November 11, 2010
To: QuadState Members
From: Dennis Corcoran, Iowa Director of Safety & Loss Control
Subject: 2011 Quad State Instructors Conference
Enclosed please find registration and program information for the Quad State Instructors Conference to be held January 10 - 13, 2011, at Comfort Suites at Living History Farms, 11167 Hickman Road, Urbandale, IA 50322.
Our program will follow previous meetings, with registration Monday along with an evening dinner and business meeting. I would encourage as many of you as possible to attend, as we hope that our planned program will be of interest to all of our members. A varied agenda is being planned, with the intent of offering a variety of subjects that will interest many of our members.
The registration fee for the meeting will be$250.00, which includes one dinner and three lunches. If you bring a guest to any of the meal functions, additional meal tickets will be available. Please refer to the registration form.
Please complete the enclosed registration form and return it by 12/19/2010.
Quad State Instructors, Inc.
c/o Deanna Soderberg
PO Box 198
Garrison, MN56450
Phone: 320-692-2009
FAX: 320-692-2009
Note: Please make your check out to: Quad State Instructors, Inc.
Room reservations should be made as soon as possible and can be made by calling Comfort Suites at Living History Farms, 515-276-1126. The room rate is $74.00 per room. Please be sure to mention that you are with the Quad States 2011 group when you make reservations. Please make your room reservations by 12/19/2010.
We intend to have an interesting meeting. Casual is appropriate if you wish. We will be touring some indoor facilities, so dress appropriately. If you have any questions about the registration or program, please call me at 800-798-7037.
Quad State Instructors, Inc.
Winter Conference
January 10 – 13, 2011
Comfort Suites at Living History Farms
11167 Hickman Road
Urbandale, IA 50322
Name: Title:
Spouses’ name (if applicable) only needed if attending:
Phone Number: e-mail:
Please complete one registration form for each member or non-member who will be attending the conference.
Registration fee for the conference is $250.
Please fill out this form and return it with your check, made payable to:
Quad State Instructors by 12/19/2010 to:
Quad State Instructors, Inc.
c/o Deanna Soderberg
PO Box 198
Garrion, MN56450
Phone: 320-692-2009
FAX: 320-692-2009
Registration Fee:@ $250 =
Extra Monday Business Meeting Dinner Tickets:@ $25 =
Extra ThursdayBusiness Meeting Luncheon Tickets:@ $20 =
Total amount of check enclosed:
Please make your hotel reservations as soon as possible and no later than 12/19/2010, by calling comfort Suites on 515-276-1126. Be certain to mention that you are with the Quad States 2011 group. The room rate is $74.00 per room.
QuadState Instructors
Spouses and/or Guests
(optional activities)
Dear Friends:
There will not be formal spouse or guest activities on Tuesday or Wednesday. We have listed a few places that you may be interested in. There will be hotel shuttle available.
- Jordan Creek Town Centre – a day of shopping
- Botanical Center
- Valley Junction – individual boutiques
- Science Center
- Art Center
If you have questions, please contact 800-798-7037, ext 202
Carol Schulz
Carol Schulz
Administrative Assistant, Safety/Education and Training
January 10 – 13, 2011
held at the
Comfort Suites at Living History Farms
11167 Hickman Road
Urbandale, IA 50322
Comfort Suites at Living History Farms
11167 Hickman Road
Urbandale, IA 50322
Phone: (515) 276-1126
Fax: (515) 276-8969
QuadState Instructors
Urbandale, Iowa
January 10 – 13, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
4 p.m. – 6 p.m. Registration
7 p.m.Dinner/Business Meeting
Welcome by Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
8 a.m.Bus Leaves for Iowa National Guard
The group will be given a tour of the Emergency Operations Center for the state of Iowa. This underground facility is activated when natural disasters such as ice storms or floods affect the general population. The IAEC coordinates with the various state authorities during emergency situations.
9 a.m.Arrive National Guard, Camp Dodge
The group will tour the Iowa Gold Star Military Museum. The Iowa Gold Star Museum honors the heroic service of all veterans and identifies Iowan’s to be honored.
11:45 a.m.Depart for Lunch – Bass Pro Shop
The group will grab a quick lunch at one of the latest Bass Pro Shops built in the Midwest. A great place to visit sometime during the week of the meeting.
12:30 p.m.Depart for Vermeer, Pella
Arriving at Vermeer Global Pavilion, view the Vermeer history video followed by a self-guided tour of the Vermeer museum. From the pavilion, the group would go to tour Plants 6 & 7. Plant 6 is where the production of utility products/rubber tire trenchers takes place and plant 7 is where directional boring equipment is produced.
4 p.m.Depart for Hotel
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
8 a.m.Jim O’Hare, Director of Safety and Risk Management, Pioneer Hybrid - Pioneer Safety
How do you get to the next level of safety performance at your utility. A look at the cream of the crop and how to get there.
9 a.m.Break
9:15Continued Pioneer
10: 15 a.m.Wind Turbines
Kirby Berhow, Manager of Renewable Energy Services
Iowa Lakes Electric Cooperative
An Iowa cooperatives that has two wind turbine fields. The person responsible for the engineering and cooperative procedures will address safety and training for the cooperative personnel. He will also review day to day activities required for such a facility.
12 p.m.Lunch – Machine Shed
1 p.m.Same Page Cooperative
Stan Bray, Federated Insurance
2:45 p.m.Break
3:00p.m.Program Sharing/Accident Discussion
Program Sharing: Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska
Alternates: Ohio and South Dakotaand anyone else who wants to participate. Please provide hand-outs and/or electronic files.
4:30 p.m.Adjourn
Thursday, January 13, 2011
8 a.m.Program Sharing and Accident Discussion cont.
9:30 a.m.Do It For The Employees, not OSHA
Dennis Corcoran, director, Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives
Group discussion and ideas for building a written safety program. Forms and other ideas to make it easier for the utility to put a plan in place and then use it on a regular basis.
10:15 a.m.Break
1030 a.m.Round table discussion
Crane and Derrick Training, Rubber Gloves, Insulated Boom Requirements for Rubber Gloving, New RESAP Program, and bring some ideas.
Please bring topics for discussion. Rubber glove (ground to ground). Crane and Derrick Standard compliance. Etc.
11 a.m.Steve Siemen’s - The People Builder
A presentation that will motivate and give you ideas on how to be a better leader and messenger of information.
Noon Lunch/Business Meeting