FROM:Bill Lawrence, Town Manager

DATE: February 2, 2018

TO:Board of Selectmen

SUBJECT:Manager’s Report

Transfer Stationbrought in $2,558 in revenue for the Month of January. Small trash bags was at $1310 and large bags at $420.00.

Code Enforcement has issued 2 internal plumbing permits and 1 subsurface wastewater permit. There was one permit for construction of a single family dwelling valued at $250,000. Melody with Zach Collins, MMA Safety Loss Control Consultant did building inspections at the Library, Fire Station, Public Works, Town Office and the Sand and Salt Shed. The Planning Board met on January 11th to review and approve Shawn Shaidon Creamery and Sales of Farm Products.

Shawn Shaiden was just appointed to the Planning Board at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting this week.

Animal Control: During the month of January, Larry had taken two cats and a neglected dog to Pope Humane Society. Larry responded to a dog running at large on the Bowden Road. Larry said there was an aggressive dog on the Old Augusta Road complaint he responded to where the dog was aggressive to runners.

Recreation Department: John resorts that during the month of January, they had a high number of sign-ups for K-2 basketball. John is planning for March Mayhem. Cheering is heading down the home stretch with the squads practicing twice a week. The Recreation Committee met to discuss volunteer schedule for food donations and setting up different areas of the cafeteria and gymnasium for March Mayhem. The Recreation Committee needs more members please contact John Leach if you are interested.

Town Clerk: Melissa Sukeforthhas resigned as Town Clerk effective February 21st. Melissa has served over 4 years as Town Clerk which is a challenging position. Melissa has done a great job for the Town and we all wish her well with her future endeavors.

General Assistance Program Audit: We received a letter dated January 24 stating that The Town of Warren was in compliance with the General Assistance Statues and the Department of Health and Human Services’ General Assistance policy.

Cemetery and Town Properties lawn mowing bids will be completed shortly and advertised. We will be also working on bids for a new plow truck and for repairs to the Town Office. We will be bidding out for a new roof and flooring for the Town Office.