From Denny’s Desk

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Phil. 1:6 ESV)

My serving with you is such a great joy! God has been at work to advance His Kingdom “in us, with us and through us” in so many ways that are exciting to see. And it is a great privilege to both Marcia and me to be in this journey of faith and ministry with you.

But a truth that we need to keep in mind is the intention to “finish” the “good work” that God has started in us. One temptation that the kingdom of darkness will throw at us is to “stop short” of what God is doing because it may seem too hard or daunting to continue. Another temptation will be that of “self-satisfaction”; that is, “This is good enough… let’s stop here… no need to go any farther.”

In either case, our sense of “completion” may fall short of the Lord’s Will.

I will offer to possible solutions for how we can let God synchronize our will with His:

·  Seek the voice of the Lord in prayer for His guidance for what He wants to do “in us, with us and through us”. Let God’s guidance be our “beginning and our end”.

·  Pray for breakthrough in those areas of the church where we seemed to be “log-jammed.”

·  Ask God what is “immeasurably more” is for us… then pray for God to bring it about (cf. Ephesians 3:20). God just may surprise you/us with how much delight He has to more than we could have imagined!

Sincerely Yours in Christ

Denny Finnegan, Interim Pastor


Each Wednesday morning during the school year, a few Moms gather at 8:45 am here at Bethel to lift up the needs of the Mohawk School District. This ministry is a part of an international organization that is structured around a basic prayer guide, seeking to get schools all over the world to be covered weekly in prayer.

We meet for one hour, first looking at a different attribute of God each week, reading a few verses of Scripture supporting that particular attribute. We move on to a time of confession, a time of thanksgiving and then on to intercession. We pray Scripture over our children and over the needs we are aware of in the district. It has been such a blessing to be a part of this ministry, lifting up students, teachers, support staff, cafeteria workers, maintenance crew, bus drivers, administrators, and school board members.

Do you know of a member of our community that might like to join in on this privilege? We stand on the shoulders of Moms who laid the foundation of prayer, and we are grateful to those who prayed before us. We need some others to become a part of our group and continue after our students have moved on from the halls of Mohawk. (For some of us that is sooner rather than later!)

If you have questions, see Janice Grim, Cheri

Ponziani or Beth Kissling.


An electric group of sisters in Christ meet at 10:00 Wednesday mornings to study the Bible, pray together, and enjoy fellowship. You can find us in the room off the Fellowship Hall. This season we are studying I and II Thessalonians in a Beth Moore study called, "Children of the Day." We have workbooks that we do our homework in to help point out some of the Truths that are covered in the particular sections of Scripture. One week we discuss what we've discovered that week in the homework and the next week we are challenged by a video that we watch together.

Any woman in the community would be most welcome to join us. We have extra Workbooks available for visitors and there would likely be value for you in spite of the fact that we will most likely be completing this study by the middle of May.

Hope to see you there!

If you have any questions, please see Marcia Finnegan, Pattie Leicht, or Beth Kissling.

Wednesday, April 12 Denny Finnegan

Friday, April 14 Steve Pyler


The Fourth thru Sixth graders are a group that averages 5 children. There’s only one sixth

grader, none in fifth, and four/five fourth graders.

We have started to go over the Bible, following the outline found in The Action Bible, a comics

version of the main narratives found in Scripture. The intent is to cover the main storylines and

ideas through the whole of Scriptures, while at the same time providing the children a medium

to which they can relate and easily understand.

Class starts promptly at 9 a.m. Children that are on time are rewarded with candy, though all

children are warmly welcomed in no matter how late they are. Besides investigating and

learning biblical truths as revealed in God’s Word, attendance and promptness in Sunday

School are also important habits I intend to develop in the children as their teacher.

We start class with prayer/praise requests: children are expected to share each other’s burden in prayer, and celebrate together in their joys. After prayer, we go over the Action Bible

passage, then revert to the Bible for specific passages we’ll be discussing. This gives the

children a picture of the “big idea” in the passages they will read in the Bible later.

I lead them into a discussion on the topic(s), and we reference Scriptures often. Since starting to

teach this class in this past Fall, we’ve covered the book of Genesis, and have now started Job.

During our time in Genesis we discussed some basic apologetics concepts.

Class ends as we join hands in prayer. I close Sunday School time sending them off with a short benediction, and there’s always some dispute among the boys to see who will be unfortunate enough to end up having to hold a girl’s hand. It’s been an unexpected joy to teach these children the truths found in Scripture, and I hope God will use what’s been taught to guide them and bring them closer to Him for the rest of their lives.

If you are a parent of one of my students in Sunday School and have questions, please do not

hesitate to approach me on Sundays, by email () or phone


Angelo Sun

Anita made one visit and Rhonda Bell attended one funeral. Sherry reported that 31 cards were sent, and she will be sending Easter cards to those who are homebound or presently in another facility.

There has been no activity on the food chain since the February meeting.

Old Business: ColumbianaFloral will be providing the Easter flowers. Money will

be due on April 2. Flowers will be delivered on Good Friday morning and set upwill beafter Good Friday service.

Rhonda Miketa reported that she gave information to Matt Christy for the church's website.

New Business: The annual graduates' dinner was discussed. Tentative date is May 25. Anita will get a list of graduates. Plans will be

finalized at the next meeting. Depending on the church's calendar, set up will be on May 24.

Prayer concerns were Ken Clark, Ginger Hall, Michelle Cyrus, Nurse Michelle, and Adam


Pastor Denny is "gauging the interest" for specific dates. Forms are on the table in the narthex, back of sanctuary and online. Mark your dates you would be interested in. Place in offering plate, or drop it off at the office with Cindy or Pastor Denny.

The following items were discussed:

-  Michael Hodge has agreed to perform the snow shoveling for the remainder of the season. Some discussion will be necessary prior to next season to better clarify and define the expectations for this work.

-  Items from the sanctuary walls have been relocated to the stairwell.

-  The new speakers for the new soundboard for the Fellowship Hall will be installed on Saturday February 25th with Russ Ponziani’s assistance.

-  We have been requested to submit pictures of the Trustees for the church website.

-  Mike Zoccoli will get hold of Alex Restoration and Masonry Repairs to get a quote for fixing the lower classroom.

-  We will be asking Glen Leslie if he is interested in mowing the grass again this year,

-  Lindy Brown will investigate purchasing an AED unit for the church. He will consult with Pastor Denny first for his opinion.


April 28-30, 2017

Our theme is "5 Key Relationships God has Given Us"

At this retreat, we will use a combination of teaching and small group discussion to explore the powerful principles of relationship the Lord has given to us for each of our unique lives.

For more information ask Pastor Denny or pick up a brochure on the back table in the sanctuary. Registration is due by Monday, April 24, 2017. You can also register online.


Beginning on Saturday, January 6th, this year's AWANA's quizzers were busy

preparing for the February 25th tournament. It was then that 12 clubbers began meeting

at Banting's home. They continued meeting every Saturday from 10 am to noon,

studying and practicing, and finishing the time with a pizza lunch. Time was spent

studying question cards, memorizing scripture, taking practice tests and playing games

that were designed to help the learning process.

The entire group helped and encouraged each other. The quizzers were diligent in their study, but kept the morning interesting with lots of fun, jokes and occasional craziness!

The quizzers were: Ben Breuer, Isabella Breuer, Jared Kauffman, Daniel Ramage, Jaxon Schoedel, Reagan Shay, Avery Sun, Ian Sun, Ethan Tanyel, Ellie Whippo, Joey Whippo, Ashlyn Young. Every one of these quizzers did very well in the "public" multiple choice portion of the tournament and the written test. Through their "team effort spirit", their hard work paid off.

Bethel's AWANA had super results!

● In the Grace in Action/1st flight competition, the team of Jaxon and Ethan earned 3rd place.

● In the Grace in Action/2nd flight competition, the team of Jared Kauffman and Ashlyn Young earned 1st place/gold medal.

● In Ultimate Challenge 1, the team of Daniel Ramage and Daniel Sellers (a quizzer from another church who quizzed with us) got 1st

place/gold medal.

● In Ultimate Challenge 2, singles competition, Isabella Breuer, earned 3rd place.

● In Ultimate Challenge 2, singles competition, Ian Sun got 1st place/gold medal.

(The three 1st place winners also earned three award plaques for Bethel EPC!)

Additional awards were given to the quizzers with the highest score in each competition division. Our AWANA quizzers received three of these awards:

● Jared Kauffman, highest score award - Grace in Action

● Daniel Ramage, highest score award - Ultimate Challenge 1

● Ian Sun, highest score award - Ultimate Challenge 2

I know that God is so pleased with our group. They represented Bethel well, participating with respect, kindness, good sportsmanship, and maturity. Bethel and all in the AWANA Club can be very proud of each one.

Thanks are due to the parents who helped kids study at home and changed their Saturday schedules for a full 2 months so that their children could participate in the practices and tournament. This was a parent-quizzer commitment. Also many thanks go to the assistant coaches, Kadriye Tanyel and Phil Banting, for helping with practice sessions and Paul Banting for delivering the much awaited pizza each Saturday. Thank you people of Bethel who pray for, serve and contribute to the AWANA program. Your partnership in the Gospel is a treasure.

There is great joy in knowing that God's Word is written on each quizzers heart and mind for all eternity. Through devotions, discussions, and prayers, as well as study, each has grown in God's wisdom and Bible understanding. The new bonds of friendship are priceless. By their example, new quizzers are already signing up for next year's team. Ian and Isabella will be moving on to 7th grade, and they will be missed, but there is the hope that they will be joining the leadership team in the years ahead.

I am privileged that God has allowed me to work with this group of great young Christians. Thank you, quizzers! You are our future! You know how much I love you. We work together...

To the Glory of God, the Father, in the Name of Jesus, empowered by the Spirit



Mohawk Elementary School will be conducting a screening for children who will be attending Kindergarten during the 2017-2018 school year. To pick up your child's screening packet, please stop in at the Mohawk Elementary School Office between the hours of 8:30am~3:00pm

Your child must be five (5) years old AS OF

September 1, 2017.

You must fill the screening packet out completely and return to the office before an appointment can be scheduled for your child/children.

Bethel Meetinghouse News

Some session actions of the 1800’s

June 1848 ~ Action of session on the formation of the United Presbyterian Church “This session approves of the action of two Synods in forming the union and express their willingness to go into the union.

April 16, 1859 ~ “when any member of this congregation absents themselves for more than two days from Public Worship that it shall be the duty of each member of session to inquire for the reasons of such absence in his own quarter.

A Bethel Story from Yesteryear.

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

Joe McKim, a longtime member of Bethel, loved history and was a great storyteller.

A young boy was walking to church and was chased by a bear. From then on, he walked to church with an adult and a gun. He only went to school two days week because that was all the time the adults could spare out of their busy days to escort him. The last bear killed in our area is believed to have been in the woods behind our house (McKim Road). A brother and sister were walking to school when they spotted a bear in a tree. The children ran home and told their father. He and some of the neighborhood men returned to the spot. The bear was shot out of the tree. When it was skinned, not one child was found in its belly, just dried up apples, roots and berries. Joe would tell the story very seriously, and then would burst out in laughter. Joe went to be with his Lord in 1992.