6th Grade Music- Course Description and Expectations

Ms. Rubinlicht- ext. 5069

Course Description: The sixth grade General Music curriculum is designed to develop performance, research, composing and listening skills. Students will have music for 12 weeks and will examine the following.

  1. Exploration of the Elements of Music: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Form, Dynamics, Tempo, Texture, and Timbre
  2. Perform, compose and play on the bells, keyboards and other percussion instruments
  3. Listen to and analyze various genres of music including Classical, Rock, Programmatic, and Jazz.
  4. Explore a Broadway Musical
  5. Use various technological tools to create, arrange and compose music.

Supplies: In order to be successful, students need to be prepared for each class by bringing the following items:

  1. 3-ring binder (no bigger than 2”)
  2. Pens and Pencils
  3. Personal Headphones (optional)
  4. All completed assignments or work

Grading:Grades are updated weekly and based on the following:

  1. Tests/Quizzes, Keyboard/Bells Playing tests (35%)
  2. Projects/Group work (35%)
  3. In class/Homework assignments (15%)
  4. Classroom participation/behavior(15%)

Please refer to Power School to access student grades.

Expectations and Policies: In order to achieve and accomplish his/her highest potential during 6th grade music, we have set forth the following classroom procedures.

  • Students will be respectful and follow the expectations posted in the music room.
  • All assignments must be completed by the due date given, including playing tests.
  • Team Policy: Any assignment/project handed in one day late may result in a 10% reduction of grade, two days late may result in 50% reduction of grade, and zero points may be given on the third day after any assignment/ project is due.
  • Students who are absent for any reason are RESPONSIBLE to make up any work/info they may have missed. Due dates and work can be found at
  • I am available duringPACE period (Black days) and after school by appointment
  • Do your best, HAVE FUN, and see me if you need any help or have any questions or concerns regarding assignments, due dates, project information etc.
  • Please refer to my website for all classroom information


My parents/guardians and I have read and we understand the expectations and policies of

Ms. Rubinlicht’s 6th Grade Music Class.

This form is worth 10 points and is due by ______.


Student’s Signature (printed) Parent’s Signature