From: Colin Sharpe
Sent: 07 November 2007 15:41
To: 'Andy Edge'
Subject: RE: Window Finish for properties at Bradyll Barn, Brockhall Village Planning Permission 3/2005/0871/P

Dear Andy,

I am assuming that you are referring to the application number which I have added to the subject box above, but would ask you to make sure. If you are, then I confirm that the oak uPVC window frames shown on your attached photograph are acceptable to the Local Planning Authority for use in this development.


Colin Sharpe.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Edge [mailto:
Sent: 07 November 2007 13:44
To: Colin Sharpe
Cc: Simon Miller; Peter Downs; Alan Heaton; ;
Subject: Window Finish

Dear Colin,

as discussed yesterday, please find attached a photograph of the windows we would like to install at our Bradyll and Dinkley developments currently underway on the Brockhall Village Estate. Approval has been granted with 'white' specified on the drawings with no material reference. The window pictured is foil finished (oak) uPVC and double glazed with 'K' glass. There would be a 25mm glazing bar within the double glazed unit to give the georgian effect shown on the drawings. The design also gives the effect of sliding asash. Please letus know if this is acceptablethat we may proceed with procurement

Kind Regards

Andy Edge

MD Projects (NW) Ltd

Tel:01254 245304

Fax:01254 245309

Mob:07775 743865

M D Projects (NW) Limited, The Avenue, 1st Floor Office, Brockhall Village, Old Langho, BB6 8AY

Tel 01254 245304, Fax 01254 245309

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