroken line extending to the platform. Follow the directions of the marshals.
7.As your name is called, ascend the ramp, receive your diploma in the left hand, shake hands with President Maxey, and return to your seat. Again, marshals will be there to direct you. Men should leave their caps on until the benediction. If unsure, watch the Platform Party.
8.Following the benediction, the faculty will form a double line along an exit pathway. The Platform Party then exits, followed by the graduates. The new alumni will pass through the faculty line and receive congratulations from the faculty. Continue marching until dismissed, so the last persons in line can clear the area. Please continue walking along the designated pathway so that all graduates will have the opportunity to recess through the faculty lines. Continue to walk on the sidewalk between the AdministrationBuilding and Miller Hall. Arrange to meet your family and friends on the back quad for the Celebration Luncheon.
If you have any questions, please contact Dianne Eary in Dean Day’s office (ext. 2204) or email
COMMENCEMENT 2008 – Saturday, May 3, 2008
For Commencement, the seniors will robe in West Hall. You are to assemble no later than 9:00 a.m.
Please check the West Hall areas shown below for your specific robing location in West Hall. Report to the location designated for your degree and alphabetical listing, find your place in line and remain in that place. Marshals and staff will be in each area to organize the line-up. If you are not in the correct location, you will be marked as absent and your diploma will not be presented on stage.
In case of inclement weather, the graduates will robe in the Alumni Gym. Please check the signs posted near the entrance for the location of your degree and alphabetical listing.
West Hall – Main Level – First Floor
Main Floor Room # 117 – BBA graduates (A - H)
Main Floor Hallway – BBA graduates (I – Z)
Main Floor Hallway – BS graduates (A - Z)
Main Floor Room # 123 – Valedictorian, Senior Class 08 President,
RC Senior Choir Members
Main Floor Room # 125 – BA graduates (A – B)
Main Floor Room # 127 – BA graduates (C – F)
For graduates robing in the Main Level Hallway and Room # 117, please enter from the Clay Street entrance (right side doorway as you face the building).
For graduates robing in the Main Level Rooms # 123, # 125, # 127, please enter from the Clay Street entrance (left side doorway as you face the building).
West Hall – Basement Level
Hallway Area – BA (G – S)
Room # 24 – BA (T – Z)
For graduates robing on the Basement Level, please enter from the Clay Street entrance (left side doorway as you face the building).
Restrooms are available on the Basement Level, Main Level, and Second Floor of West Hall.
Note that a locked area will NOT be provided for personal belongings. Please plan to leave all personal items with your family or guests.
Water will be provided for you in West Hall prior to the ceremony and Commencement Programs will be placed in your seating on Front Lawn.
Please do not invite family or guests to the robing areas. Space is limited and it is important that all graduates are in the proper lineup in order to receive the correct diploma on stage.